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Don't invert that matrix

John D. Cook

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Dont invert that matrix

Posted on 19 January 2010 by John

There is hardly ever a good reason to invert a matrix.

What do you do if you need to solve Ax = b where A is an n x n matrix? Isnt the solution A-1 b? Yes, theoretically. But that doesnt mean you need to actually find A-1. Solving the equation Ax = b is faster than finding A-1. Books might write the problem as x = A-1 b, but that doesnt mean they expect you to calculate it that way.

What if you have to solve Ax = b for a lot of different bs? Surely then its worthwhile to find A-1. No. The first time you solve Ax = b, you factor A and save that factorization. Then when you solve for the next b, the answer comes much faster. (Factorization takes O(n_3) operations. But once the matrix is factored, solving Ax = b takes only O(n_2) operations. Suppose n = 1,000. This says that once youve solved Ax = b for one b, the equation can be solved again for a new b 1,000 times faster than the first one. Buy one get one free.)

What if, against advice, youve computed A-1. Now you might as well use it, right? No, youre still better off solving Ax = b than multiplying by A-1, even if the computation of A-1 came for free. Solving the system is more numerically accurate than the performing the matrix multiplication.

It is common in applications to solve Ax = b even though theres not enough memory to store A-1. For example, suppose n = 1,000,000 for the matrix A but A has a special sparse structure — say its banded — so that all but a few million entries of A are zero.  Then A can easily be stored in memory and Ax = b can be solved very quickly. But in general A-1 would be dense. That is, nearly all of the 1,000,000,000,000 entries of the matrix would be non-zero.  Storing A requires megabytes of memory, but storing A-1 would require terabytes of memory.

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108 thoughts on “Dont invert that matrix”

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  1. N. Sequitur

5 January 2017 at 16:18

I have systems of equations that fit nicely in an Ax=b matrix format and usually solve them by inverting A. Theyre relatively small (also sparse but not banded and not necessarily positive definite), so this works well. However, I have to make incremental changes in the values of A (say, change two of the three non-zero values in one row) and find the corresponding x and have to do this many, many times. Can factoring help me preserve the work from previous iterations and reduce my ridiculous run times?

  1. John

5 January 2017 at 16:23

If you change A then you have a new problem and so you cant reuse the old factorization.

On the other hand, if your change to A is small, say A = A + E where E has small norm, then a solution x to Ax = b may be approximately a solution to Ax = b. If youre solving the latter by an iterative method, then you could give it a head start by using the old x as your starting point.

  1. Alan Wolfe

5 January 2017 at 16:24

Someone recently gave me some code on reddit that solves Ax=b in fewer steps than general matrix inversion, using gaussian elimination. You can check it out here:

  1. Guillaume

15 May 2017 at 12:48

Great Post!

Here is a follow-up question: what if I have a matrix A and vector b and I need the quantity bA^{-1}b. Of course I can get A^{-1} explicitly and compute the product. This is very unstable, even in small examples. What would be the “solving the system” formulation of this problem?

  1. John

15 May 2017 at 13:02

Guillaume, you could solve Ax = b, then form the inner product of x and b.

  1. Guillaume

15 May 2017 at 13:09

very nice! Thank you!

  1. Sam

30 July 2017 at 00:50

Hi John, thanks for the great post.

I have a question: Assuming that M and N have the same size, which would be faster?

(I). Solving (Mx = b) 100 times with the same b but different Ms,
(II). Solving (Nx = c) and (Nx = d) 100 times with the same N but different c,d.

As you pointed out, N^-1 could be calculated and used repeatedly in case (II). This way, my guess is that case (II) may be faster.

Thanks in advance.

  1. Brando

11 January 2018 at 14:30

How do you solve Ax = b if A is under-constrained? (i.e. if I need the minimum norm solution or the equivalent as the pseudo-inverse. I assume you dont compute the pseudo-inverse according to you post)

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