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What if you have to solve _Ax_ = _b_ for a lot of different _b_‘s? Surely then it’s worthwhile to find _A_-1. No. The first time you solve _Ax_ = _b_, you factor _A_ and save that factorization. Then when you solve for the next _b_, the answer comes much faster. (Factorization takes O(_n_3) operations. But once the matrix is factored, solving _Ax_ = _b_ takes only O(_n_2) operations. Suppose_ n_ = 1,000. This says that once you’ve solved _Ax_ = _b_ for one _b_, the equation can be solved again for a new _b_ 1,000 times faster than the first one. Buy one get one free.) What if, against advice, you’ve computed _A_-1. Now you might as well use it, right? No, you’re still better off solving _Ax_ = _b_ than multiplying by _A_-1, even if the computation of _A_-1 came for free. Solving the system is more numerically accurate than the performing the matrix multiplication. It is common in applications to solve _Ax_ = _b_ even though there’s not enough memory to store _A_-1. For example, suppose _n_ = 1,000,000 for the matrix _A_ but _A_ has a special sparse structure — say it’s banded — so that all but a few million entries of _A_ are zero.  Then _A_ can easily be stored in memory and _Ax_ = _b_ can be solved very quickly. But in general _A_-1 would be dense. That is, nearly all of the 1,000,000,000,000 entries of the matrix would be non-zero.  Storing _A_ requires megabytes of memory, but storing _A_-1 would require terabytes of memory. ![Click to find out more about consulting for numerical computing][21]   **Related post**: [Applied linear algebra][22] Categories : [Math][23] Tags : [Math][24] Bookmark the [permalink][25] # Post navigation Previous Post[The disappointing state of Unicode fonts][26] Next Post[Ten surprises from numerical linear algebra][27] ## 108 thoughts on “Don’t invert that matrix” # Comment navigation ←[ Older Comments][28] 1. N. Sequitur [ 5 January 2017 at 16:18 ][29] I have systems of equations that fit nicely in an Ax=b matrix format and usually solve them by inverting A. They’re relatively small (also sparse but not banded and not necessarily positive definite), so this works well. However, I have to make incremental changes in the values of A (say, change two of the three non-zero values in one row) and find the corresponding x and have to do this many, many times. Can factoring help me preserve the work from previous iterations and reduce my ridiculous run times? 2. John [ 5 January 2017 at 16:23 ][30] If you change A then you have a new problem and so you can’t reuse the old factorization. On the other hand, if your change to A is small, say A’ = A + E where E has small norm, then a solution x to Ax = b may be approximately a solution to A’x = b. If you’re solving the latter by an iterative method, then you could give it a head start by using the old x as your starting point. 3. [Alan Wolfe][31] [ 5 January 2017 at 16:24 ][32] Someone recently gave me some code on reddit that solves Ax=b in fewer steps than general matrix inversion, using gaussian elimination. You can check it out here: 4. Guillaume [ 15 May 2017 at 12:48 ][33] Great Post! Here is a follow-up question: what if I have a matrix A and vector b and I need the quantity b’A^{-1}b. Of course I can get A^{-1} explicitly and compute the product. This is very unstable, even in small examples. What would be the “solving the system” formulation of this problem? 5. John [ 15 May 2017 at 13:02 ][34] Guillaume, you could solve Ax = b, then form the inner product of x and b. 6. Guillaume [ 15 May 2017 at 13:09 ][35] very nice! Thank you! 7. Sam [ 30 July 2017 at 00:50 ][36] Hi John, thanks for the great post. I have a question: Assuming that M and N have the same size, which would be faster? (I). Solving (Mx = b) 100 times with the same b but different Ms, (II). Solving (Nx = c) and (Nx = d) 100 times with the same N but different c,d. As you pointed out, N^-1 could be calculated and used repeatedly in case (II). This way, my guess is that case (II) may be faster. Thanks in advance. 8. Brando [ 11 January 2018 at 14:30 ][37] How do you solve Ax = b if A is under-constrained? (i.e. if I need the minimum norm solution or the equivalent as the pseudo-inverse. I assume you don’t compute the pseudo-inverse according to you post) # Comment navigation ←[ Older Comments][28] ### Leave a Reply [Cancel reply][38] Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment Notify me of followup comments via e-mail Name * Email * Website Search for: ![John D. Cook][39] **John D. 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