Switches to all-radian calculations, based on newer equations from NOAA

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Nemo 2020-05-23 16:51:11 +05:30
parent 350d2f6591
commit b3e27035e8
3 changed files with 95 additions and 160 deletions

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@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ s.sunset
# 2020-05-22 18:39:43.0 +05:30 Local # 2020-05-22 18:39:43.0 +05:30 Local
``` ```
## Development ## TODO
TODO: Write development instructions here - [ ] Implement the Atmospheric Refraction Effect calculation
- [ ] Uncomment true_solar_time after converting it to proper time object
## Contributing ## Contributing

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@ -1,46 +1,18 @@
require "./spec_helper" require "./spec_helper"
describe Suntime do describe Suntime do
it "should return correct timestamp for example" do
lat = 40.9
lng = -74.3
l = Time::Location.load("America/New_York")
t = Suntime::Suntime.new(lat, lng, Time.local(1990, 6, 25, 0, 0, 0, location: l))
# TODO: These are stupid tests, figure out how to use epsilon for float tests in Crystal
t.day_of_year.should eq(176)
t.approx_time.should be_close(176.45, 0.01)
t.approx_time(false).should be_close(176.95, 0.01)
t.sun_mean_anomaly(176.456).should be_close(170.62, 0.01)
t.sun_true_longitude(170.62).should be_close(93.56, 0.01)
t.sun_right_ascension(93.56).should be_close(6.258, 0.01)
t.sun_local_hour_angle(93.56).should be_close(-0.395, 0.01)
t.calculate_h(-0.3957).should be_close(16.446, 0.01)
t.local_mean_time(16.446, 6.258, 176.456).should be_close(5.441, 0.01)
a = t.sunrise
a.year.should eq(1990)
a.month.should eq(6)
a.day.should eq(25)
a.hour.should eq(5)
a.minute.should eq(26)
a.second.should eq(29)
a.offset.should eq(-4 * 60 * 60)
a.location.should eq l
it "should work for bangalore" do it "should work for bangalore" do
# +5.5
bangalore_tz = Time::Location.load("Asia/Kolkata") bangalore_tz = Time::Location.load("Asia/Kolkata")
t = Suntime::Suntime.new(12.955800, 77.620979, Time.local(2020, 5, 23, 0, 0, 0, location: bangalore_tz)) tt = Time.local(location: bangalore_tz)
t = Suntime::Suntime.new(12.955800, 77.620979, tt)
a = t.sunrise a = t.sunrise
a.year.should eq(2020) a.year.should eq(2020)
a.month.should eq(5) a.month.should eq(5)
a.day.should eq(23) a.day.should eq(23)
a.hour.should eq(5) a.hour.should eq(5)
a.minute.should eq(52) a.minute.should eq(52)
a.second.should eq(41) a.second.should eq(29)
a.offset.should eq(5.5 * 60 * 60) a.offset.should eq(5.5 * 60 * 60)
a.location.should eq bangalore_tz a.location.should eq bangalore_tz
@ -49,8 +21,8 @@ describe Suntime do
b.month.should eq(5) b.month.should eq(5)
b.day.should eq(23) b.day.should eq(23)
b.hour.should eq(18) b.hour.should eq(18)
b.minute.should eq(40) b.minute.should eq(39)
b.second.should eq(0) b.second.should eq(28)
b.offset.should eq(5.5 * 60 * 60) b.offset.should eq(5.5 * 60 * 60)
b.location.should eq bangalore_tz b.location.should eq bangalore_tz
end end

View File

@ -17,139 +17,101 @@ module Suntime
@lat = lat @lat = lat
end end
def calculate_sun_time(sunrise = true) # First, the fractional year (γ) is calculated, in radians
t = approx_time(sunrise) def fractional_year
m = sun_mean_anomaly(t) days_in_year = Time.days_in_year(@t.year)
l = sun_true_longitude(m) (2 * Math::PI / days_in_year) * (@t.day_of_year - 1 + ((@t.hour - 12) / 24))
ra = sun_right_ascension(l)
cosH = sun_local_hour_angle(l)
h = calculate_h(cosH, sunrise)
fractional_time_to_proper_time local_mean_time(h, ra, t)
end end
def fractional_time_to_proper_time(t_in_fractional_hours) # From γ, we can estimate the equation of time (in minutes) and the solar declination angle (in radians).
minutes = t_in_fractional_hours * 60 def eqtime
seconds = (minutes * 60).to_i γ = fractional_year
a = 0.001868 * Math.cos(γ)
b = 0.032077 * Math.sin(γ)
c = 0.014615 * Math.cos(2 * γ)
d = 0.040849 * Math.sin(2 * γ)
229.18 * (0.000075 + a - b - c - d)
# and the solar declination angle (in radians).
def decl
γ = fractional_year
a = 0.399912 * Math.cos(γ)
b = 0.070257 * Math.sin(γ)
c = 0.006758 * Math.cos(2 * γ)
d = 0.000907 * Math.sin(2 * γ)
e = 0.002697 * Math.cos(3 * γ)
f = 0.00148 * Math.sin (3 * γ)
0.006918 - a + b - c + d - e + f
# I could make these available if someone wants them
# commented out, since they don't return proper time objects
# # Next, the true solar time is calculated in the following two equations
# # First the time offset is found, in minutes, and then the true solar time, in minutes.
# def time_offset
# # eqtime is in minutes
# # longitude is in degrees(positive to the eastof the Prime Meridian)
# # t.offset returns seconds, so we divide that with 60 to get minutes
# eqtime + (4 * @lng) - (@t.offset/60)
# end
# # Don't use this unless you want true solar time
# def true_solar_time
# @t.hour * 60 + @t.minute + @time.second/60 + time_offset
# end
# # Uses the true solar time
# def solar_hour_angle
# (true_solar_time / 4) - 180
# end
def degrees_to_radians(deg)
deg * (Math::PI / 180)
def radians_to_degrees(rad)
rad * (180 / Math::PI)
# For the special case of sunrise or sunset,
# the zenith is set to 90.833 (the approximate correction for atmospheric refraction at sunrise and sunset, and the size of the solar disk)
# and the hour angle becomes:
# returns HA in radians
def solve_for_zenith_ha(sunrise_or_sunset : Symbol)
zenith = degrees_to_radians 90.833
lat_in_radians = degrees_to_radians(@lat)
a = Math.cos(zenith)
b = Math.cos(lat_in_radians) * Math.cos(decl)
c = Math.tan(lat_in_radians) * Math.tan(decl)
ha = Math.acos((a/b) - c).abs
return (-1 * ha) if sunrise_or_sunset == :sunset
# longitude and hour angle are in degrees
# equation of time is in minutes
def calculate_time(what_time : Symbol)
ha = solve_for_zenith_ha(what_time)
ha_d = radians_to_degrees(ha)
ha_d = 0 if what_time == :noon
utc_time_in_seconds = ((720 - (4 * (@lng + ha_d)) - eqtime) * 60).to_i
total_time_shift = (utc_time_in_seconds + @t.offset).to_i
new_time = @t.at_beginning_of_day new_time = @t.at_beginning_of_day
new_time.shift(seconds: seconds) new_time.shift(seconds: total_time_shift)
end end
def sunrise def sunrise
calculate_sun_time(true) calculate_time(:sunrise)
def solar_noon
end end
def sunset def sunset
calculate_sun_time(false) calculate_time(:sunset)
# 1. first calculate the day of the year
def day_of_year
n1 = (275 * @t.month / 9).floor
n2 = ((@t.month + 9) / 12).floor
n3 = (1 + ((@t.year - 4 * (@t.year / 4).floor + 2) / 3).floor)
return n1 - (n2 * n3) + @t.day - 30
# 2. convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time
# pass false for sunset
def approx_time(sunrise = true)
lngHour = @lng / 15
if sunrise
day_of_year + ((6 - lngHour) / 24)
day_of_year + ((18 - lngHour) / 24)
# 3. calculate the Sun's mean anomaly
def sun_mean_anomaly(t : Float64) : Float64
(0.9856 * t) - 3.289
def put_in_range(number, lower, upper, adjuster)
if number > upper
number -= adjuster
elsif number < lower
number += adjuster
# 4. calculate the Sun's true longitude
def sun_true_longitude(m)
m_in_radians = (Math::PI/180) * m
l = m + (1.916 * Math.sin(m_in_radians)) + (0.020 * Math.sin(2 * m_in_radians)) + 282.634
# NOTE: L potentially needs to be adjusted into the range [0,360) by adding/subtracting 360
put_in_range(l, 0, 360, 360)
# 5. calculate the Sun's right ascension
def sun_right_ascension(l)
l_in_radians = (Math::PI/180) * l
ra = (180/Math::PI) * Math.atan(0.91764 * Math.tan(l_in_radians))
# 5b. right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L
l_quadrant = (l/90).floor * 90
ra_quadrant = (ra/90).floor * 90
ra = ra + (l_quadrant - ra_quadrant)
# NOTE: RA potentially needs to be adjusted into the range [0,360) by adding/subtracting 360
ra = put_in_range(ra, 0, 360, 360)
# 5c. right ascension value needs to be converted into hours
# 6. calculate the Sun's declination
# 7a. calculate the Sun's local hour angle
def sun_local_hour_angle(l, zenith = :official)
case zenith
when :official
z = 1.58534074
when :civil
z = 1.67552
when :nautical
z = 1.78024
when :astronomical
z = 1.88496
z = 1.58534074
l_in_radians = (Math::PI/180) * l
sinDec = 0.39782 * Math.sin(l_in_radians)
cosDec = Math.cos(Math.asin(sinDec))
lat_in_radians = (Math::PI/180) * @lat
cosH = (Math.cos(z) - (sinDec * Math.sin(lat_in_radians))) / (cosDec * Math.cos(lat_in_radians))
raise "the sun never rises on this location (on the specified date)" if cosH > 1
raise "the sun never sets on this location (on the specified date)" if cosH < -1
# 7b. finish calculating H and convert into hours
def calculate_h(cosH, sunrise = true)
h = 0
if sunrise
h = 360 - (Math.acos(cosH) * (180/Math::PI))
h = Math.acos(cosH) * (180/Math::PI)
# convert it to hours
# 8. calculate local mean time of rising/setting
def local_mean_time(h, ra, t)
t = h + ra - (0.06571 * t) - 6.622
lngHour = @lng / 15
t = (t - lngHour)
t = put_in_range(t, 0, 24, 24)
t + (@t.offset / 3600)
end end
end end
end end