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A curated list of awesome version control libraries.
I like to keep everything under version control. This is a list of utilities that allow you to do that.
## DNS
- [clouddns]( (Cloudfront)
- [namesync]( (cloudflare)
## Configuration
- [etckeeper](
## Passwords
- *[Question]( on StackOverflow
- *John Resig's [blog post](
- [pass]( - Standard unix password manager (encrypt, then commit).
- [ansible-vault]( - Encrypted storage for ansible.
## Dotfiles
- *[]( - List of various dotfile resources, curated by github
- *[Arch Wiki Guide]( on using version control for dotfiles
- [gnu stow](
## Vim
- *[](putting-your-vim-files-under-version-control)
## Media
- [Git Large File Storage]( - Replaces large fileswith text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server. Maintained by github
## Encrypted Storage
- *[HN Thread]( for blackbox, with various alternatives suggested
- [git-crypt]( - git-crypt enables transparent encryption and decryption of files in a git repository
- *[Blog post]( on git-crypt
- [transcrypt]( - transparently encrypt files within a git repository
- [blackbox]( - use decryption keys per user, meaning that there is no single shared password
## Designers
- [pixelapse]( - Visual version control and collaboration workflow
- *[Adobe Version Cue]( - Blog post explaining version control to designers
## Music
- [lilypond]( - version control for sheet music. Think Latex for sheet music
- [tunemachine]( - Version control for spotify playlists.
## Database
- *Jeff Atwood's [blog post](
## Backups
- [bup]( - Very efficient backup system based on the git packfile format, providing fast incremental saves and global deduplication (among and within files, including virtual machine images)
**Note**: \* denotes that the linked item is not a library or tool, but an article or blog post.
## License