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2014-08-23T03:45:38.000Z BASIC as a Haskell DSL (2009) tel 58 12 1408765538


Things that amuse me

Things that amuse me

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Not that anybody should care, but I've reimplemented by BASIC.

Here's a simple program.

{-# LANGUAGE ExtendedDefaultRules, OverloadedStrings #-}
import BASIC

main = runBASIC $ do
    10 GOSUB 1000
    20 PRINT "* Welcome to HiLo *"
    30 GOSUB 1000

    100 LET I := INT(100 * RND(0))
    200 PRINT "Guess my number:"
    210 INPUT X
    220 LET S := SGN(I-X)
    230 IF S <> 0 THEN 300

    240 FOR X := 1 TO 5
    250   PRINT X*X;" You won!"
    260 NEXT X
    270 STOP

    300 IF S <> 1 THEN 400
    310 PRINT "Your guess ";X;" is too low."
    320 GOTO 200

    400 PRINT "Your guess ";X;" is too high."
    410 GOTO 200

    1000 PRINT "*******************"
    1010 RETURN

    9999 END

In some ways this is a step backwards, since it requires some language extensions in Main. But I wanted to be able to use semicolon in the print statement.

But there it is, an exciting game!

* Welcome to HiLo *
Guess my number:
Your guess 50 is too high.
Guess my number:
Your guess 25 is too low.
Guess my number:
Your guess 37 is too low.
Guess my number:
Your guess 44 is too low.
Guess my number:
Your guess 47 is too low.
Guess my number:
1 You won!
4 You won!
9 You won!
16 You won!
25 You won!

Labels: BASIC, DSL, Haskell

posted by augustss at 8:31 PM 8 comments

Friday, February 06, 2009

Is Haskell fast?

Let's do a simple benchmark comparing Haskell to C. My benchmark computes an approximation to infinity by adding up 1/n. Here is the C code:

#include <stdio.h>

main(int argc, char **argv)
  double i, s;
  s = 0;
  for (i = 1; i < 100000000; i++)
    s += 1/i;
  printf("Almost infinity is %gn", s);

And running it

Lennarts-Computer% gcc -O3 inf.c -o inf
Lennarts-Computer% time ./inf
Almost infinity is 18.9979
1.585u 0.009s 0:01.62 97.5%     0+0k 0+0io 0pf+0w

And now the Haskell code:

import BASIC
main = runBASIC' $ do
    10 LET I =: 1
    20 LET S =: 0
    30 LET S =: S + 1/I
    40 LET I =: I + 1
    50 IF I <> 100000000 THEN 30
    60 PRINT "Almost infinity is"
    70 PRINT S
    80 END

And running it:

Lennarts-Computer% ghc --make Main.hs
[4 of 4] Compiling Main             ( Main.hs, Main.o )
Linking Main ...
Lennarts-Computer% ./Main
Almost infinity is
CPU time:   1.57s

As you can see it's about the same time. In fact the assembly code for the loops look pretty much the same. Here's the Haskell one:

LBB1_1: ## _L4
        movsd   LCPI1_0, %xmm2
        movapd  %xmm1, %xmm3
        addsd   %xmm2, %xmm3
        ucomisd LCPI1_1, %xmm3
        divsd   %xmm1, %xmm2
        addsd   %xmm2, %xmm0
        movapd  %xmm3, %xmm1
        jne     LBB1_1  ## _L4

Labels: BASIC, Benchmark, DSL, Haskell, LLVM

posted by augustss at 4:50 PM 11 comments


They say that as you get older you regress back towards childhood. So I present you with today's Haskell program (the idea shamelessly stolen from JoshTriplett from #haskell on IRC):

import BASIC

main = runBASIC $ do

    10 LET X =: 1
    20 PRINT "Hello BASIC world!"
    30 LET X =: X + 1
    40 IF X <> 11 THEN 20
    50 END

Yes, it runs. (I'm sorry about the =: instead of =, but some things are just too wired into Haskell to change.)

Labels: BASIC, DSL, Haskell

posted by augustss at 11:12 AM 13 comments

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