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2017-01-06T07:28:43.000Z Asshole driven development (2007) jaxondu 59 31 1483687723


Asshole-driven development | Scott Berkun

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Asshole-driven development

Posted on June 19, 2007January 6, 2017 in Management, Software/Web developmentby Scott Berkun

[Since this was originally posted commenters have added 100+ addition methods see the comments below]

The software industry might be the worlds greatest breeding ground for new systems of management. From Agile, to Extreme Programming , to Test Driven Development (TDD), the acronyms and frameworks keep piling up. Why?

Some say its immaturity: that software is still a young industry and all the change is the path to some true fundamentals. Others say its because software people like making things up and cant help themselves. Well I say this: if were going to have dozens of models we may as well have some that are honest, however cynical, to whats really going on much of the time. There is a happy list of these Im sure, but this is the cynical one.

Asshole-Driven development (ADD) Any team where the biggest jerk makes all the big decisions is asshole driven development. All wisdom, logic or process goes out the window when Mr. Asshole is in the room, doing whatever idiotic, selfish thing he thinks is best. There may rules and processes, but Mr. A breaks them and people follow anyway.
Cognitive Dissonance development (CDD)** In any organization where there are two or more divergent beliefs on how software should be made. The tension between those beliefs, as its fought out in various meetings and individual decisions by players on both sides, defines the project more than any individual belief itself.

Cover Your Ass Engineering (CYAE) The driving force behind most individual efforts is to make sure than when the shit hits the fan, they are not to blame.

**Development By Denial (DBD) ** Everybody pretends there is a method for whats being done, and that things are going ok, when in reality, things are a mess and the process is on the floor. The worse things get, the more people depend on their denial of whats really happening, or their isolation in their own small part of the project, to survive.

**Get Me Promoted Methodology (GMPM) ** People write code and design things to increase their visibility, satisfy their bosss whims, and accelerate their path to a raise or the corner office no matter how far outside of stated goals their efforts go. This includes allowing disasters to happen so people can be heroes, writing hacks that look great in the short term but crumble after the individual has moved on, and focusing more on the surface of work than its value.

Im sure youve seen other unspoken methods at work what are they?

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555 Responses to “Asshole-driven development”

  1. Prabesh January 13, 2017 at 3:46 pm. Permalink.

FDD Faith Driven Development.

(write or copy code from stack overflow code and pray to god that it works.) I have seen this being done all the time. Or, write something and test it out to see what it does.

Reply 1. Lex April 11, 2017 at 2:50 pm. Permalink.

Dude… Thats not even development. Thats theft / plagiarism of code!
You see that happening in your department state it to your manager and human resources, that person is no programmer.

Reply 2. Marco May 30, 2017 at 8:26 pm. Permalink.

I thought stack-overflow Was the Asshole-driven development… most of the people that respond there are jackasses. They close and cry about every question, good questions, questions I wouldnt have seen jackasses so proud they know they answer to while refusing to answer because its beneath them, had I not turned to google for an answer myself. I should ask stack-overflow how to permanently block stack-overflow from google search results since they complain about questions more than they answer them.

Reply 1. Lex May 31, 2017 at 1:27 pm. Permalink.

Yeah, I tend to agree with you on that. Probably the worst of the Stack Overflow that Ive encountered are the jerks of the Ubuntu area.

I would get into fights with the mods. I would attempt to help someone and I would answer to the best of my knowledge in regards to the given question. Then on occasion, the question was asked incorrectly and I had to ask for more information to better serve the person that needed help. My answer was blocked the second time and the mods had it out with me. I said, its not my fault that someone couldnt articulate what it is they needed help with and that the the mod was overacting. I reminded him, “Ubuntu is Linux for Humans” and to remember that fact, that includes fielding questions and giving answers. That humans are not perfect, therefore they will on occasion not ask the right question to get the right answer for their problem to be resolved.

I just wanted to choke those jerks at Canonical, Ltd., they were the programmers of the said package that user was having trouble with. I said to the mod, if youre the coder behind it, answer him, dont leave him hanging like that. Of course, I found out who it was who was asking the question and went in IRC to help the user out. It turns, he was so frustrated with Canonical, Ltd. (the creators of Ubuntu and its associated desktops) he went to Fedora Linux after a year. I ran into that user again that needed help on another package, did the stint through IRC and everything is peachy for said user now.

Its really interesting when you look at Stack Overflow, as a whole, how many people supposedly have answers but just razz people instead of answering the damn question. Those are the people the mods should banned and kick off of S.O. and not people like me, that want to help and go the extra mile. Bunch of prima donna assholes on there for sure. They should rename that site to Troll Overflow.

Reply 2. Zachary Kessin April 5, 2017 at 12:45 am. Permalink.

RDD Resume driven development When you choose tech because it will look good on your Resume

Salmon Development Swim upstream for weeks just to get Fcked
Mushroom Development Keep them in the dark and feed them Sh

Reply 1. Lex April 11, 2017 at 2:55 pm. Permalink.

Gee, this reminds me of FOSS projects, like, oh; (Linux kernel development) [Salmon Development]

Reply 3. Lex April 11, 2017 at 2:53 pm. Permalink.

I had a good chuckle when I read this post, Ive (unfortunately) been in almost every scenario of development teams listed up above. DBD is the only one I havent professionally been involved with, thankfully.

Great article!

Reply 4. Martin September 3, 2017 at 4:25 pm. Permalink.

This is so spot on it deserves to be printed and nailed to the wall for everyone to be seen.


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