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created_at: '2017-03-26T17:50:03.000Z'
title: Why doesnt the clock in the taskbar display seconds? (2003)
author: breadtk
points: 123
num_comments: 116
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# Why doesn’t the clock in the taskbar display seconds? – The Old New Thing
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# Why doesnt the clock in the taskbar display seconds?
![avatar of oldnewthing][6][Raymond Chen - MSFT][7]October 10, 2003[27][8]
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Early beta versions of the taskbar clock did display seconds, and it even blinked the colon like some clocks do. But we had to remove it.
Because that blinking colon and the constantly-updating time were killing our benchmark numbers.
On machines with only 4MB of memory (which was the minimum memory requirement for Windows 95), saving even 4K of memory had a perceptible impact on benchmarks. By blinking the clock every second, this prevented not only the codepaths related to text rendering from ever being paged out, it also prevented the taskbar's window procedure from being paged out, plus the memory for stacks and data, plus all the context structures related to the Explorer process. Add up all the memory that was being forced continuously present, and you had significantly more than 4K.
So out it went, and our benchmark numbers improved. The fastest code is code that doesn't run.
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Comments (27)
1. ![][12] Israel says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 1:30 pm][13]
Damn! Its like youve got a direct connection to all the forgotten, unanswered questions in my mind from the Windows 95 introduction.
2. ![][12] runtime says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 1:46 pm][14]
I would go crazy if the clock updated every second and the colon flashed. Too visually distracting..
3. ![][12] Joe says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 2:28 pm][15]
I actually like it. I even set up my own clock in the taskbar. Using the cool feature of "New Toolbar…" I point the New Toolbar at a URL not unlike <> . Its a DHTML clock that supports seconds and also has a roll-over that shows the date. You can see how it looks in context at <> (461KB).
4. ![][12] [Mike Dunn][16] says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 2:34 pm][17]
I agree, runtime. Motion attracts the eye, and if the clock were always blinking or changing text, that would get annoying fast.
And BTW, I actually did install Win 95 on the min requirements once: a 386 with 4MB. I think thats what hell is like. ;)
5. ![][12] Troy Goode says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 2:56 pm][18]
Joe, how did you get your address bar and quick launch bars to dock outside of the taskbar? Ive tried dragging them around and they dont seem to want to leave…
6. ![][12] Joe says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 3:39 pm][19]
Troy: It seems that you need to make an intermediate step of dragging them "onto the desktop." They then float, and you can then dock them on a different edge.
Mike: Motion attracts my eye as well, but I must be used to it, or something, because I dont notice the seconds ticking away, unless Im looking at something within a couple of inches and purposefully looking in my peripheral vision for the movement.
7. ![][12] [Ryan Eibling][20] says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 5:04 pm][21]
My problem with the clock has always been the lack of control over the display format. Ive been running a freeware third-party clock just so I can get a date and time in there without making my taskbar huge. I have no idea why they couldnt have allowed you some choices over how it displays by now. Except for internet sync the clock doesnt seem to have improved since Win95.
8. ![][12] [Mike Dimmick][22] says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 6:10 pm][23]
Funny, Ive noticed a difference between Windows 2000 and XP on this score. I usually resize my taskbar to two units high I tend to keep a lot of windows open (currently I only have three, but then Im at home browsing Outlook, Scobleizer and this site). I dont use XPs group taskbar buttons because to me thats fundamentally broken a taskbar button represents a document, not an application. If I could only group documents together…
Sorry, I digress. Anyway, on Windows 2000 (en-GB locale), a two-unit taskbar shows just the time above the notification icons (if fewer than six, otherwise the notification icons appear to the left of the time). On Windows XP, I get the day name above the time (e.g. Friday<br>23:08).
Any ideas why this was changed? I assume something to do with the hide inactive notification icons function.
9. ![][12] [Raymond Chen][24] says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 7:41 pm][25]
If there is extra space in the taskbar for it (e.g., you resized the taskbar to two rows), then XP will show the day of the week.
The clock uses your preferred time and date formats as set in the Regional Settings. Not sure why thats not good enough. Letting you customize the clock time/date format separately from the other time/date formats is a "little feature". A previous blog discussed <[][26]; the cost of "little features". (For this one, there would have to be another customization dialog box more code and more work for the translators the setting would have to be saved somewhere more work for testers to run the dialog through all its variations, and now what do you do if that setting gets corrupted? Or the people who call product support asking how come their date looks good everywhere except the taskbar…)
10. ![][12] [Ryan Eibling][20] says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 8:23 pm][27]
I dont care much about the specific format of the date string as much as the fact that I cant even have the date shown at all on a single-height taskbar on the same line as the time. The TClockEx app I use replaces the Windows clock and allows me to specify exactly what appears in that space with a format string. I use "ddd MM-dd HH:mm", which gives me a nice, compact, one-line representation of everything I need.
11. ![][12] Yeep says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 8:38 pm][28]
The time in the notification area even shows the date on my home PC. I dont recall setting this up specifically. My work PC does not show the date. Both PCs have their taskbars 2 units high. I cant find any setting to change this.
12. ![][12] Shane King says:
[ October 10, 2003 at 10:06 pm][29]
I just wish it had an option for an analogue style clock. You can fit one of those onto the taskbar when its docked to the left of the screen, which you cant do for a digital readout.
13. ![][12] [Raymond Chen][24] says:
[ October 11, 2003 at 1:07 am][30]
Believe it or not, we actually did studies on the possibility of having an analog clock. Problem is, some disturbingly large percentage of people cant read an analog clock (30%? 60% I forget but it was a lot).
But the main reason for not having an analog clock was that it would be yet more code to be written, tested, and documented. You have to draw the line somewhere or youll be constantly adding features and never ship. Windows 95 was originally Windows 93, after all.
14. ![][12] RJ says:
[ October 11, 2003 at 5:21 am][31]
30%-60% cant read an analogue clock? Surely not, I certainly dont believe this figure true of the UK.
Do/Did Microsoft do all their studies just in the US? or did they ever ask users abroad ?
15. ![][12] [Myron A. Semack][32] says:
[ October 11, 2003 at 9:07 am][33]
I hate analag clocks, despise them with a passion. I dont want to have to "figure out" what time it is based on the hands. I just want to read the damn thing and know exactly what time it is.
Also, most analog clocks/watches are these ornate decorative things that dont even have numbers, or minute marks on them. God forbid they should have something useful on them.
Youre more prone to make a mistake reading an analog clock.
Its not that I cant read an analog, but I really dont want to.
16. ![][12] Israel says:
[ October 12, 2003 at 3:29 pm][34]
You are now the top Chen in Google!!!
17. ![][12] [Raymond Chen][24] says:
[ October 13, 2003 at 12:36 pm][35]
Windows is a worldwide product. If 30%-60% of users in a single market cant read an analog clock it doesnt matter whether the market is the US, UK, Germany, Japan then we cant do it.
Personally I prefer analog clocks. How often do you really need to know EXACTLY what time it is? You are really interested in deltas. "How long before the bus arrives?" With an analog clock, "Hm, a little less than a half-circle, so Ive got a little less than a half hour."
With a digital clock you have to do math (carry the 60…) If the bus comes at 12:04 and it is now 11:38, how much time do you have, roughly? You know how I solve this? I imagine an analog clock!
18. ![][12] [Raymond Chen][24] says:
[ October 13, 2003 at 12:37 pm][36]
For a while, I watched myself gradually become the top Raymond Chen. (There are lots of us out there, and I was #3 or so at the start.) What is scarier is that Im also the top hit for "interesting articles". Talk about pressure!
19. ![][12] Israel says:
[ October 13, 2003 at 3:16 pm][37]
Your competition for the top ten in "Interesting Articles" search arent exactly exciting-I would venture to say that your spot is secure for now!
20. ![][12] [Mike Dunn][16] says:
[ October 13, 2003 at 9:56 pm][38]
"If 30%-60% of users in a single market cant read an analog clock… then we cant do it."
Can I infer from that that the alleged Longhorn shell screen shots with a big silver analog clock in the side bar are bogus? :)
21. ![][12] [Mark Hurd][39] says:
[ October 19, 2003 at 10:49 pm][40]
The analog clock available in the Date/Time control panel looks nice enough that it would be nice if a) it could have an option to hide all the rest of the dialog and b) people without permission to change the time/timezone can still open the applet to view it.
22. ![][12] Tony Coates says:
[ November 15, 2003 at 2:25 am][41]
Need Help changing timezone/WinXP…..the only timezone available in the drop down is Pacific Time (US&Tijuana)……I have moved to the Central time, now I cant change…..wtfo?
How do I fix?
23. ![][12] [Andy Glover][42] says:
[ May 14, 2004 at 10:58 am][43]
Recently my clock on Windows XP home has been running fast, gaining quite a few seconds per minute. Is there a way to remedy this?
24. ![][12] [Dean Jones][44] says:
[ May 28, 2004 at 10:03 am][45]
If your WindowsXP clock is running fast, try using the built in time sync feature. Open the clocks properties, click on the Internet Time tab, set the server for and check the Automatically sync check box. If you click the Update Now box, your clock will sync with the time server. This will be automatically repeated once per week. Another alternative (for those without WindowsXP and the Internet Time tab) is to use a third party program like Atomic Clock Sync available from <> which has a listing of several time servers built into their program.
25. ![][12] [Raymond Chen][46] says:
[ June 7, 2004 at 7:52 am][47]
Comments on this entry have been closed.
26. ![][12] [The Old New Thing][48] says:
[ July 5, 2004 at 10:01 am][49]
There isnt any difference any more.
27. ![][12] [The Old New Thing][50] says:
[ July 5, 2004 at 3:05 pm][51]
There isnt any difference any more.
Comments are closed.
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