
612 lines
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created_at: '2014-08-06T00:57:54.000Z'
title: Pissed off about functional programming (2005)
author: yiransheng
points: 102
story_text: ''
num_comments: 62
created_at_i: 1407286674
- story
- author_yiransheng
- story_8140401
objectID: '8140401'
year: 2005
Okay.. fair warning: I'm venting.
I just had an long and **very** frustrating conversation with a young
programmer who recently discovered functional programming, and thinks it
can solve every problem in the world.
Before I go any farther, let me make one thing clear: **I do not hate
functional programming.** On the contrary, I agree with every guru out
there who says that you can't become a Real Programmer without learning
functional programming. FP, in my never humble opinion, doth rock.
But I have to call bullshit on some of the misleading things that are
commonly said about FP, because I've just had my head slammed against
them in their most clueless and trivial form.
## Myth \#1 - Functional programming is Lambda Calculus
This is true for a specific value of 'true'.. the same one we use for
the statement, 'computers do integer math'.
The limits of this truth become obvious when you try to store the value
(2^N)+1 in an N-bit integer. The pedantically correct statement is,
'computers do integer math for operations whose values fall within a
certain range'. We generally leave off the qualifier for convenience,
but its importance can be summed up in three letters: **Y2K**. Or in
terms of more recent events, 'Comair database'.
Functional programming approximates lambda calculus the way computers
approximate integer math. It works just fine in the range where it's
defined to work just fine, and blows chunks everywhere else. This is
hardly a fatal limitation, but it does mean we should know where the
limits are, and what they mean.
For functional programming, the limits mean you have to be aware of the
simultaneity constraints inherent in lambda calculus, and the way they
interact with the lazy evaluation techniques that are fundamentally
necessary to implement FP in any kind of real-world computer.
Okay.. that's two pieces of vocabulary..
**Simultaneity** means that we assume a statement in lambda calculus is
evaluated all at once. The trivial function:
defines an infinite sequence of whatever you plug in for x (I'm using
the caret as a substitute for lambda because I'm not in a mood to mess
with non-7-bit ASCII values at the moment). The stepwise expansion looks
like this:
``` code
0 - f(x)
1 - x f(x)
2 - x x f(x)
3 - x x x f(x)
and so on.
The point is that we have to assume that the 'f()' and 'x' in step three
million have the same meaning they did in step one.
*At this point, those of you who know something about FP are muttering
"referential transparency" under your collective breath. I know. I'll
beat up on that in a minute. For now, just suspend your disbelief enough
to admit that the constraint does exist, and the aardvark won't get
The problem with infinite expansions in a real-world computer is that..
well.. they're *infinite.* As in, "infinite loop" infinite. You can't
evaluate every term of an infinite sequence before moving on to the next
evaluation unless you're planning to take a **really** long coffee break
while you wait for the answers.
Fortunately, theoretical logic comes to the rescue and tells us that
preorder evaluation will always give us the same results as postorder
More vocabulary.. need another function for this.. fortunately, it's a
simple one:
``` code
^g(x) ::= x x
Now.. when we make the statement:
**Preorder** evaluation says we have to expand f(x) completely before
plugging it into g(). But that takes forever, which is.. inconvenient.
**Postorder** evaluation says we can do this:
``` code
0 - g(f(x))
1 - f(x) f(x)
2 - x f(x) x f(x)
3 - x x f(x) x x f(x)
which is a heck of a lot nicer.
The technique of **lazy evaluation** takes the theoretical correctness
of postorder evaluation and applies it to the execution of code. The
basic idea is that the language interpreter won't execute the code
necessary to evaluate expansion step 300 until some part of the program
actually calls for that value. This technique amortizes *quite* nicely,
since it saves us, on average, an infinite amount of labor for each
Now.. with those definitions in place, you can see how the relationship
between simultaneity and lazy evaluation isn't quite as simple as it
appears at first glance. It's theoretically possible that the 'f()' or
'x' might change between the lazy evaluation of step one and the lazy
evaluation of step three million. Trying to prevent that is what we
programmers call a 'hard' problem.
Lambda calculus doesn't have this problem, the way integer math doesn't
have register overflow issues. In lambda calculus, the infinite
expansion of every function occurs instantly, and there's no way that
any of the functions can possibly change because there's no time for
them *to* change. Lazy evaluation brings time into the picture, and
introduces order-of-execution issues. Trying to run functional logic in
two or more simultaneous threads can raise serious problems, for
In point of fact, the simultaneity constraints inherent in lambda
calculus have been shown to make it unsuitable for issues involving
concurrency (like multithreading), and for problems like that, it's
better to use
## Myth \#2 - Functional programming is 'different from' imperative programming.
There's some operator overloading in this issue, because 'imperative
programming' has two different meanings.
On one hand, 'imperative' means 'a list of operations that produce a
sequence of results'. We contrast that with 'declarative programming',
which means 'a list of results which are calculated (somehow) each step
of the way'. Mathematical proofs and SQL queries are declarative. Most
of the things we think of as programming languages are 'imperative' by
this meaning, though, including most functional languages. No matter how
you slice it, Haskell is **not** declarative.
On the other hand, 'imperative' is also used as a contrast to
'functional', on the basis of really poorly defined terms. The most
common version runs something like, "imperative languages use
assignment, functional languages don't".. a concept I'll jump up and
down upon later. But I'm getting backlogged, so we'll queue that one up
and move on.
Getting back to the current myth, this is another one of those
statements that's true for a given value of 'true'. In this case, it's
the same value we use for the statement, "red M\&Ms are 'different from'
green M\&Ms."
Church's thesis, upon which we base our whole definition of 'computing',
explicitly states that Turing machines, lambda calculus, while programs,
Post systems, mu-recursive grammars, blah-de-blah-de-blah, **are all
*For those quick thinkers out there who've noticed that this puts Myth
\#2 in direct contradiction with Myth \#1, **KA-CHING\!** you've just
won our grand prize\! Please contact one of the operators standing by to
tell us how you'd like your sheepdog wrapped.*
Yes, the syntactic sugar of functional programming is somewhat different
from the syntactic sugar of non-functional programming. Yes, functional
programming does encourage a different set of techniques for solving
problems. Yes, those techniques encourage different ways of thinking
about problems and data.
No, functional programming is not some kind of magic pixie dust you can
sprinkle on a computer and banish all problems associated with the
business of programming. It's a mindset-altering philosophy and/or
worldview, not a completely novel theory of computation. Accept that. Be
happy about it. At least friggin' COPE.
## Myth \#3 - Functional programming is referentially transparent
This one is just flat-out wrong. It's also the myth that pisses me off
the most, because the correct statement looks very similar and says
something *incredibly* important about functional programming.
Referential transparency is a subtle concept, which is founded on two
other concepts: **substitutability** and **frames of reference.**
More vocabulary..
**Substitutability** means you can replace a reference (like a variable)
with its referent (the value) without breaking anything. It's sort of
the opposite of removing magic numbers from your code, and is easier to
demonstrate in violation than in action:
``` code
my $x = 3;
my $y = 3;
if (3 == $x) { # substitutability works
print "$x equals $y.\n";
if (3 == $y) { # substitutability fails
print "$x equals $y.\n";
Mutable storage (aka: assigning values to variables) offers an infinite
variety of ways to make that kind of mistake, each more heavily
obfuscated than the last. Assigning values to global variables in
several different functions is a favorite. Embedding values (using $x to
calculate some value that gets stored in $z, changing $x, and forgetting
to update $z) is another. These problems are so common, and are such a
bitch to deal with, that programmers have spent decades searching for
ways to avoid them.
**Frames of reference** have a nice, clear definition in predicate
calculus, but it doesn't carry over to programming. Instead, we have two
equally good alternatives. On one hand, it can mean the scope of a
variable. On the other hand, it can mean the scope of a value stored in
a variable:
``` code
my $x = 3; # start frame of reference for variable $x
# start frame of reference for value $x==3
my $y = 3; # start frame of reference for variable $y
# start frame of reference for value $y==3
if (3 == $x) {
print "$x equals $y.\n";
# end frame of reference for value $x==3
$x++; # start frame of reference for value $x==4
if (3 == $y) {
print "$x equals $y.\n";
# end frame of reference for value $x==4
# end frame of reference for variable $x
# end frame of reference for value $y==3
# end frame of reference for variable $y
The notation above shows exactly why substitutabiliy fails in the second
conditional. The frame of reference for the value $x==3 ends and a new
one begins, but it happens implicitly, which means it's hard to see.
But there's another problem. If you look at that list of 'end'
statements at the bottom, you'll notice that the frames of reference for
$x and $y are improperly nested. The frame of reference for $x comes
into existence before $y, and goes out of existence before $y. Granted,
I did that specifically so I could talk about the problem, but you can
do all sorts of obscene things to the nesting of value frames of
reference with three or more variables.
Stepping back for a second, it's clear that substitutability is only
guaranteed to work when all the values are in the same frame of
reference as when they started. As soon as any value changes its frame
of reference, though, all bets are off.
This is one of the biggest kludge-nightmares associated with mutable
storage. Frames of reference for values pop in and out of existence, can
be implicitly created or destroyed any time you add/delete/move/change a
line of code, and get munged into relationships that defy rational
And don't even get me started on what conditionals do to them. It's like
Schrodinger's cat on bad acid.
Functional programming changes that by declaring that the frame of
reference for a variable and the frame of reference for its value **will
always be the same.** The frame of reference for a value equals the
scope of its variable, which means that **every block is a well-defined
frame of reference** and **substitutability is always guaranteed to work
within a given block.**
This is what functional programming *really* has over mutable storage.
But it isn't referential transparency.
Y'see, referential transparency is a property that applies to frames of
reference, not to referents and references. To demonstrate this in terms
of formal logic, let me define the following symbols:
``` code
p1 ::= 'the morning star' equals 'the planet venus'
p2 ::= 'the evening star' equals 'the planet venus'
p3 ::= 'the morning star' equals 'the evening star'
(+) ::= an operator that means 'two things which equal
the same thing, equal each other'
=> ::= an operator which means 'this rule produces this result'
With those, we can generate the following statements:
``` code
p1 (+) p2 => p3
p1 (+) p3 => p2
p2 (+) p3 => p1
which is all well and good. **But,** if we add the following symbols:
``` code
j1 ::= john knows 'the morning star' equals 'the planet venus'
j2 ::= john knows 'the evening star' equals 'the planet venus'
j3 ::= john knows 'the morning star' equals 'the evening star'
we can **not** legally generate the following statements:
``` code
j1 (+) p2 => j3
p1 (+) j2 => j3
j1 (+) p3 => j2
p1 (+) j3 => j2
j2 (+) p3 => j1
p2 (+) j3 => j1
The word 'knows' makes the 'j' frame of reference referentially opaque.
That means we can't assume that the 'p' statements are automatically
true within the 'j' frame of reference.
So what does this have to do with functional programming? Two words:
**dynamic scoping.** Granted the following is Perl code, but it obeys
the constraint that every value remains constant within the scope of its
``` code
sub outer_1 {
local ($x) = 1;
return (inner ($_[0]));
sub outer_2 {
local ($x) = 2;
return (innner ($_[0]));
sub inner {
my $y = shift;
return ($x + $y);
The function inner() is referentially opaque because it relies on a
dynamically scoped variable. With a little work, we could replace $x
with locally scoped functions and get the same result from code that
passes the 'doesn't use assignment' rule with flying colors.
And that's just the trivial version. There's also the issue of quoting
and defining equivalence between different representations of the same
value. The following function defines equivalence between numbers and
``` code
sub equals {
my ($str, $num) = @_;
my %lut = (
'one' => 1,
'two' => 2,
'three' => 3,
if ($num == $lut{ $str }) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
but even though equals('three',3) is true, length('three') does not
equal length(3). Once again, we've killed referential transparency in a
way that has nothing to do with assigning values to mutable storage.
The fact of the matter is, referential transparency isn't all that
desirable a property for a programming language. It imposes such
incredibly tight constraints on what you can do with your symbols that
you end up being unable to do anything terribly interesting. And
propagating the myth that functional programming allows universal
substitutability is just plain evil, because it sets people up to have
examples like these two blow up in their faces.
Functional programming defines the block as a frame of reference. All
frames of reference are immediately visible from trivial inspection of
the code. All symbols are substitutable within the same frame of
reference. These things are GOOD\! Learn them. Live them. Love them.
Rejoice in them. Accept them for what they are and don't try to inflate
them into something that sounds cooler but really isn't worth having.
## Myth \#4 - Functional programming doesn't support variable assignment
It's been said that C lets you shoot yourself in the foot.
It's said that C++ makes it harder, but when you do, you blow your whole
leg off.
I'm personally of the opinion that functional programming makes it even
harder to shoot yourself in the foot, but when you do, all that's left
are a few strands of red goo dangling from the shattered remains of your
brain pan.
Statements like the one above are the reason I hold that opinion.
Let's go back to Myth \#2, shall we? According to Church's thesis, all
programming languages are computationally equivalent. They all do the
same things, and only the syntactic sugar is different.
In this case, the syntactic sugar is *so* different that people can end
up using variable assignment without knowing they're doing it, all the
while smugly assuming they're free from the evils of imperative
To understand how that can happen, let's take a good hard look at what
'variable assignment' actually means. For the sake of discussion, I'm
going to use the term 'lvalue' instead of 'variable', because an lvalue
is explicitly something to which you can assign values. Using that term,
we can restate this myth as "functional programming doesn't support
So.. what's an lvalue? In terms of implementation, it's a register where
values are stored, but what is it functionally? How does the rest of the
program see it?
Well, what the rest of the program sees is a symbol that gets associated
with a series of different values.
So, theoretically, we could collect all the values that are stored in an
lvalue during its life in the program, and store them in a list. Instead
of saying just plain $x, we could look up the value
$x\[[$t](?node=%24t)\], where $t indicates the number of changes the
value goes through before it reaches the value we want.
That fact defines the bridge between functional and imperative
programming. We can simulate any lvalue with a list that contains the
same sequence of values, and never violate the functional 'doesn't use
assignment' rule.
But we can make our simulation even more interesting by realizing that
each new value in the list is usually the result of a calculation
applied to the previous value. The idea of building a new list by
sequentially applying a list of operations to an initial value is a
*very* functional programming idea. The following code uses that idea to
implement an integer counter:
``` code
my $inc = sub { return ($_[0] + 1) };
my $dec = sub { return ($_[0] - 1) };
my $zero = sub { return (0) };
sub apply {
my ($val, $func, @etc) = @_;
if (@etc) {
return ($val, apply ($func->($val), @etc));
} else {
return ($val, $func->($val));
sub counter {
return apply (0, @_);
my @ops = (
$inc, $inc, $inc, $dec,
$inc, $dec, $dec, $inc,
$zero, $inc, $inc, $inc
print join (' ', counter (@ops));
output == '0 1 2 3 2 3 2 1 2 0 1 2 3'
in about as functional a way as you can manage in Perl. A decent
functional programmer would have no trouble porting that idea over to
their functional language of choice.
Thing is, most people wouldn't think of code like that when they think
'++', '--', '=0'.
Now, the list returned by counter() does have the bookkeeping-friendly
feature that all the values are there simultaneously, in the same frame
of reference. We could change that by dynamically scoping the list @ops,
and distributing its contents across a whole series of evaluation
Even if all the values do exist in the same frame of reference, though,
we still run into the same problems that make lvalues such a nuisance.
If we tweak apply() so it only returns the final calculated value:
``` code
sub apply {
my ($val, $func, @etc) = @_;
if (@etc) {
return (apply ($func->($val), @etc));
} else {
return ($func->($val));
this code:
``` code
my @x = ($inc, $inc, $inc);
my @y = ($inc, $inc, $inc);
if (3 == counter (@x)) {
printf "%d equals %d.\n", counter (@x), counter (@y);
do {
my @x = (@x, $inc);
if (3 == counter (@y)) {
printf "%d equals %d.\n", counter (@x), counter (@y);
demonstrates the same failure of substitutability that I used above, but
in functional style. This version does have the advantage that the
change from one frame of reference to another is immediately visible,
but you can still screw around with the values in ways that aren't
immediately obvious. This is the simple form of the problem. As with the
lvalue version above, you can obfuscate it until your head explodes.
And that brings me to the way functional languages politely abuse the
principle of lazy evaluation to handle user input. They pull basically
the same kind of trick by treating the user input stream as a list where
all the values are theoretically defined as soon as the program starts,
but we don't have to prove it for any specific item of input until the
user actually types it in. We can define the @ops list in terms of the
(theoretically) defined user input list, and produce what amounts to an
integer counter that responds to user input.
I don't object to the fact that functional programming allows these
## Winding down
Okay.. I feel better, now.
So that's my current spin on functional programming. 'Blocks equal
frames of reference'? Way cool. Big thumbs up. 'Capacity to hide value
storage in places where even the gurus don't go if they don't have to'?
Not so cool. Beware of arbitrarily multicontextual dog. As a worldview
and way of thinking about programming? Love it. As a body of advocacy?
Please, please, puh-leeeease learn enough about it to explain it to the
newbies without lying to them in ways that will make their heads go boom
some time in the future.
Make their heads go boom now. It's more fun to watch, and it keeps them
out of my hair.
Considered by [bradcathey](?node=bradcathey) - Tone down language, like
title: FP, pros and cons
Unconsidered by [castaway](?node=castaway) - Keep/Edit/Delete: 34/11/0