
70 KiB

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2016-06-05T11:42:36.000Z NeXTstep Manual, Systems Programming with Objective-C and Driver Kit (1995) pjmlp 120 78 1465126956


NeXTstep 3.3 - Developer Documentation

| ----- | | NeXTstep 3.3

NextDev | | NeXTstep 3.3
Developer Documentation Manuals

_Updated 2000.06.30.0014

Hits since
2000.06.28.2051_ |
| | | Well here you go folks the NEXTSTEP 3.3 Developer Documentation Manuals online. The bulk of the conversion was done using LatinByrd III by Stefan Schneider Software. I wrote a script to generate and by-hand created index.html page your viewing now. And so far I know I've spent about 16 hours working on this.

One thing to note is that the sections/links are single html files with images. The sizes are no more than 500Kb. Of last note. If anyone from NeXT makes their way here and Apple/NeXT wishes these pages removed they only have to contact me directly to make the request I will comply albeit reluctantly since few would care about this material and it took my time to make the conversion. | | |

Contents |
Assembler | | | Part1 |
| General |
| 1 Using the Assembler |
| 2 Assembly Language Syntax |
| 3 Assembly Language Statements |
| 4 Assembler Directives |
| Part2 |
| Architechture Specific |
| M68000 Addressing Modes and Assembler Instructions |
| i386 Addressing Modes and Assembler Instructions |
Concepts |
| DatabaseKit |
| Introduction |
| 1 Overview |
| 2 Entity-Relationship Modeling |
| 3 Database Models |
| 4 Creating a Database Project |
| 5 Database Kit Classes and Protocols |
| 6 Model Emulation |
| 7 Connecting to the Server |
| 8 Data Storage, Retrieval, and Manipulation |
| 9 Advanced Record List Techniques |
| 10 Fetching and Saving Data |
| Glossary |
| A Adapter Default Parameters |
| Exception Handling |
| Preparing Fonts |
| Preparing an Application for Installation by the Installer |
| Localization |
| ObjectiveC |
| Introduction |
| 1 Object-Oriented Programming |
| 2 The Objective C Language |
| 3 Objective C Extensions |
| 4 The Run-Time System |
| 5 Programming in Objective C |
| A Objective C Language Summary |
| B Reference Manual for the Objective C Language |
| C The Object Class |
| Performance |
| A Measuring Performance and Memory Usage |
| B Improving Launch Times of the Application and Panels |
| C Improving Drawing Performance |
| D Improving Response Time |
| E Reducing Memory Usage |
| F Zone Allocation |
| G Link Optimization |
| H Application Performance Checklist |
| I Listings for the Timing Class |
| Building Portable NEXTSTEP Applications |
| Pre 3.0 Concepts |
| Important Information |
| 1 System Overview |
| 2The NeXT User Interface |
| 3 Object-Oriented Programming and Objective C |
| 4 Drawing |
| 5 Events |
| 6 Program Structure |
| 7 Program Dynamics |
| 8 Interface Builder |
| 9 User-Interface Objects |
| 10 Support Objects and Functions |
Deveveloper Tools |
| Introduction |
| 1 Putting Together a NEXTSTEP Application |
| 2 The Project Builder Application |
| 3 The Interface Builder Application |
| NewInterfaceBuilder |
| 1 Composing |
| 2 Setting Object |
| 3 Making and Managing Connections |
| 4 Creating a Class |
| 5 Using Dynamic Palettes |
| 6 Working With Multiple Nib Files |
| 4 The Edit Application |
| 5 The Terminal Application |
| 6 The Icon Builder Application |
| 7 The DBModeler Application |
| 8 The MallocDebug Application |
| 9 The Process Monitor Application |
| 10 The PostScript Previewers: Yap and pft |
| 11 The GNU C Compiler |
| 12 The GNU C Preprocessor |
| 13 The GNU Source-Level Debugger |
| 14 Mach Object Files |
| 15 Building a Simple Application |
| 16 Building a One-Button Calculator |
| 17 Building a Text Editor Using Multiple Nib Files |
| 18 Building a Custom Palette |
| A The Header Viewer Application |
Foundation |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| NSArchiver |
| NSArray Class Cluster |
| NSAssertionHandler |
| NSAutoreleasePool |
| NSBundle |
| NSCalendarDate |
| NSCharacterSet Class Cluster |
| NSCoder |
| NSData Class Cluster |
| NSDate Class Cluster |
| NSDictionary Class Cluster |
| NSEnumerator |
| NSException |
| NSNotificationCenter |
| NSNotification Class Cluster |
| NSNumber |
| NSObject |
| NSScanner |
| NSString Class Cluster |
| NSTimeZone Class Cluster |
| NSUnarchiver |
| NSValue |
| Functions |
| NSAllocateObject/NSDeallocateObject |
| Living in a Hybrid World |
| Protocols |
| NSCoding |
| NSCopying |
| NSMutableCopying |
| NSObject |
| Types And Constants |
| Defined Types |
General Reference |
| Introduction |
| 1 Root |
| Classes |
| Introduction |
| Object |
| Types And Constants |
| Defined Types |
| 2 Application Kit |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| ActionCell |
| Application |
| Box |
| Button |
| ButtonCell |
| Cell |
| ClipView |
| Control |
| Font |
| FontManager |
| FontPanel |
| Form |
| FormCell |
| Listener |
| Matrix |
| Menu |
| MenuCell |
| NXBitmapImageRep |
| NXBrowser |
| NXBrowserCell |
| NXCachedImageRep |
| NXColorList |
| NXColorPanel |
| NXColorPicker |
| NXColorWell |
| NXCursor |
| NXCustomImageRep |
| NXDataLink |
| NXDataLinkManager |
| NXDataLinkPanel |
| NXEPSImageRep |
| NXHelpPanel |
| NXImage |
| NXImageRep |
| NXJournaler |
| NXPrinter |
| NXSelection |
| NXSpellChecker |
| NXSpellServer |
| NXSplitView |
| ObjectAdditions |
| OpenPanel |
| PageLayout |
| Panel |
| Pasteboard |
| PopUpList |
| PrintInfo |
| PrintPanel |
| Responder |
| SavePanel |
| ScrollView |
| Scroller |
| SelectionCell |
| Slider |
| SliderCell |
| Speaker |
| Text |
| TextField |
| TextFieldCell |
| View |
| Window |
| Functions |
| Other Features |
| Services |
| Protocols |
| |
| NXColorPickingCustom |
| NXColorPickingDefault |
| NXDraggingDestination |
| NXDraggingInfo |
| NXDraggingSource |
| NXIgnoreMisspelledWords |
| NXNibNotification |
| NXPrintingUserInterface |
| NXRTFDErrorHandler |
| NXReadOnlyTextStream |
| NXSelectText |
| NXServicesRequests |
| NXWorkspaceRequestProtocol |
| TypesAndConstants |
| Defined Types |
| 3 Common Classes and Functions |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| HashTable |
| List |
| NXBundle |
| NXStringTable |
| Storage |
| Types And Constants |
| Defined Types |
| 4 Database Kit |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| DBAssociation |
| DBBinder |
| DBDatabase |
| DBEditableFormatter |
| DBExpression |
| DBFetchGroup |
| DBFormatter |
| DBImageFormatter |
| DBImageView |
| DBModule |
| DBQualifier |
| DBRecordList |
| DBRecordStream |
| DBTableVector |
| DBTableView |
| DBTextFormatter |
| DBValue |
| Protocols |
| DBContainers |
| DBCursorPositioning |
| DBCustomAssociation |
| DBEntities |
| DBExpressionValues |
| DBFormatConversion |
| DBFormatInitialization |
| DBFormatterValidation |
| DBFormatterViewEditing |
| DBProperties |
| DBTableDataSources |
| DBTableVectors |
| DBTypes |
| Types And Constants |
| Defined Types |
| 5 Display Postscrips |
| Introduction |
| Client Library Functions |
| Postscript Operators |
| Single Operator Functions |
| Display Postscript Types |
| 6 Distributed Objects |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| NXConnection |
| NXProxy |
| Object Additions |
| Protocols |
| NXDecoding |
| NXEncoding |
| NXTransport |
| Types and Constants |
| 7 Indexing Kit |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| IXAttributeParser |
| IXAttributeQuery |
| IXAttributeReader |
| IXBTree |
| IXBTreeCursor |
| IXFileFinder |
| IXFileRecord |
| IXLanguageReader |
| IXPostingCursor |
| IXPostingList |
| IXPostingSet |
| IXRecordManager |
| IXStore |
| IXStoreBlock |
| IXStoreDirectory |
| IXStoreFile |
| IXWeightingDomain |
| Functions |
| Other Features |
| Attribute Reader Format |
| Query Language |
| Protocols |
| IXBlockAndStoreAccess |
| IXComparatorSetting |
| IXComparisonSetting |
| IXCursorPositioning |
| IXFileFinderConfiguration |
| IXFileFinderQueryAndUpdate |
| IXLexemeExtraction |
| IXNameAndFileAccess |
| IXPostingExchange |
| IXPostingOperations |
| IXRecordReading |
| IXRecordTranscription |
| IXRecordWriting |
| IXTransientAccess |
| IXTransientMessaging |
| Types and Constants |
| 8 Interface Builder |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| IBInspector |
| IBPalette |
| Object Additions |
| View Additions |
| Protocols |
| IB |
| IBConnectors |
| IBDocumentControllers |
| IBDocuments |
| IBEditors |
| IBInspectors |
| IBSelectionOwners |
| Symbolic Constants |
| 9 Mach Kit |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| NXConditionLock |
| NXData |
| NXInvalidationNotifier |
| NXLock |
| NXNetNameServer |
| NXPort |
| NXProtocolChecker |
| NXRecursiveLock |
| NXSpinLock |
| Mach Kit |
| Protocols |
| NXLock |
| NXReference |
| NXSenderIsInvalid |
| Defined Types |
| 10 MIDI Driver API |
| Introduction |
| Functions |
| Defined Types |
| 11 NetInfoKit |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| NIDomain |
| NIDomainPanel |
| NILoginPanel |
| NIOpenPanel |
| NISavePanel |
| Functions |
| Defined Types |
| 12 Novell NetWare |
| 13 Phone Kit |
| 14 Preferences |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| Application Additions |
| Layout |
| 15 Run-Time System |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| Protocol |
| Functions |
| Defined Types |
| 16 Sound |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| NXPlayStream |
| NXRecordStream |
| NXSoundDevice |
| NXSoundIn |
| NXSoundOut |
| NXSoundParameters |
| NXSoundStream |
| Sound |
| SoundMeter |
| SoundView |
| Functions |
| Protocols |
| NXSoundParameters |
| Sound Functions |
| Sound Types |
| 17 3D Graphics Kit |
| 3D Graphics Kit |
| Classes |
| N3DCamera |
| N3DContextManager |
| N3DLight |
| N3DMovieCamera |
| N3DRIBImageRep |
| N3DRenderPanel |
| N3DRotator |
| N3DShader |
| N3DShape |
| Functions |
| Defined Types |
| 18 Video |
| 19 Workspace Manager |
| Workspace Manager |
| Classes |
| WMInspector |
| A Data Formats |
| B Default Parameters |
| C Keyboard Event Information |
| D System Bitmaps |
| E Details of the DSP |
Operating System |
| Part1 |
| Mach |
| 1 Mach Concepts |
| 2 Using Mach Messages |
| 3Using Loadable Kernel Servers |
| 4 Mach Functions |
| Part2 |
| Writing Loadable Kernel Servers |
| 5 Overview of Loadable Kernel Servers |
| 6 Designing Loadable Kernel Servers |
| 7 NeXTbus Device Drivers |
| 8 Network Modules |
| 9 Building, Loading, and Debugging Loadable Kernel Servers |
| 10 Kernel Support Functions |
| A Utilities for Loadable Kernel Servers |
| B The ROM Monitor and NMI Mini-Monitor |
| C Summary of Kernel Support Functions |
| Part3 |
| DriverKit |
| Appendices |
| Configuration Keys |
| Suggested Readings on |
| Concepts |
| Preface |
| 1 Driver Kit Architecture |
| 2 Designing a Driver |
| 3 Support for Specific Devices |
| 4 Building, Configuring, and Debugging Drivers |
| Driver Kit Reference |
| Introduction |
| Classes |
| Introduction |
| IOAddressRanger |
| IOAudio |
| IOConfigTable |
| IODeviceDescription |
| IODeviceInspector |
| IODeviceMaster |
| IODevice |
| IODirectDevice |
| IODisplayInspector |
| IOEISADeviceDescription |
| IOEthernet |
| IOFrameBufferDisplay |
| IONetbufQueue |
| IONetwork |
| IOPCIDeviceDescription |
| IOPCMCIADeviceDescription |
| IOSCSIController |
| IOSVGADisplay |
| IOTokenRing |
| Functions |
| Introduction |
| Other Features |
| Auto Detection of Devices |
| Protocols |
| Introduction |
| IOConfigurationInspector |
| IOEventThread |
| IONetworkDeviceMethods |
| IOScreenEvents |
| IOScreenRegistration |
| IOSCSIControllerExported |
| Types and Constants |
| More Types and Constants |
Release Notes |
| Application Kit |
| C Library Support for Localization of Date, Time, and Currency |
| ANSI C Libraries |
| Compiler Tools |
| C Compiler |
| Contents |
| Objective C++ Compiler |
| The Database Kit |
| The GNU Source-Level Debugger |
| Distributed Objects |
| Documentation |
| Driver Kit |
| Digital Signal Processor |
| Edit |
| Emacs and vi |
| Event Status Driver |
| Multiple Architecture Binaries (fat files) |
| Fax |
| GNU Source Code |
| Reorganization of Header File Directories |
| Indexing Kit |
| Installer |
| Interface Builder |
| libg++ |
| Writing Loadable Kernel Servers |
| Malloc Debug |
| The MIDI Driver |
| The Music Kit |
| NetInfo Kit |
| ObjectiveC Run-Time System and Common Classes and Functions |
| Object Links |
| Operating System |
| Precompiled Headers |
| Preferences |
| C Preprocessor |
| Project Builder |
| Sound Kit |
| Sound Library |
| TabletDriver |
| Window Server |
| Workspace Manager |
| 3D Graphics Kit |
| NEXTSTEP Release 3: A Preamble for Developers |
Summaries |
| Introduction |
| 1 Root Class |
| 2 Application Kit |
| Classes |
| Functions |
| Protocols |
| Types and Constants |
| 3 Common |
| Classes |
| Functions |
| Types and Constants |
| 4 Database Kit |
| Classes |
| Protocols |
| Types and Constants |
| 5 Display Postscript |
| Client Library Functions |
| Types and Constants |
| PostScript Operators |
| Single-Operator Functions |
| 6 Distributed Objects |
| Class |
| Protocols |
| Types and Constants |
| 7 Indexing Kit |
| Attribute Reader Format |
| Classes |
| Functions |
| Protocols |
| Query Language Symbols and Operators |
| Types and Constants |
| 8 Interface Builder |
| Classes |
| Protocols |
| Types and Constants |
| 9 Mach Kit |
| Classes |
| Protocols |
| Types and Constants |
| 10 MIDI |
| MIDI Driver API |
| Types and Constants |
| 11 NetInfo Kit |
| Classes |
| Functions |
| Types and Constants |
| 12 Networks |
| Networks: Novell |
| 14 Preferences |
| Classes |
| Types and Constants |
| 15 The Run-Time System |
| Classes |
| Functions |
| Types and Constants |
| 16 Sound |
| Driver Functions |
| Classes |
| Functions |
| Protocols |
| Types and Constants |
| 17 3D Graphics Kit |
| 3D Graphics Kit |
| Functions |
| Types and Constants |
| 19 Workspace Manager |
| Workspace Manager |
| Mach Functions |
UserInterface |
| 1 A Visual Guide to the User Interface |
| 2 Design Philosophy |
| 3 User Actions:  The Keyboard and Mouse |
| 4 The Window Interface to Applications |
| 5 Panels |
| 6 Menus |
| 7 Controls |
| 8 The Interface to the File System |
| Glossary |
| Suggested Reading |

| ----- | | The really fine print
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ChannelU is a trademark of Turbo Software and it's content is under copyright© protections
and may be reproduced only with written consent from Turbo Software. The origional material contained in the manuals converted from rtf to html is copyright© 1994 NeXT Software Inc. |