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The Taos Operating System (1991)


_{This material originally appeared in the March, 1991 International Edition of Byte magazine, a McGraw-Hill publication} _

To describe TAOS (pronounced 'dowse' as in the oriental religion Daoism) as an
innovatory operating system would be a profound understatement. It has so few
points of similarity with operating systems like MS-DOS that many observers,
myself included, have initially had trouble believing in it at all. For one
thing TAOS is strongly Object Oriented and makes almost no distinction between
data files and executable programs. It brings together many advanced ideas
about Persistent Objects, Object Oriented Virtual Memory and Dataflow
programming into one wholly novel system. It is a parallel operating system
which configures itself automatically to run on a network of distributed
processors and load-balances itself. More incredibly still, it promises to run
exactly the same code on different processors in a heterogeneous network (eg.
a mixture of Inmos Transputers, Intel 80386 and Acorn ARMs); it offers CPU

Before proceeding I must stress that TAOS is not finished yet and there are no
commercial ports of it in use. Some of the radical features mentioned above
are only partially implemented at the time of writing. This article is
therefore more of a preview of the concepts in TAOS than a full 'review'.

TAOS is being developed by Tao Systems UK Ltd., a small firm that has existed
for about 9 months, and whose leading spokesmen are Nick Spicer and Chris
Hinsley, two experienced programmers from very different backgrounds. Spicer
was a founder member of the European arm of Microway, the US firm which
specialises in high-performance floating point hardware and more latterly in
Transputer products. Spicer was Technical Manager and systems programmer.
Hinsley on the other hand is a veteran games programmer, an assembler wizard
who has been responsible for successful Atari ST and Amiga games like
'Verminator' and 'Onslaught'. Though writing exclusively in assembler, Hinsley
developed an Object Oriented style for writing games based on extensive macro
libraries, and this provided the original inspiration for TAOS. Spicer added
the parallel aspects to TAOS, based on his experience with Transputers and his
dissatisfaction with Occam. 

Perhaps the most important thing to understand about TAOS, before even
discussing the way it works, is that it is designed to execute a virtual
machine language called VP (for Virtual Processor). VP is the binary code of
an imaginary RISC-like processor with about 32 instructions, designed by Tao
Systems. In order to execute VP on a real processor, a translator will be
provided from VP into the native machine code of the target processor.
The ingenious part is that the translation takes place at program load time,
not during runtime as some erroneous reports have stated. This is NOT an
interpreted pseudo-code as used in the UCSD P-System or POP-11. When a program
module is loaded onto a Transputer node it will get turned into Transputer
code before it is run, whereas if it gets loaded onto an 80386 it will be
turned into Intel code. 

Tao Systems is currently committed to produce translators for the Inmos T800
transputer, Motorola 680x0, PgC7600 (see article in this issue), Intel
80386/80486, Acorn ARM and Sun SPARC. Of these the first three have been
written. The TAOS program loader, called ALEX, is part of the kernel that runs
on each node in a parallel computer, and as ALEX loads each program module it
performs the native code translation and optimization. Because TAOS is
extremely modular in nature and employs a novel late binding scheme, the size
of each module to be translated will be very small, and since all the target
processors are powerful CPUs the time taken up in translation should be quite
small. ALEX is not yet completed and the prototype TAOS systems which have
been demonstrated employ a conventional VP assembler to produce executable
native code. Tao Systems seems confident that the design of the VP instruction
set is such that writing the individual translators should not be too
difficult, even to such un-RISC like processors as the 80486.

So the first point about TAOS is that everything in it (apart from the native
code kernels at each node) consists of VP code, including all the applications.
A parallel TAOS program consists of a number of tool modules which you can run
on any mixture of the supported target processors without even knowing what
they are. If TAOS becomes established as an operating system then compilers
from C and other languages into VP will undoubtedly emerge.
Everything in TAOS is an object, and as in traditional OOPS, objects contain
both code and data. Under TAOS the code part is called a 'tool', equivalent to
a 'method' in conventional OOPs. Even what would be considered data files
under a conventional OS are objects which have tools that can for example
display their name, and check the access rights of a user.

All the executable code in TAOS is contained in tools. Tools must be fully re-
entrant, relocatable and side-effect free and cannot therefore contain static
data; so TAOS groups data and code together into objects, but rigorously
segregates code from data within an object. Tools are the smallest units of
executable code under TAOS so you can think of them as being like subroutines,
or C functions, or Pascal procedures. However tools are independently
executable so a better analogy would be with Forth, where words can always be
executed directly without having to call them from a main program.

Some tools are called 'permanent tools' and get loaded up by the boot system;
these form the heart of the operating system itself. Some tools are 'semi-
permanent' and these are loaded at boot time by a user-created configuration
process, but once loaded they and become part of the operating system and
cannot be de-activated. These tools are roughly equivalent to the device
drivers and extensions loaded by CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT under PC-DOS.

Finally there are 'application tools' which are the user executable programs
of TAOS. Application tools can be 'virtual' or 'non-virtual'. Non-virtual
tools are loaded with the application and remain in memory until it is de-
activated (ie. quits). Virtual tools only get loaded into memory when the
application calls them, and when they cease to execute they can be marked as
'freeable' and the space they occupy can be reclaimed for use by another tool.
Virtual tools are quite similar in concept to Borland's VROOM system or to
OS/2's Dynamic Link Libraries. Virtual and non-Virtual tools are collectively
referred to as 'external' tools and they have names that resemble PC-DOS or
Unix pathnames by which they are accessed. They are normally cached so that a
subsequent access does not need to reload them from disk, unless memory is in
very short supply. An application in TAOS thus consists largely of named
references to external tools, allowing a great degree of reuse of code, and
keeping the individual executable units very small.

As well as external tools TAOS has 'library' tools and 'local' tools.
Library tools are kept in named libraries and can be shared by many
applications; like external methods they are cached for future use. Local
tools are part of the actual code of an application and have single unique
names, not pathnames. A local tool always overrides any external tool with the
same name. 

All TAOS programs are started up by a 'control object'. A control object is
primarily a data object, a sort of template, which contains all the
information necessary to load and run the tools which make up the program, but
it also has code which sets the loading of tools in motion. A control object
roughly corresponds to a task or process in other operating systems. It will
contain a list of the pathnames of all its component tools, the stack space
each one requires and a bit-mask which define what kind of messages it will
accept. Control objects are executed by the permanent TAOS kernel which
resides on each node of a parallel system, which then loads and runs the
necessary tools. Control objects can spawn children, and it is by this means
that TAOS programs distribute themselves around a parallel processor network.
Control objects can be inactivated without being removed from memory, and may
then be woken by other control objects sending them mail messages.

One way of looking at the TAOS tool system is that all programs employ very
late, ie. loadtime or runtime, binding. Programs assembled or compiled under
TAOS will not need to be linked for linkage occurs when a program is run,
under the control of its control object. You can recompile a single tool
without recompiling the whole application, and even design applications that
load different tools according to the runtime environment they encounter.

TAOS is a message passing operating system which uses 'mailboxes' for
communication between processes. All program I/O takes place through the mail
system, as does the distribution of executable code. Every control object is
automatically given a mailbox by TAOS, and can send or receive mail from any
other object whose mailing address it knows. These will always include its own
parents and children and any named resources like disk drives and VDU displays,
and may also include its siblings if measures are taken to record their
addresses when they are created. The kernel on each TAOS node has a permanent
Mail Guardian tool which handles all incoming mail for local objects on that
node, all outgoing mail, and mail which is to be forwarded to another node. 

The format of a TAOS mail messages includes a header that contains the size and
type of a message. There are 16 predefined message types including system,
executable code, error data, and debugging data and the programmer can use
numbered types up to 255 to make private communications between two objects.
The type mask allows the Message Guardian to trap system messages such as
executable code destined for the kernel, and it also allows user objects to
prioritize the way they read their waiting mail by type.

The header also contains the addresses of the originator and destination of the
message, of any other intended recipients for forwarding, and where a reply (if
one is requested) is to be sent. Mail can be sent to an inactivated object,
and may re-activate it as a child of the sender object so it can read the
message and respond immediately. In other circumstances such a message may
just sit in the inactive object's mailbox until some other event wakens it. If
such an inactive object gets removed due to a shortage of free memory, any
pending mail is stored in the object's filefolder (ie. is written to disk) and
re-sent next time the object is loaded. This might also happen when the TAOS
system is closed down, so that messages as well as objects can be persistent.

TAOS dynamically allocates the buffers that receive mail messages. In the
event that there is not enough memory to create the buffer, the Guardian reads
the header, discards the message data and replies to the sender that the
message has been trashed. The sender can then retry using a different route. 
TAOS stores objects onto mass storage media like hard disks via the mailbox
system, in objects called 'filefolders'. A filefolder has some similarities to
a DOS or Unix directory, but rather than being a passive storage structure it
is an active object (in fact a control object). The tools attached to every
filefolder are responsible for storing and retrieving objects from the folder
and for negotiating with the hardware device drivers that are necessary for
this transfer. Because filefolders are actually instances of a broader category
of TAOS object called 'filters' they may also process the data they transfer,
for example compressing and expanding it transparently to the user.

I mentioned above that TAOS tools have pathnames like those used to identify
files in a hierarchical directory system such as DOS. Because TAOS cannot
permit the duplication of files that DOS allows, pathnames are actually
handled rather differently. Where DOS relies on the PATH command and the
user's own knowledge of the directory tree and its contents, TAOS must
always be able automatically to locate objects. The pathname of a TAOS object
IS the object name, rather than just a qualifying prefix indicating its
current location. Therefore TAOS has built-in defaults related to the object
type; tools are expected by default to be in the 'tools' filefolder. So if you
request 'mystuff' TAOS will look for 'tools/mystuff' unless you explicitly
specify another filefolder. The path 'tools/mystuff' is actually a message to
the control object 'tools' requesting it to retrieve an object called

In large or multi-user systems there may be multiple server devices, and so
multiple 'tools' folders. In this case TAOS adds the the mailbox ID of a
'master server' to the path, roughly equivalent to a DOS drive; for example
'/dicks_server:/tools/mystuff'. All future objects will be retrieved from this
server until you explicitly change it.

Filters in general are control objects that receive input from a mailbox, and a
parameter string, and send output to another mailbox. The destination address
for the output is contained in the input message as explained above. The
parameter string  (which may be null) may tell the filter which of several
actions to perform on its input. Filefolders are just one type of filter. In
fact all TAOS applications constructed from TaoScript commands (see later) are
just pipelines of filters running in parallel and passing data from one to the
other. TAOS is a dataflow operating system, extending the Unix pipe concept to
its logical conclusion.

Tao Systems is seeking a patent on the algorithm used to distribute parallel
programs over a network of processors, and so I am not allowed to describe it
in detail. It's basically a smarter enhancement of the flood-fill type of
algorithm, which can take into account the loading of each processor node as
measured by the number of processes running on it. An application like the
Mandelbrot which requires a large number of identical processes will get
distributed in a manner which resembles water running down a mountain, where
the flow seeks out the 'gullies' or lowest points. Tao System claims that this
mechanism achieves a high degree of automatic load balancing.

Very crudely, each node knows the current loading of all its nearest neighbors
and any control object can spawn children onto the neighbour that is least
busy, using a kernel call which invokes the mail system to transfer the
executable VP code. Deadlock due to circular network paths is avoided by an
incrementally created a routing table that remembers which paths have already
been traversed. This is the part of the algorithm which is the subject of the
patent, and it ought to work for any network topology at all. The routing
table allows messages to find their destination mailboxes. The routing
algorithm may, hardware permitting, generate multiple paths between two nodes
which can be used as alternatives when mail gets blocked due to a shortage of
buffer memory or a hardware failure.

When necessary you can eschew the automatic mechanism and specify the
particular node that an object is to run on. You can also invoke a partially
automatic mechanism in which you explicitly send a number of objects to a node
but let TAOS distribute them from there. For example you could specify that a
1000 process Mandelbrot calculation should be run by sending 10 groups of 100
objects to different nodes of the network but letting TAOS complete the
distribution. The TAOS kernel contains a time-slice scheduler that allows many
objects to run on the same processor. Box 1 lists the TAOS Kernel Calls
(similar to DOS BIOS interrupts), and if you look at the entries under Control
Object Management whose names begin with OPEN you will get some idea of how
distribution is achieved.

From a programmer's point of view remote interprocess communication is
transparent under TAOS. You only need to know the mailbox address of a remote
object, and then TAOS will route messages to it without you specifying the
route. Tao Systems claims that near optimal routings are usually achieved.

You interact with TAOS via a job control language edit/interpreter called
TaoScribe which processes a language called TaoScript. This is a dataflow
language which describes the flow of data through pipelines of tools specified
by their paths. For example :-

/data2 < proc2 < proc1 < /data1

would pass the data object 'data1' through the two tools 'proc1' and 'proc2'
and then store the output into data object 'data2'. Tools 1 and 2 will be 
executed concurrently, possibly on different processors, and both will be
started up before any data is transferred.

/hd/data2 /hd/data3 > proc3

would send both data streams into the same tool, while :-

/dtp_stuff/chapter2 "parameter" > tformat

sends the parameter string as well as the data into a 'tformat' tool. The only
operators in TaoScript are /,< and > but these can be used in combination to
create forks and joins as well as linear pipes. The resulting programs are in
my opinion difficult to read though. There are no control constructs such as
IF..THEN or DO..WHILE in TaoScript because all such control flow is governed
inside the tools themselves, by interpreting parameter strings. So :-

/data2 "TRUE, FALSE" > proc3

might tell proc3 to send its output to one of the objects TRUE or FALSE
according to the value of /data2. Groups of TaoScript commands can be saved
as named objects and used as single commands, just like DOS batch files. The
ordering of commands within a TaoScript program is very often irrelevant since
the tools are all running in parallel and the dataflow governs the order of
their execution.

**THE GUI **
There is also a simple Graphical User Interface built-into TAOS. Any control
object can create a window object, which uses a buffer local to the object for
maximum speed. These windows are sensitive to mouse events such as button
clicks and dragging. Control objects do not need to worry about window
movement or overlapping and refreshing which are handled transparently by the
GUI supervisor, but they can receive mouse X,Y and time data from button

Only one window, the Input Window, can receive user input at any one time and
this window is indicated visually by a change of border color and by
automatically being brought to the top of the pile. An object can send
messages to its window to define 2D screen areas as Area Event triggers; the
GUI monitors such areas and sends an Area Event back to the object if the
mouse pointer enters the area. Areas can range from one pixel to the whole
window. The GUI can also monitor areas by sending a continuous stream of X,Y
data whenever the pointer is in the area. These simple facilities allow you to
implement pop-up menus and dialog boxes.

The GUI supports 8-bit color palettes, of which the first 8 colors are defined
as EGA compatible defaults.

I have seen prototype versions of TAOS running on 5 or 6 Inmos Transputers in
a PC host. The GUI is lightning fast and the demonstrations of multiple
windowed Mandelbrot plots are very impressive indeed. However I have had no
direct experience of programming under it, nor do I have complete
documentation. Certain parts of TAOS, including the ALEX language translators,
were not complete when this article went to press and some aspects of the
design are still undergoing evolution. Tao Systems claims for the efficiency
of parallel program distribution and message routing are very strong and
will need to be independently tested by some parallel computer vendors.

There is no doubt though that TAOS brings together many clever ideas in an
elegant way. The philosophy it embodies is right on target for the next
generation of operating systems, with its emphasis on persistent objects,
dataflow and re-usable modular tools. The VP system for supporting multiple
processor types is so ingenious that you wonder other operating system vendors
have not tried it, until you reflect that it is only really viable for a
starting-from-scratch OS; the effort of re-writing all PC, or Mac or Unix
software in VP would clearly be prohibitive.

Tao Systems is now busy demonstrating TAOS to a number of big names in parallel
processing, including some from Japan, and I shall be following the progress of
TAOS with great interest.

Dick Pountain, Nov 1990

BOX 1.
The TAOS Kernel Calls listed in functional groups.

**Memory Management
ALLOCFAST       allocate memory block from fast memory pool
ALLOCMIN        allocate memory block given minimum size required
ALLOCMAX        allocate memory block given maximum size required
FREEMEM         free memory block

Object Memory Management

COPYNODE        copy object
COPYHEAD        copy object to head of linked list
COPYTAIL        copy object to tail of linked list
DUMPLIST        free memory of all nodes on a list
FREELIST        UNALEX and free memory of all nodes on a list

Mailbox Management

SENDMAIL        Send mail message
COPYMAIL        Copy mail message then send copy
READMAIL        Read mailbox

Control Object Management

STARTCONTROL    Start a control object locally
OPENCONTROL     Copy a control object and start locally
OPENCHILD       Distribute and start a control object in network
CLOSECONTROL    Close a local control object
OPENARRAY       Distribute and open a number of control objects
                 in the network
OPENFARM        Distribute and open multiple copies of a control
                 object in the network
OPENDEVICE      Transport a control object to a specified network
                 node and start
OPENREMOTE      Transport a control object to a specified network
                 node for distribution from that node, then start

**Tool Object Management
VCALL           Virtual Call tool object
FINDTOOL        Enquire if tool is available locally
OPENTOOL        Request tool load
FLUSHPETL       Flush un-referenced tools from Permanent and
                 External Tool List

**General Object Management
VADDR           Obtain address of an embedded object
OBJPROC         Process an object in same thread
LISTPROC        Process a linked list of objects in same thread
LISTTEST        List enquiry for types of objects
LISTINFO        Enquire general list information

Global Variable Management

DECLARE         Declare named 64 bit integer value to child control
ENQUIRE         Obtain 64 bit value for declared variable name from
                 family tree
UNDECLARE       Locally remove last instance of a named variable
                 declaration from declaration stack

Processor Type Node Identification

FINDTYPE        Enquire processor ID of processor node conforming
                 to specified processor type and minimum memory

Local Timer Functions

GETTIME         Obtain local processor timer count
DELAY           Timed deschedule

Template Object Management

ALEX            Convert template to Process Ready
UNALEX          Invalidate Process Ready status of object




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