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created_at: '2016-12-25T02:41:26.000Z'
title: Reclaiming Software Engineering (2010)
author: akkartik
points: 62
num_comments: 14
created_at_i: 1482633686
- story
- author_akkartik
- story_13252608
objectID: '13252608'
year: 2010
> When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more
> nor less.
[](#p1 "Paragraph 1") It is the fate of every vocation to be
misunderstood by outsiders, and engineering is by no means an exception:
Most people think engineers do things in a very mechanistic way. … They
dont seem to have any idea of the creativity and ingenuity in
engineering.[2](#fn2 "Footnote 2") To the public at large the
engineering method is just following an impenetrable set of
scientifically predetermined instructions, the engineer a soulless
apparatchik[3](#fn3 "Footnote 3") —the sort of person who might regard
the employee-feeding machine from Chaplins Modern Times as a splendid
labour-saving device. It is as if engineers had created such machines in
their own image.
[](#p2 "Paragraph 2") Software engineering has an even bigger perception
problem, though: it is widely misunderstood even by insiders. Civil
engineers who fail to recognise their work in the typical engineering
mythology may be certain that, by definition, it is the public
perception at fault. What is engineering if not what civil engineers do?
By contrast, without some traditional engineering experience for
guidance a software developer in the same predicament cannot rule out
the thought that software development is somehow unlike engineering—or,
worse, that we are doing it improperly.
[](#p3 "Paragraph 3") Certainly there are those even within the
engineering profession who do subscribe to the outsider view. Software
developers are engaged in the exact same debate about the nature of our
work as engineers in the more traditional fields are about theirs. The
difference is that while software developers disagree about how software
development ought to work, most accept without question the mechanistic
theory of how engineering works—the engineering method as adherence to
a specified morphology[4](#fn4 "Footnote 4") . The morphology with
which we are all familiar is known as the Waterfall
Model,[5](#fn5 "Footnote 5") and the idea that all real engineers
follow it is practically an article of faith.[6](#fn6 "Footnote 6") It
would come as a shock to most in the software community to discover that
this is not really the way engineering works. Proponents of a
mechanistic kind of software engineering have been allowed to define
the term in agreement with their own prejudices.
[](#p4 "Paragraph 4") At the root of the unwillingness of the software
community to accept software development as a form of engineering lies a
single misconception, inexplicably shared across ideological boundaries.
To see what it is, we must first define a little terminology.
[](#p5 "Paragraph 5") The technical term for the output of an
engineering process is an artefact. The artefact is only nominally
what customers pay for. The actual product is some experience that
occurs between the artefact and the user.[7](#fn7 "Footnote 7") This is
what Pirsig was referring to when he wrote that Quality is not a thing.
It is an event.[8](#fn8 "Footnote 8") A bridge is an artefact but it is
not the product. The product is not getting wet.
[](#p6 "Paragraph 6") A design document—for example, a set of
engineering drawings—describes how to construct one or more artefacts,
but is not itself an artefact. A building is an artefact; the product it
provides, or one of them, is (again) not getting
wet.[9](#fn9 "Footnote 9") You can get some of the effect by holding a
set of working drawings above your head, but beyond a certain
point—probably a stiff breeze, anything more than a light drizzle or
when your arm gets tired, whichever comes first—you are bound to want
the actual building.
[](#p7 "Paragraph 7") Our problem arises when people mistake software
source code for an artefact. Source code is **not** an artefact because
the user does not interact with it; there is no product experience
created in this way. Source code is a design document because it
describes how to construct the true artefact, which is the
machine-executable code.[10](#fn10 "Footnote 10") Source code is the
map, not the territory.
[](#p8 "Paragraph 8") This point is critical to the understanding of
software development because, as [Jack Reeves
explained]( "What is Software Design?")
in 1992, it identifies our work as designing rather than constructing
(or, for that matter, manufacturing) software.[11](#fn11 "Footnote 11")
Construction is an activity performed by compilers and the associated
infrastructure around them—not for nothing do we call this the build
system. We are software engineers, not software construction workers.
[](#p9 "Paragraph 9") We should not see engineering as a metaphor for
software development. Each branch of engineering has its own set of
heuristics, moulded in part by the nature of the materials with which it
works, and software engineering is naturally no exception. Chief among
its unique features is that software construction is both fast and
cheap—often taking on the order of seconds to minutes, generally with
zero marginal cost. Most engineers do not have the luxury of such a
short feedback loop between their designs and the finished artefacts. It
would be inappropriate for software engineering to simply adopt a
morphology from another branch of engineering, even if such a thing
existed. The common thread uniting those branches is not some shared
morphology but the fact that none is capable of being reduced to such a
[](#p10 "Paragraph 10") Those who see software development as
mechanistic in nature invariably also mistake it for a construction
activity. Usually these people will say Software engineering is not yet
a true engineering discipline,[12](#fn12 "Footnote 12") but that they
hope it will eventually become
one.[13](#fn13 "Footnote 13"), [14](#fn14 "Footnote 14") The obstacle
is always a lack of rigour, the solution more
discipline.[15](#fn15 "Footnote 15") Apparently the best way to
instil this discipline may to threaten the practitioner with
imprisonment.[16](#fn16 "Footnote 16")
[](#p11 "Paragraph 11") The most prominent example of this school of
thought is the unfortunately-named Software Engineering Institute at
Carnegie Mellon University. It is funded by the United States Department
of Defence, whose bizarre procurement policies treat designs and
artefacts identically. Unsurprisingly, the SEI tends to label ideas that
fit its patrons worldview as software engineering, even when they may
be the opposite of established engineering practice.
[](#p12 "Paragraph 12") One form this takes is the fetishisation of
[reliability](../is-it-safe "Is it Safe?") over all other properties of
a system. To the mechanist, the fact that software sometimes crashes is
damning evidence that software is not yet an engineering discipline. In
part this is coloured by an unjustifiably narrow view of the range of
work in which engineers are engaged. Pencils and paperclips break all
the time.[17](#fn17 "Footnote 17") Even in areas where safety of life is
an issue—popularly assumed to be the sole province of engineers—failures
still occur absent any negligence on the part of
engineers.[18](#fn18 "Footnote 18") To assume that software is unique
among humanitys creations in its tendency to fail is to ignore both the
evidence and the more prosaic explanation: that the cost to society of
ensuring it never can usually outweighs the cost of taking the risk.
[](#p13 "Paragraph 13") The temptation is strong to declare that this
reliability-obsessed process is not engineering at all, but it must be
resisted. I do not claim that all software is engineered, at least in
the modern sense. Yet so long as we are developing software within a
social context, where the finished artefact has users other than its
designers, we can scarcely escape the conclusion that what we are doing
is engineering. Still, I would certainly argue that methodologies that
disregard the expenditure of resources are the antithesis of good
[](#p14 "Paragraph 14") If I wished to be kind to the SEI, I would note
only that the context in which they operate is not shared by most—or
even many—software engineers, and that they could do us all a favour by
choosing a name that does not imply that they represent the only way of
doing software engineering. If I were feeling less charitable, I might
add that even in their chosen context their methods have proven
unsuccessful]( "The Ugly History of Tool Development at the FAA").
[](#p15 "Paragraph 15") On the other side of the fence, many of those
who reject the mechanistic theory of software development nevertheless
mistake the source code for an artefact just the same. At the nexus of
these two ideas lies the concept of software development as craft.
Recognition that all software development is unpredictable design work
and belief that software is constructed by humans can be reconciled only
in a medieval model[19](#fn19 "Footnote 19") of software development, in
which the design and construction of artefacts are not separate
> The technology of the middle ages was the technology of the artisan. …
> \[In the Renaissance\] the artisan has been split up into his
> components, the engineer and the worker.[20](#fn20 "Footnote 20")
[](#p16 "Paragraph 16") Seen in this light, the epitome of the software
craftsman is to be found in [the story of
Mel]( "Hackers Dictionary The Story of Mel"),
the Real Programmer, who famously programs directly in machine code.
Mels legendary technical skills have made him a hero to many, yet he
seems completely isolated from the economic consequences of his
work.[21](#fn21 "Footnote 21") It exists in a vacuum, outside of any
social context.
[](#p17 "Paragraph 17") Something is always lost when the engineer is
separated from the worker, but such transitions occur because these
losses are outweighed by the gains. The combined efforts of all the
master craftsmen in Florence might never have been sufficient to
complete the cathedral dome had Filippo Brunelleschi—or some other
engineer—not devised a way to build it.[22](#fn22 "Footnote 22") In
software such a split was already in evidence by the 1960s, simply
because the methodology Mel used to craft his blackjack program imposed
a very low upper bound on softwares transformative power. In the
intervening decades the workers—programmers, in the contemporary sense
of the term—have been automated out of existence. The revolution will
not be televised; it already happened and you missed it.
[](#p18 "Paragraph 18") To regress to a guild of medieval [Real
Programmers]( "Hackers Dictionary Real Programmer")
does not strike me as a goal to which we should aspire. We need not do
so if we recognise that source code is not an artefact and accept our
role as software designers and not software builders. Engineers, freed
from the need to personally construct their artefacts, take no less care
in and derive no less pleasure from their work than did the craftsmen
who preceded them.
[](#p19 "Paragraph 19") In all our discourse about software engineering,
we have failed to challenge the assumption that it could only be brought
about through the application of rigour, discipline and
government-mandated participation in a monoculture that treats every
line of code as if lives depended on it, on pain of imprisonment,
regardless of context. This vision may be to some a shining beacon of
hope, to others a nightmare that makes
[Kafka]( "IMDB The Trial (1962)")
look like Disney. But the essence of engineering is not to be found in
these things. To be an engineer is to strive for change in a world where
resources are limited.
[](#p20 "Paragraph 20") We are the heirs of an engineering tradition as
old as civilisation, but Eden is burning. The name of our profession
itself—the very core of our identity—has been co-opted by some of the
most dysfunctional organisations in society and redefined in ways that
conflict with our values. In order to claim our birthright we must first
recapture what it means to be a software engineer.