Add more packages

This commit is contained in:
Nemo 2021-06-10 01:46:54 +05:30
parent 9bd6396ec6
commit 7bda21482f
1 changed files with 167 additions and 34 deletions

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@ -1,36 +1,169 @@
# Minimum List of important+small packages I want # Minimum List of important+small packages I want
aur: aur:
- insomnia-bin # Fonts
- pandoc-bin - ttf-twemoji-color
- dxvk-bin - ttf-symbola-free
- ttf-twemoji-color - ttf-all-the-icons
- q - ttf-input
- chromium-widevine - otf-stix
- soundux # Gaming
- dex2jar-git - dxvk-bin
- openpomodoro - protontricks
- beancount # Reverse Engineering
- puddletag - dex2jar-git
- fava - jd-gui
- pup-bin - jd-cmd
- otf-stix - android-apktool
- gallery-dl # Media
- jd-gui - chromium-widevine # DRM for Netflix/Prime
- ttf-symbola-free - puddletag # Media Tagging GUI
- m4b-tool-bin - gallery-dl # youtube-dl, but for image galleries
- docker-credential-pass - m4b-tool-bin # Audiobook merge/split tooling
- jd-cmd - m4acut # Split m4a files
- linkchecker - soundux # pipewire audio plumbing. Useful for mixing audio into calls
- zeal # Finances
- ttf-all-the-icons - fava
- autojump - beancount
- beanprice - beanprice
- protontricks # Productivity
- m4acut - openpomodoro
- scm_breeze-git - autojump # jump around
- pacman-cleanup-hook # Tools
- aur-auto-vote-git - pup-bin # Parse HTML in cli
- letsencrypt-cloudflare-hook - linkchecker # Check website for broken links
- multilockscreen-git - q # CSV file parser
- pass-git-helper - letsencrypt-cloudflare-hook
- rdrview-git - pandoc-bin # because the haskell dependencies are too much
- rdrview-git
# Dev
- insomnia-bin # Postman, but FOSS (by Kong)
- docker-credential-pass
- zeal # (Dash equivalent to browse docs)
- scm_breeze-git # Git aliases and shortcuts
- pass-git-helper # Use pass for Git HTTPS clone credentials
# Arch Specific
- pacman-cleanup-hook
- aur-auto-vote-git
- multilockscreen-git
# GUI Software
- firefox
- calibre
- vlc
- gnumeric
- abiword
- evince
- foliate
# Reverse Engineering
- zaproxy
- jadx
# Development
- git
- vim
- php
- ruby
# Container Stuff
- docker
- containerd
- podman
- runc
- composer
# Languages
- crystal
- nodejs
- npm
# Appearance
- papirus-icon-theme
- arc-gtk-theme
- arc-icon-theme
# Fonts
- ttf-droid
- ttf-fira-mono
- ttf-font-awesome
- ttf-indic-otf
- ttf-joypixels
# Media
- youtube-dl
- audacity
- clementine
# Security
- zbar # Use this for pass-otp
- browserpass
- browserpass-firefox
# Tools
- p7zip
- imagemagick
- gnupg
- aws-cli
- hub # GitHub CLI
# Configuration
- arandr
- autorandr
# Bluetooth
- blueman
- bluez
- bluez-plugins
- bluez-tools
- bluez-utils
- cronie
- dehydrated
- ebook-tools
- entr
# Gaming
- gamemode
- lib32-gamemode
- go
- hexchat
- i3blocks
- i3status
- i3-gaps
- jq
- khal
- libappindicator-gtk2
- liferea
- meld
- minitube
- ncdu
- opensc
- pass
- pass-otp
- pavucontrol
- pcmanfm
- pdftk
- picom
- picocom
- pinta
- powerline-fonts
- pwgen
- rofi
- screen
- shards
- shellcheck
- speedtest-cli
- starship
- stow
- strace
- the_silver_searcher
- thunderbird
- transmission-gtk
- trash-cli
- unicode-emoji
- vdirsyncer
- khal
- wget
- whois
- wkhtmltopdf
- yq
- yubikey-manager
- yubikey-touch-detector
- yubikey-personalization
- awesome-terminal-fonts
- bat
- cloc
- cuetools
- ddcutil
- dmenu
- earlyoom
- expac
- gpicview