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ASUS RT-AX53U Firmware Disassembly

Disassembly of the ASUS RT-AX53U Firmware. See CHANGELOG.md for release notes as per upstream changes.


The official firmware was downloaded, then extracted using binwalk. The complete squashfs-root was uploaded to this git-repository, with the commit timestamps as per the firmware timestamp.

The GitHub releases contain the TRX files, for verification purposes.


Firmware Download

Downloaded manually from ASUS DL to the fw directory, and renamed to the tiniest version number ( is saved as fw/69061.trx).

Firmware Extraction

cd fw;binwalk -e *.trx;cd ..

Release Creation

for i in fw/*.trx; do \
	echo "$i" && \
	TAG=$(basename $i .trx) && \
	gh release create "$TAG" --generate-notes "$i#$TAG.trx" \

Commit Creation

for i in fw/*.trx; do \
	echo "$i" && TAG=$(basename $i .trx) && \
	cp -rf fw/_$TAG.trx.extracted/squashfs-root/*  . --no-dereference -p && \
	git add . && \
	GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(stat --format=%y $i)" git commit --date "$(stat --format=%y $i)" -m "ASUS RT-AX53U Firmware version$TAG" && \
	GIT_COMMITTER_DATE="$(stat --format=%y $i)" git tag -a -m "$TAG" "$TAG"; \