Updated 2023-10-31 18:14:52 +00:00
The Elements of Computing Systems, My Workbook for the NAND to Tetris course.
Updated 2020-07-08 14:26:28 +00:00
Source Code for the Home Server setup. This includes the git server hosting this repository as well. #terraform #docker
Updated 2023-11-28 05:06:07 +00:00
Plain-Text India-focused News
Updated 2024-07-23 04:47:38 +00:00
Generate OPML files for following web-things
Updated 2018-06-27 01:39:42 +00:00
A simple HTTParty based wrapper for the Outline API. Comes with ready scripts to import|export content from Outline.
Updated 2024-03-07 08:05:00 +00:00
Publish VMWare Photon Advisories in OSV format, automatically synced. Unofficial - not affiliated with VMWare
Updated 2024-07-26 05:37:58 +00:00
📝 A list of tools and articles helpful for keeping everything under plaintext.
Updated 2022-05-30 09:17:55 +00:00
Where in the world are Plugo's powerbanks.
Updated 2024-07-26 16:13:17 +00:00
How many Indian government websites are using HTTPS?
Updated 2022-01-29 17:50:41 +00:00
Updated 2022-01-26 15:38:53 +00:00
An unofficial specification for the Simpl API, written using OpenAPI 3.1
Updated 2023-03-15 15:44:51 +00:00
A dataset of popular tools and services powering various stacks.
Updated 2024-03-05 15:35:07 +00:00
Updated 2022-05-30 09:20:12 +00:00
Updated 2024-02-24 05:36:28 +00:00
This module provides an updated list of Duo's public CIDRs. These are maintained against the Duo Documentation: https://help.duo.com/s/article/1337
Updated 2023-12-15 08:11:25 +00:00