# youtube-cue Helps you tag music compilations from youtube by generating a Cue sheet. Use alongside [cuetag.sh](https://command-not-found.com/cuetag.sh), [m4acut](https://github.com/nu774/m4acut), or [mp3splt](https://sourceforge.net/p/mp3splt/) or any other Cue sheet tooling. ## Dependencies - None ## Installation npm install -g youtube-cue ## Usage Generates Cue sheet from Youtube URL Usage $ youtube-cue --audio-file Options --help, Show help --version, Show version --audio-file, Input Audio File Examples $ youtube-cue "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THzUassmQwE" output.cue output.cue saved ## Personal Usage I have this in my `.bashrc` to download, split, tag, and import albums: ```shell function ytdl.album() { cd $(mktemp -d) youtube-dl -f "bestaudio[ext=m4a]" --output "audio.m4a" "$1" youtube-cue --audio-file "audio.m4a" "$1" tracks.cue m4acut -C tracks.cue "audio.m4a" && \ trash audio.m4a && \ beet import -map . } ``` ## HACKING - If this video does not work on a specific video, please attach the debug log output - Pull Requests are welcome that add support for a better parser without breaking the existing tests - Please add tests for any new functionality ## License Licensed under the [MIT License][mit] [mit]: https://nemo.mit-license.org/ [rdd]: http://tom.preston-werner.com/2010/08/23/readme-driven-development.html