#!/usr/bin/env node import ytdl from 'ytdl-core'; import fs from 'fs'; import { generate } from './src/cue.js'; import minimist from 'minimist'; import updateNotifier from 'update-notifier'; import pkg from './src/package.js'; import { processFile, processYoutube } from './src/process.js'; updateNotifier({ pkg }).notify(); let argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: ['audio-file', 'cue-title', 'cue-performer'], }); if (argv.version) { console.log(pkg.version); } else if (argv._.length < 1 || argv.help) { console.log(`Usage $ youtube-cue [--audio-file audio.m4a] --cue-title "Album Name" --cue-performer "Album Artist" [output_file] youtube_url: Pass a Youtube URL from where description is fetched and parsed input_file: Pass a plaintext file which contains the description text containing a timesheet. Options --help, Show help --audio-file, Input Audio File (optional) that is written to the CUE sheet. If a youtube URL is passed, then The default audio file is set to %VIDEOTITLE.m4a The default output file is set to %VIDEOTITLE.cue Since video title is not available while parsing text files, The default audio file is set to audio.m4a The default output file is set to output.cue Generally the parser detects whether numbers (such as 00:12) are positional timestamps or track durations. To enforce a desired interpretation you can use these flags: --timestamps Parse as positional timestamps (relative to the start of the playlist) --durations Parse numbers as track durations instead. The above 2 are only needed to force behaviour in very specific edge cases, they should not be required for most files. --cue-title "Title that goes into the CUE file for the complete CUE sheet" --cue-performer "Performer for the entire collection. Commonly the album artist." cue-title and cue-performer are recommended especially if you are reading the data from a text file. --version Print version Examples $ youtube-cue --audio-file audio.m4a "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THzUassmQwE" "T A Y L O R S W I F T – Folklore [Full album].cue" saved $ youtube-cue "https://youtu.be/THzUassmQwE" folklore.cue folklore.cue saved $ youtube-cue --audio-file audio.m4a --cue-performer "Magic Riders" description.txt "output.cue" saved`); } else { let urlOrFile = argv._[0]; let r; if (fs.existsSync(urlOrFile)) { r = processFile(urlOrFile, argv); } else { r = await processYoutube(urlOrFile, argv); } generate( { tracks: r.tracks, artist: r.artist, audioFile: r.audioFile, album: r.album, }, r.outputFile ); console.log(`"${r.outputFile}" saved`); }