/*jshint esversion: 6 */ const TS_REGEX = /((\d{1,2}:)?\d{1,2}:\d{1,2})/; var filterTimestamp = function(line) { return TS_REGEX.test(line); }; var parseTimeStamp = function(line) { let matches = line.match(TS_REGEX); return { timestamp: matches[0], text: matches.input, }; }; var parseTitle = function(obj) { let i = obj.text.indexOf(obj.timestamp); // See to the left of i and right of i let left = obj.text.substr(0, i); let right = obj.text.substr(i + obj.timestamp.length); // Ties break in favor of right, right? let title = left.length > right.length ? left : right; title = title.trim(); return Object.assign({ title: title }, obj); }; module.exports = { parse: function(text) { return text .split('\n') .filter(filterTimestamp) .map(parseTimeStamp) .map(parseTitle); }, };