#!/usr/bin/env node import ytdl from 'ytdl-core'; import getArtistTitle from 'get-artist-title' import {parse} from './src/parser.js' import {generate} from './src/cue.js' import minimist from 'minimist' import exit from 'process' let argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { string: 'audio-file' }); if (argv._.length <1 || argv.help ){ console.log(`Usage $ youtube-cue [--audio-file audio.m4a] [output_file] Options --help, Show help --audio-file, Input Audio File (optional) that is written to the CUE sheet The default audio file is set to %VIDEOTITLE.m4a The default output file is set to %VIDEOTITLE.cue where $VIDEOTITLE is the title of the YouTube video. Generally the parser detects whether numbers are positional timestamps or track durations. To enforce a desired interpretation you can use these flags: --timestamps Parse as positional timestamps (relative to the start of the playlist) --durations Parse as track durations The above 2 are only needed to force behaviour in very specific edge cases, they should not be required for most files. Examples $ youtube-cue --audio-file audio.m4a "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THzUassmQwE" "T A Y L O R S W I F T – Folklore [Full album].cue" saved $ youtube-cue "https://youtu.be/THzUassmQwE" folklore.cue folklore.cue saved`) } else { let url = argv._[0] ytdl.getInfo(url).then(info=>{ let audioFile = argv['audio-file']? argv['audio-file'] : `${info.videoDetails.title}.m4a` let output_file = argv._[1]? argv._[1] : `${info.videoDetails.title}.cue` let forceTimestamps = argv['timestamps']? argv['timestamps'] : false; let forceDurations = argv['durations']? argv['durations'] : false; if (forceTimestamps && forceDurations) { console.error("You can't pass both --timestamps and durations"); exit(1) } let res = getArtistTitle(info.videoDetails.title,{ defaultArtist: "Unknown Artist", defaultTitle: info.videoDetails.title }); let [artist, album] = res artist = (info.videoDetails.media ? info.videoDetails.media.artist : artist) let tracks = parse(info.videoDetails.description, {artist, forceTimestamps, forceDurations}) generate({tracks, artist, audioFile, album}, output_file) console.log(`"${output_file}" saved`) }) }