output "apm_cidrs" { description = "List of all New Relic APM CIDRs. Whitelist for egress against 443" value = ["${concat(local.apm["us"], local.apm["eu"])}"] } output "apm_cidrs_us" { description = "List of New Relic APM CIDRs (US). Whitelist for egress against 443" value = ["${local.apm["us"]}"] } output "apm_cidrs_eu" { description = "List of New Relic APM CIDRs (EU). Whitelist for egress against 443" value = ["${local.apm["eu"]}"] } output "infra_cidrs" { description = "List of all New Relic Infrastructure Agent CIDRs. Whitelist for egress against 443" value = ["${concat(local.infra["us"], local.infra["eu"])}"] } output "infra_cidrs_us" { description = "List of New Relic Infrastructure Agent CIDRs (US). Whitelist for egress against 443" value = ["${local.infra["us"]}"] } output "infra_cidrs_eu" { description = "List of New Relic Infrastructure Agent CIDRs (EU). Whitelist for egress against 443" value = ["${local.infra["eu"]}"] } output "browser_domains" { description = "List of all New Relic Browser application domains." value = ["${concat(local.browser["us"], local.browser["eu"])}"] } output "browser_domains_us" { description = "List of New Relic Browser application domains (US)." value = ["${local.browser["us"]}"] } output "browser_domains_eu" { description = "List of New Relic Browser application domains (EU)." value = ["${local.browser["eu"]}"] } output "mobile_domains" { description = "List of all New Relic Mobile Application domains." value = ["${concat(local.mobile["us"], local.mobile["eu"])}"] } output "mobile_domains_us" { description = "List of New Relic Mobile Application domains (US)." value = ["${local.mobile["us"]}"] } output "mobile_domains_eu" { description = "List of New Relic Mobile application domains (EU)." value = ["${local.mobile["eu"]}"] } output "synthetics_ips" { description = "List of New Relic Synthetic Minion IPs for both US and EU accounts" value = [ "${concat(local.synthetics_us, local.synthetics_eu)}", ] } output "synthetics_cidrs" { description = "List of New Relic Synthetic Minion IPs as /32 CIDR for both US and EU accounts" value = ["${formatlist("%s/32", concat(local.synthetics_us, local.synthetics_eu))}"] } output "synthetics_ips_us" { description = "List of New Relic Synthetic Minion IPs for US accounts" value = ["${local.synthetics_us}"] } output "synthetics_cidr_us" { description = "List of New Relic Synthetic Minion IPs as /32 CIDR for US accounts" value = ["${formatlist("%s/32", local.synthetics_us)}"] } output "synthetics_ips_eu" { description = "List of New Relic Synthetic Minion IPs for EU accounts" value = ["$${local.synthetics_eu}"] } output "synthetics_cidrs_eu" { description = "List of New Relic Synthetic Minion IPs as /32 CIDR for EU accounts" value = ["${formatlist("%s/32", local.synthetics_eu)}"] } output "ticketing_cidrs" { description = "Third-party ticketing integrations will be sent from these CIDRs" value = ["${concat(local.ticketing_and_webhooks_us, local.ticketing_and_webhooks_eu)}"] } output "ticketing_cidrs_us" { description = "Same as ticketing_cidrs, but exclusively for US accounts" value = ["${local.ticketing_and_webhooks_us}"] } output "ticketing_cidrs_eu" { description = "Same as ticketing_cidrs, but exclusively for EU accounts" value = ["${local.ticketing_and_webhooks_eu}"] } # The webhook_* outputs are same as ticketing_ output "webhook_cidrs" { description = "New Relic-generated webhooks for alert policies will be sent from these CIDRs" value = ["${concat(local.ticketing_and_webhooks_us, local.ticketing_and_webhooks_eu)}"] } output "webhook_cidrs_us" { description = "Same as webhook_cidrs, but exclusively for US accounts" value = ["${local.ticketing_and_webhooks_us}"] } output "webhook_cidrs_eu" { description = "Same as webhook_cidrs, but exclusively for EU accounts" value = ["${local.ticketing_and_webhooks_eu}"] }