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<title>UX &amp; Usability Designing</title>
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<h1>UX &amp; Usability Designing</h1>
<h3 class="inverted">- Abhay Rana (me@captnemo.in)</h3>
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<h2>Types Of Designing</h2>
<h3>Informational Design</h3>
<li>Content Websites</li>
<h3>Interactive Design</h3>
<h2>Informational Design</h2>
<img src="chrome.jpg">
<h2>Interactive Design</h2>
<img src="hangout.png">
<h2>Youtube Leanback</h2>
<img src="yt-2.png"><br>
<h2>Postbox App</h2>
<img src="postbox.png"><br>
<h2 style="margin-top:-100px">Why do we need this?</h2>
<img src="amazon-1.jpg" />
<img src="amazon-3.jpg" />
<img src="amazon-4.jpg" />
<img src="amazon-6.jpg" />
<img src="amazon-7.png" />
<br><small>Amazon circa 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007, 2011 via archive.org</small>
<h2>Multi-Level Menus</h2>
<img src="amazon-5.jpg">
<img src="flipkart-1.jpg">
<img src="indiaplaza.in.jpg">
<h2>Interface Oriented Designing</h2>
<p>Some examples of interfaces ? </p>
<h2>Touch Based Interfaces</h2>
<img src="ios-1.jpg"><br>
<h3>Touchable Websites</h2>
<img src="flipkart-2.jpg">
<h3>Command Line ?</h2>
<img src="cmd.jpg">
<h3>Voice Activated</h3>
<img src="siri.jpg"><br><small>http://goo.gl/4vFql</small>
<h3>Gesture Based</h3>
<img src="kinect.jpg">
<h3>Dream worthy Interfaces</h3>
<img src="avengers.png">
<br><small>Avengers, 2012 - Warner Bros</small>
<h2>Good Interfaces</h2>
<p>What do they all have in common?</p>
<img src="google.jpg">
<h2>Easily Learnable</h2>
<img src="paint.jpg">
<img src="fb.jpg">
<img src="yt.jpg">
<h2>Fits in the environment</h2>
<li>Angry Birds in <b>Windows</b></li>
<li>Dreamweaver in <b>iPhones</b></li>
<li>Windows on a <b>DJ Set</b></li>
<li>Temple Run using your <b>Mouse</b></li>
<li>Using Mouse to control a robot</li>
<h2>And the gist is...</h2>
<h2 style="font-size:269px">DON'T MAKE ME THINK</h2>
<h2>Design Paradigms</h2>
<h4>Don't make me learn</h4>
<li>Use existing design ideas</li>
<li>Don't re-invent the wheel</li>
<li>Design to learn quickly</li>
<li>Minimum Effort</li>
<li>Users are Lazy</li>
<img src="tabs.jpg">
<h2>Sensible Defaults</h2>
<p>Examples: </p>
<li>Choose default country</li>
<li>Choose most-used price range</li>
<li>Show popular content</li>
<li>Reduce Design induced Frustration</li>
<h2>Navigation Heirarchy</h2>
<img src="menus.png">
<p>Give your users an idea of what is important</p>
<h2>Eye Tracking</h2>
<img src="eye.jpg">
<h2>Using Icons</h2>
<li>Bad Icons: <br><img src="gmail.jpg"></li>
<li>Fine Icons/Buttons: <br><img src="gmail-2.jpg"></li>
<li>More Bad Icons: <br><img src="idm.jpg"></li>
<li>Good: <br><img src="wmp.jpg"></li>
<h2>Call To Action</h2>
<img src="gmail-field.jpg">
<h2>More CTA</h2>
<img src="gs.png">
<h2>Design Workflows</h2>
<blockquote>Produce at least 3 alternatives for every design decision - <a href="https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4312953">msuther</a></blockquote>
<img src="sketch.jpg">
<p>Go through every screen &amp; its relation with other screens</p>
<img src="mockup.jpg">
<p>Sketches, Wireframes, Mockups, Pixels, Shots</p>
<h2>Think Over every interaction</h2>
<p>Is this the easiest, most obvious interaction that the user would choose?</p>
<p>Can I offer an alternative to this interaction?</p>
<p>Don't miss out the power users</p>
<p>Don't try to do everything, do ONE THING WELL </p>
<p>This is just a small sample of what is out there in the web</p>
<h2>Don't Make Me Think - Steve Krug</h2>
<img src="dmmt.jpg">
<h2>GUI Bloopers</h2>
<img src="blooper-1.jpg">
<img src="blooper.jpg">
<img src="blooper-2.jpg">
<h2><a href="http://littlebigdetails.com"> Little Big Details </a></h2>
<img src="lbd.jpg">
<img src="lbd2.png">
<img src="lbd3.png">
<h2><a href="http://usabilityhell.com/">Usability Hell</a></h2>
<img src="london.png">
<h2><a href="http://ux.stackexchange.com"></a>ux.stackexchange</h2>
<img src="ux.jpg">
<h3>about how would you improve</h3>
<li>A coffee machine</li>
<li>A power socket</li>
<li>anything really...</li>
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// TODO Is there a better way to determine if we're running the notes server?
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