# security-engineering-3rd-edition-ebook ![](https://img.shields.io/badge/Status-Unavailable-orange) *Update*: The website currently only has 7 sample chapters since the remaining were removed at the book's publication. The script should automatically start working in May 2024, when these chapters should become available. ![third-edition-security-engineering-book-cover](cover-thumb.jpg) This is just the script to generate a combined PDF from the currently-online-chapters that were published for review. The script also takes care of putting in the right bookmarks for all the chapters in the generated PDF file. The e-book version is available now for $42 from [Wiley](https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Security+Engineering%3A+A+Guide+to+Building+Dependable+Distributed+Systems%2C+3rd+Edition-p-9781119642817) and for $47 from [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/Security-Engineering-Building-Dependable-Distributed-ebook/dp/B08P69FT4Q). ## Chapters See `titles.txt` for the bookmark titles used by the script. - Preface* - Chapter 1: What is Security Engineering? - Chapter 2: Who is the Opponent?* - Chapter 3: Psychology and Usability - Chapter 4: Protocols - Chapter 5: Cryptography - Chapter 6: Access Control - Chapter 7: Distributed Systems - Chapter 8: Economics - Chapter 9: Multilevel Security - Chapter 10: Boundaries - Chapter 11: Inference Control* - Chapter 12: Banking and Bookkeeping - Chapter 13: Physical Protection - Chapter 14: Monitoring and Metering - Chapter 15: Nuclear Command and Control - Chapter 16: Security Printing and Seals - Chapter 17: Biometrics - Chapter 18: Physical Tamper Resistance - Chapter 19: Side Channels* - Chapter 20: Advanced Cryptographic Engineering* - Chapter 21: Network Attack and Defence - Chapter 22: Phones* - Chapter 23: Electronic and Information Warfare - Chapter 24: Copyright and DRM - Chapter 25: Taking Stock* - Chapter 26: Surveillance or Privacy?* - Chapter 27: Secure Systems Development - Chapter 28: Assurance and Sustainability - Chapter 29: Beyond 'Computer Says No' - Bibliography* Chapters marked with \* are available as sample chapters. ## How to generate the book? Run `./generate.sh`. You will need `pdftk`, and `wget` installed. Alternatively, you can run it using Docker. ### Docker ``` docker run --detach --name security-engineering-ebook captn3m0/security-engineering-ebook 7553d55547603b0e3d47332f4cd55a126ace10e0e965547b0fae06e3c7b16229 docker logs security-engineering-ebook -f Starting PDF download All PDFs downloaded PDF files combined Bookmarks attached to PDF PDF File generated: security-engineering-3rd-edition.pdf docker cp security-engineering-ebook:/security-engineering-ebook/security-engineering-3rd-edition.pdf . ``` Once the script finishes running, check the `security-engineering-3rd-edition.pdf` file. ### More Options? You can run with the following 2 options: `--generate-metadata` To generate the meta.txt file which contains the list of bookmarks to be inserted. This is required if you make changes to the file lists. This also requires `qpdf` to be installed. `--download-cover-image` Download the cover image. The repo already has [a `cover.pdf` file which](https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/Papers/SEv3-cover.pdf) is used by default. Do this if the cover URL changes. Requires `wget` to be installed. ## Support the Authors Buy the second edition of the book from: - [Amazon.com](http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0470068523/rossandersshomep) - [Wiley](http://he-cda.wiley.com/WileyCDA/HigherEdTitle/productCd-0470068523.html) - [Amazon.co.uk](http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/0470068523/rossandersshomep) - [Kindle Version](http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B004BDOZI0/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=rossanderssho-21&linkCode=as2&camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=B004BDOZI0) A combined PDF of the first edition is available directly from the author at . ## Contributing The list of URLs is maintained at `urls.txt` and might need to be updated. File a PR if this breaks? ## Extra A list of my other EBook generation projects: https://captnemo.in/ebooks/, includes a link to other related projects as well ## License The little code in this repo is licensed under the [MIT License](https://nemo.mit-license.org/). See LICENSE file for details.