mirror of https://github.com/captn3m0/Scripts.git synced 2024-09-07 16:46:25 +00:00

553 lines
15 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use Cwd;
use IPC::Semaphore;
use IPC::SharedMem;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
use LWP;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request;
use HTTP::Response;
use Getopt::Long;
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1 sha1_hex);
my $configfile="$ENV{HOME}/.rip-git";
my %config;
$config{'branch'} = "master";
$config{'gitdir'} = ".git";
$config{'agent'} = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2';
sub randomstr {
my($num) = @_;
my @chars = ("A".."Z", "a".."z");
my $string;
$string .= $chars[rand @chars] for 1..$num;
return $string;
if (-e $configfile) {
open(CONFIG,"<$configfile") or next;
while (<CONFIG>) {
chomp; # no newline
s/#.*//; # no comments
s/^\s+//; # no leading white
s/\s+$//; # no trailing white
next unless length; # anything left?
my ($var, $value) = split(/\s*=\s*/, $_, 2);
$config{$var} = $value;
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
my $result = GetOptions (
"a|agent=s" => \$config{'agent'},
"b|branch=s" => \$config{'branch'},
"c|checkout!" => \$config{'checkout'},
"e|redis=s" => \$config{'redis'},
"g|guess" => \$config{'intguess'},
"k|session=s" => \$config{'session'},
"n|newer" => \$config{'newer'},
"m|mkdir" => \$config{'mkdir'},
"o|output=s" => \$config{'output'},
"p|proxy=s" => \$config{'proxy'},
"r|redirects=i" => \$config{'redirects'},
"s|sslignore!" => \$config{'sslignore'},
"t|tasks=i" => \$config{'tasks'},
"u|url=s" => \$config{'url'},
"x|brute" => \$config{'brute'},
"v|verbose+" => \$config{'verbose'},
"h|help" => \&help
my @gitfiles=(
my $cwd=cwd();
my $urldir=$config{'url'};
if ($config{'output'}) {
$cwd = cwd();
if ($config{'mkdir'}) {
mkdir $config{'output'}."/".$urldir;
chdir $config{'output'}."/".$urldir;
} else {
chdir $config{'output'};
my @commits;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
if ($config{'sslignore'}) {
$ua->ssl_opts(SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE, verify_hostname => 0);
if ($config{'proxy'}) {
# for socks proxy make sure you have LWP::Protocol::socks
$ua->proxy(['http', 'https'], $config{'proxy'});
my $gd=$config{'gitdir'}."/";
mkdir $gd;
print STDERR "[i] Downloading git files from $config{'url'}\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
if ($config{'verbose'}>2) {
print STDERR "[i] Using agent: $config{'agent'}\n";
print STDERR "[i] Using redirects: $config{'redirects'}\n";
print STDERR "[i] Using proxy: $config{'proxy'}\n";
my @resp404;
my $respdetectmax=$config{'respdetectmax'};
print STDERR "[i] Auto-detecting 404 as 200 with $config{'respdetectmax'} requests\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
for (my $i=0; $i<$respdetectmax;$i++) {
my $resp=getreq(randomstr($config{'resp404reqsize'}));
if ($resp->is_success) {
push @resp404, $resp;
} else {
last; # exit loop
if ($config{'resp404correct'}) {
print STDERR "[i] Getting correct 404 responses\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
} else {
print STDERR "[i] Getting 200 as 404 responses. Adapting...\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
my $oldchopresp = substr($resp404[0]->content,0,$config{'resp404size'});
foreach my $entry (@resp404) {
my $chopresp=substr($entry->content,0,$config{'resp404size'});
if ($oldchopresp eq $chopresp) {
} else {
print STDERR "[i] 404 responses are different, you will have to customize script source code\n";
last; # exit loop
unless ($config{'session'}) {
print STDERR "[i] Using session name: $config{'session'}\n";
my $haveredis = eval
require Redis;
my $havealg = eval {
require Algorithm::Combinatorics;
Algorithm::Combinatorics->import(qw(variations_with_repetition permutations));
if ($config{'redis'}) {
if ($haveredis) {
if ($ENV{'REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR'}) {
print STDERR "[i] Detected redis docker environment variable, overriding: $config{'redis'}\n";
print STDERR "[i] Using redis: $config{'redis'}\n";
$config{'redisobj'} = Redis->new(server => $config{'redis'});
$config{'redis-good'} = $config{'session'}."-good";
$config{'redis-bad'} = $config{'session'}."-bad";
} else {
print STDERR "[i] Please install Perl Redis module\n";
foreach my $file (@gitfiles) {
my $furl = $config{'url'}."/".$file;
mkdir $gd."logs";
mkdir $gd."logs/refs";
mkdir $gd."logs/refs/heads";
mkdir $gd."logs/refs/remotes";
mkdir $gd."objects";
mkdir $gd."objects/info";
mkdir $gd."objects/pack";
mkdir $gd."info";
my $res = getfile("logs/HEAD",$gd."logs/HEAD");
my @lines = split /\n/, $res->content;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
my @fields=split(/\s+/, $line);
my $ref = $fields[1];
mkdir $gd."refs";
mkdir $gd."refs/heads";
my $res = getfile("refs/heads/".$config{'branch'},$gd."refs/heads/".$config{'branch'});
mkdir $gd."refs/remotes";
mkdir $gd."refs/tags";
# process packs file: objects/info/packs
my $infopacks='objects/info/packs';
my $res=getrealreq($infopacks);
if ($res->is_success) {
print STDERR "[!] found info file for packs, trying to process them: $infopacks\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
my @items=split("\n",$res->content);
foreach my $item (@items) {
print STDERR "[d] processing packs entry: $item\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>1);
my ($imark,$ifile) = split(" ",$item);
my $packfn="objects/pack/$ifile";
# Parallel Tasks magic
my $haveppf = eval
require Parallel::ForkManager;
my $pm;
my $sem;
my $shm;
my $shmsize=16;
if ($config{'tasks'}>0) {
if ($haveppf) {
$pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new($config{'tasks'});
$sem = new IPC::Semaphore( ftok( $0, 0 ), 1, S_IRWXU | IPC_CREAT );
if ($sem) {
$shm = IPC::SharedMem->new(IPC_PRIVATE, 16, S_IRWXU);
} else {
die("Error creating IPC Semaphore: $!\n");
print STDERR "[i] Using $config{'tasks'} parallel tasks\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
} else {
print STDERR "[!] Please install Parallel::Prefork CPAN module for parallel requests\n";
my $pcount=1;
my $fcount=0;
while ($pcount>0) {
print STDERR "[i] Running git fsck to check for missing items\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
open(PIPE,"git fsck |") or die "cannot find git: $!";
if ($config{'tasks'}>0) {
while (<PIPE>) {
if (/^missing/) {
my @getref = split (/\s+/);
if ($config{'tasks'}>0) {
$pm->start() and next;
my $res = getobject($gd,$getref[2]); # 3rd field is sha1
if ($res->is_success) {
$sem->op( 0, 1, SEM_UNDO );
$fcount=$shm->read(0, $shmsize);
$sem->op( 0, -1, SEM_UNDO );
} else {
my $res = getobject($gd,$getref[2]); # 3rd field is sha1
if ($res->is_success) {
if ($config{'tasks'}>0) {
print STDERR "[i] Waiting for children to finish\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
$fcount = $shm->read(0, $shmsize);
print STDERR "[i] Got items with git fsck: $pcount, Items fetched: $fcount\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
if ($fcount == 0) {
print STDERR "[!] No more items to fetch. That's it!\n";
if ($config{'intguess'}) {
if ($config{'brute'}) {
if ($config{'redisobj'}) {
print STDERR "[i] Closing redis connection\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
if ($config{'checkout'}) {
system("git checkout -f");
if ($config{'output'}) {
chdir $cwd;
sub bruteguess {
print STDERR "[!] Performing pure brute force guessing of packed refs\n";
my $pmb;
my @digestchars=qw(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 a b c d e f);
my $iter = variations_with_repetition(\@digestchars, 40);
if ($config{'tasks'}>0) {
if ($haveppf) {
$pmb = Parallel::ForkManager->new($config{'tasks'});
while (my $c = $iter->next) {
my $p="";
foreach my $i (@{$c}) { $p = $p.$i }
print STDERR "[i] Brute forcing digest item: $p \n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
if ($config{'tasks'}>0) {
$pmb->start() and next;
} else {
if ($config{'tasks'}>0) {
print STDERR "[i] Waiting for children to finish\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
print STDERR "[!] Finished brute force guessing of packed refs. Does world still exists? :)\n";
# get packed refs from given digest
sub getpackedref {
my ($digest) = @_;
my $packfn="objects/pack/".$digest.".pack";
my $idxfn="objects/pack/".$digest.".idx";
# calculate possible digest from array of digests
sub getintitem {
my ($p) = @_;
my $sha = Digest::SHA->new(1); # use SHA-1
foreach my $item (@{$p}) {
my $digestguess=$sha->hexdigest();
# try to intelligently guess packed refs
sub intguess {
print STDERR "[!] Performing intelligent guessing of packed refs\n";
my @missingitems = $config{'redis-bad'};
my $iter = permutations(\@missingitems);
my $pmg;
if ($config{'tasks'}>0) {
if ($haveppf) {
$pmg = Parallel::ForkManager->new($config{'tasks'});
while (my $p = $iter->next) {
print STDERR "[i] Guessing item from permutations\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
if ($config{'tasks'}>0) {
$pmg->start() and next;
} else {
if ($config{'tasks'}>0) {
print STDERR "[i] Waiting for children to finish\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
print STDERR "[!] Finished intelligent guessing of packed refs\n";
sub getobject {
my ($gd,$ref) = @_;
my $rdir = substr ($ref,0,2);
my $rfile = substr ($ref,2);
my $redisc;
if ($config{'redisobj'}) {
$redisc = Redis->new(server => $config{'redis'});
if ($config{'redisobj'}) {
if ($redisc->hexists($config{'redis-bad'},$ref)) {
return HTTP::Response->new(404);
if ($redisc->hexists($config{'redis-good'},$ref)) {
return HTTP::Response->new(200);
print STDERR "[!] Not found in redis cache: $ref\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>1);;
mkdir $gd."objects/$rdir";
my $r=getfile("objects/$rdir/$rfile",$gd."objects/$rdir/$rfile");
if ($config{'redisobj'}) {
if ($r->is_success) {
$redisc->hset($config{'redis-good'}, $ref, 200);
} else {
$redisc->hset($config{'redis-bad'}, $ref, 404);
return $r;
sub getreq {
my ($file) = @_;
my $furl = $config{'url'}."/".$file;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $furl);
# Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
my $res = $ua->request($req);
return $res;
sub getrealreq {
my ($file) = @_;
my $res = getreq($file);
if ($res->is_success) {
if (not $config{'resp404correct'}) {
print STDERR "[d] got 200 for packs but checking content\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>1);
my $chopresp=substr($res->content,0,$config{'resp404size'});
if ($chopresp eq $config{'resp404content'}) {
print STDERR "[!] Not found for: 404 as 200\n"
if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
# return not found
my $r = HTTP::Response->new(404);
# $r = HTTP::Response->new( $code, $msg, $header, $content )
return $r;
return $res;
sub writefile {
my ($file, $content) = @_;
open(my $fh, '>', $file) or return undef;
print $fh $content;
close $fh;
sub getfile {
my ($file,$outfile) = @_;
if ($config{'newer'}) {
if (-e $outfile) {
print STDERR "[!] Not overwriting file: $outfile\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
my $r = HTTP::Response->new(200);
return $r;
my $furl = $config{'url'}."/".$file;
my $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $furl);
# Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
my $res = $ua->request($req);
if ($res->is_success) {
if (not $config{'resp404correct'}) {
print STDERR "[d] got 200 for $file, but checking content\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>1);;
my $chopresp=substr($res->content,0,$config{'resp404size'});
if ($chopresp eq $config{'resp404content'}) {
print STDERR "[!] Not found for $file: 404 as 200\n"
if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
my $r = HTTP::Response->new(404);
return $r;
print STDERR "[d] found $file\n" if ($config{'verbose'}>0);;
open (out,">$outfile") or die ("cannot open file: $!");
print out $res->content;
close (out);
} else {
print STDERR "[!] Not found for $file: ".$res->status_line."\n"
if ($config{'verbose'}>0);
return $res;
sub help {
print "DVCS-Ripper: rip-git.pl. Copyright (C) Kost. Distributed under GPL.\n\n";
print "Usage: $0 [options] -u [giturl] \n";
print "\n";
print " -c perform 'git checkout -f' on end (default)\n";
print " -b <s> Use branch <s> (default: $config{'branch'})\n";
print " -e <s> Use redis <s> server as server:port\n";
print " -g Try to inteligently guess name of packed refs\n";
print " -k <s> Use session name <s> for redis (default: random)\n";
print " -a <s> Use agent <s> (default: $config{'agent'})\n";
print " -n do not overwrite files\n";
print " -m mkdir URL name when outputting (works good with -o)\n";
print " -o <s> specify output dir\n";
print " -r <i> specify max number of redirects (default: $config{'redirects'})\n";
print " -s do not verify SSL cert\n";
print " -t <i> use <i> parallel tasks\n";
print " -p <h> use proxy <h> for connections\n";
print " -x brute force packed refs (extremely slow!!)\n";
print " -v verbose (-vv will be more verbose)\n";
print "\n";
print "Example: $0 -v -u http://www.example.com/.git/\n";
print "Example: $0 # with url and options in $configfile\n";
print "Example: $0 -v -u -p socks://localhost:1080 http://www.example.com/.git/\n";
print "For socks like proxy, make sure you have LWP::Protocol::socks\n";
exit 0;