#!/bin/bash # Shell script to disable (almost) all beeps on Crunchbang Linux # @author: Akshay Dandekar # @version: 0 (there will be no other) # This script is free - do whatever you want with it etc… # and I am not responsible for the outcome # Blacklist pcspkr if [ $(grep -c 'blacklist\ pcspkr' /etc/modprobe.d/pcspkr.conf) -eq 0 ] then echo 'blacklist pcspkr' | tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/pcspkr.conf rmmod pcspkr else echo "blacklist pcspkr in pcspkr configuration” fi #set PC speaker and PC Beep to mute on amixer amixer set 'PC speaker' 0% mute amixer set 'PC Beep' 0% mute # remove gtk application beeps if [ $(grep -c 'gtk-error-bell\ \=\ 0' /home/$1/.gtkrc-2.0.mine) -eq 0 ] then echo "gtk-error-bell = 0" >> /home/$1/.gtkrc-2.0.mine chmod 755 /home/$1/.gtkrc-2.0.mine else echo "gtk-error-bell already set to zero” fi # remove console beeps in X if [ $(grep -c 'xset\ b\ off' /home/$1/.config/openbox/autostart.sh) -eq 0 ] then echo "\n # remove console beeps in X –Added by $1 \nxset b off &” >> /home/$1/.config/openbox/autostart.sh else echo "console beeps already off in autostart script” fi # remove bash beeps sed -i 's/^#\ set\ bell\-style\ none/set\ bell\-style\ none/g' /etc/inputrc # remove console beeps from the system console if [ $(grep -c 'setterm\ -blength\ 0' /etc/profile) -eq 0 ] then echo "setterm -blength 0" >> /etc/profile echo "setterm -bfreq 0" >> /etc/profile else echo "console beeps already off in /etc/profile” fi # remove login sound from gdm if [ $(grep -c 'SoundOnLogin=False' /etc/gdm/gdm.conf) -eq 0 ] then sed -i 's/\[greeter\]/\[greeter\]\nSoundOnLogin\=False/' /etc/gdm/gdm.conf else echo "login sound already off from gdm” fi