#!/usr/bin/env bash # # git-sync # # sychronize tracking repositories # # 2012 by Simon Thum # Licensed as: CC0 # # This scrips intends to sync via git near-automatically # in "tracking" repositories where a nice history is not # crucial as having one. # # Unlike the myriad of scripts to do just that already available, # it follows the KISS principle: It is small, requires nothing but # git and bash, but does not even try to shield you from git. # # Mode sync (default) # # Sync will likely get from you from a dull normal git repo with trivial # changes to an updated dull normal git repo equal to origin. No more, # no less. The intent is to do everything that's needed to sync # automatically, and resort to manual intervention as soon # as something non-trivial occurs. It is designed to be safe # in that it will likely refuse to do anything not known to # be safe. # # Mode check # # Check only performs the basic checks sync checks for to # make sure the repository is in a state sufficiently "normal" # to continue syncing, i.e. committing changes, pull etc. without # losing any data. When check returns 0, sync can start immediately. # This does not, however, indicate that syncing is at all likely to # succeed. # command used to auto-commit file modifications DEFAULT_AUTOCOMMIT_CMD="git add -u ; git commit -m \"%message\";" # command used to auto-commit all changes ALL_AUTOCOMMIT_CMD="git add -A ; git commit -m \"%message\";" # default commit message substituted into autocommit commands DEFAULT_AUTOCOMMIT_MSG="changes from $(uname -n) on $(date)" # AUTOCOMMIT_CMD="echo \"Please commit or stash pending changes\"; exit 1;" # TODO mode for stash push & pop # # utility functions, some adapted from git bash completion # # echo the git dir __gitdir() { if [ "true" = "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree)" ]; then git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null fi } # echos repo state git_repo_state () { local g="$(__gitdir)" if [ -n "$g" ]; then if [ -f "$g/rebase-merge/interactive" ]; then echo "REBASE-i" elif [ -d "$g/rebase-merge" ]; then echo "REBASE-m" else if [ -d "$g/rebase-apply" ]; then echo "AM/REBASE" elif [ -f "$g/MERGE_HEAD" ]; then echo "MERGING" elif [ -f "$g/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD" ]; then echo "CHERRY-PICKING" elif [ -f "$g/BISECT_LOG" ]; then echo "BISECTING" fi fi if [ "true" = "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-git-dir 2>/dev/null)" ]; then if [ "true" = "$(git rev-parse --is-bare-repository 2>/dev/null)" ]; then echo "|BARE" else echo "|GIT_DIR" fi elif [ "true" = "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null)" ]; then git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code || echo "|DIRTY" # if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE-}" ]; then # git rev-parse --verify refs/stash >/dev/null 2>&1 && s="$" # fi # # if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES-}" ]; then # if [ -n "$(git ls-files --others --exclude-standard)" ]; then # u="%" # fi # fi # # if [ -n "${GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM-}" ]; then # __git_ps1_show_upstream # fi fi else echo "NOGIT" fi } # check if we only have untouched, modified or (if configured) new files check_initial_file_state() { local syncNew="$(git config --get --bool branch.$branch_name.syncNewFiles)" if [ "true" == "$syncNew" ]; then # allow for new files if [ ! -z "$(git status --porcelain | grep -E '^[^ \?][^M\?] *')" ]; then echo "NonNewOrModified" fi else # also bail on new files if [ ! -z "$(git status --porcelain | grep -E '^[^ ][^M] *')" ]; then echo "NotOnlyModified" fi fi } # look for local changes # used to decide if autocommit should be invoked local_changes() { if [ ! -z "$(git status --porcelain | grep -E '^(\?\?|[MARC] |[ MARC][MD])*')" ]; then echo "LocalChanges" fi } # determine sync state of repository, i.e. how the remote relates to our HEAD sync_state() { local count="$(git rev-list --count --left-right $remote_name/$branch_name...HEAD)" case "$count" in "") # no upstream echo "noUpstream" false ;; "0 0") echo "equal" true ;; "0 "*) echo "ahead" true ;; *" 0") echo "behind" true ;; *) echo "diverged" true ;; esac } # exit, issue warning if not in sync exit_assuming_sync() { if [ "equal" == "$(sync_state)" ] ; then echo "git-sync: In sync, all fine." exit 0; else echo "git-sync: Synchronization FAILED! You should definitely check your repository carefully!" echo "(Possibly a transient network problem? Please try again in that case.)" exit 3 fi } # # Here git-sync actually starts # # first some sanity checks rstate="$(git_repo_state)" if [[ -z "$rstate" || "|DIRTY" = "$rstate" ]]; then echo "git-sync: Preparing. Repo in $(__gitdir)" elif [[ "NOGIT" = "$rstate" ]] ; then echo "git-sync: No git repository detected. Exiting." exit 128 # matches git's error code else echo "git-sync: Git repo state considered unsafe for sync: $(git_repo_state)" exit 2 fi # determine the current branch (thanks to stackoverflow) branch_name=$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD) branch_name=${branch_name##refs/heads/} if [ -z "$branch_name" ] ; then echo "git-sync: Syncing is only possible on a branch." git status exit 2 fi # while at it, determine the remote to operate on remote_name=$(git config --get branch.$branch_name.remote) if [ -z "$remote_name" ] ; then echo "git-sync: the current branch does not have a configured remote." echo echo "git-sync: Please use" echo echo " git branch --set-upstream-to=[remote_name]/$branch_name" echo echo "replacing [remote_name] with the name of your remote, i.e. - origin" echo "to set the remote tracking branch for git-sync to work" exit 2 fi # check if current branch is configured for sync if [ "true" != "$(git config --get --bool branch.$branch_name.sync)" ] ; then echo echo "git-sync: Please use" echo echo " git config --bool branch.$branch_name.sync true" echo echo "to whitelist branch $branch_name for synchronization." echo "Branch $branch_name has to have a same-named remote branch" echo "for git-sync to work." echo echo "(If you don't know what this means, you should change that" echo "before relying on this script. You have been warned.)" echo exit 1 fi # determine mode if [[ -z "$1" || "$1" == "sync" ]]; then mode="sync" elif [[ "check" == "$1" ]]; then mode="check" else echo "git-sync: Mode $1 not recognized" exit 100 fi echo "git-sync: Mode $mode" echo "git-sync: Using $remote_name/$branch_name" # check for intentionally unhandled file states if [ ! -z "$(check_initial_file_state)" ] ; then echo "git-sync: There are changed files you should probably handle manually." git status exit 1 fi # if in check mode, this is all we need to know if [ $mode == "check" ] ; then echo "git-sync: check OK; sync may start." exit 0 fi # check if we have to commit local changes, if yes, do so if [ ! -z "$(local_changes)" ]; then autocommit_cmd="" config_autocommit_cmd="$(git config --get branch.$branch_name.autocommitscript)" # discern the three ways to auto-commit if [ ! -z "$config_autocommit_cmd" ]; then autocommit_cmd="$config_autocommit_cmd" elif [ "true" == "$(git config --get --bool branch.$branch_name.syncNewFiles)" ]; then autocommit_cmd=${ALL_AUTOCOMMIT_CMD} else autocommit_cmd=${DEFAULT_AUTOCOMMIT_CMD} fi commit_msg="$(git config --get branch.$branch_name.syncCommitMsg)" if [ "" == "$commit_msg" ]; then commit_msg=${DEFAULT_AUTOCOMMIT_MSG} fi autocommit_cmd=$(echo "$autocommit_cmd" | sed "s/%message/$commit_msg/") echo "git-sync: Committing local changes using ${autocommit_cmd}" eval $autocommit_cmd # after autocommit, we should be clean rstate="$(git_repo_state)" if [[ ! -z "$rstate" ]]; then echo "git-sync: Auto-commit left uncommitted changes. Please add or remove them as desired and retry." exit 1 fi fi # fetch remote to get to the current sync state # TODO make fetching/pushing optional echo "git-sync: Fetching from $remote_name/$branch_name" git fetch $remote_name $branch_name if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "git-sync: git fetch $remote_name returned non-zero. Likely a network problem; exiting." exit 3 fi case "$(sync_state)" in "noUpstream") echo "git-sync: Strange state, you're on your own. Good luck." exit 2 ;; "equal") exit_assuming_sync ;; "ahead") echo "git-sync: Pushing changes..." git push $remote_name $branch_name:$branch_name if [ $? == 0 ]; then exit_assuming_sync else echo "git-sync: git push returned non-zero. Likely a connection failure." exit 3 fi ;; "behind") echo "git-sync: We are behind, fast-forwarding..." git merge --ff --ff-only $remote_name/$branch_name if [ $? == 0 ]; then exit_assuming_sync else echo "git-sync: git merge --ff --ff-only returned non-zero ($?). Exiting." exit 2 fi ;; "diverged") echo "git-sync: We have diverged. Trying to rebase..." git rebase $remote_name/$branch_name if [[ $? == 0 && -z "$(git_repo_state)" && "ahead" == "$(sync_state)" ]] ; then echo "git-sync: Rebasing went fine, pushing..." git push $remote_name $branch_name:$branch_name exit_assuming_sync else echo "git-sync: Rebasing failed, likely there are conflicting changes. Resolve them and finish the rebase before repeating git-sync." exit 1 fi # TODO: save master, if rebasing fails, make a branch of old master ;; esac