Split Audiobook from Audible by web-player-listing

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Nemo 2020-05-01 08:51:05 +05:30
parent cb6803338f
commit c5227af2b8
1 changed files with 61 additions and 0 deletions

split-by-audible Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
This script generates split-audiobook files for each track using a copy-pasted version
of the Audible tracklist from the Audible web player
The file format is:
Chapter 2 title goes here
Chapter 3 title goes here
End Credits
This is exactly what you'll get if you copy-paste the listing from the web player.
Unfortunately, I've found that for very long Audiobooks, this isn't precise enough and the errors add up.
$startTime = 0;
$inputData = file($listing);
$endingDuration = '00:00:00';
$chapterId = 1;
function timeStampToSeconds($str_time) {
sscanf($str_time, "%d:%d:%d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
return isset($hours) ? $hours * 3600 + $minutes * 60 + $seconds : $minutes * 60 + $seconds;
for($i = 0;$i<count($inputData);$i++) {
// This chapter starts at the ending time of the previous one.
$startTime = $startTime + timeStampToSeconds($endingDuration);
// Get the chapter name
$chapter = trim($inputData[$i]);
// Get the ending time and advance the line
$endingDuration = trim($inputData[++$i]);
$endTime = $startTime + timeStampToSeconds($endingDuration);
$index = str_pad($chapterId, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$title = "$index - $chapter";
echo "$title ($startTime - $endTime)\n";
$filename = "$title.m4a";
`ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel panic -vsync 2 -i "$INPUT_FILE" -dn -sn -ss "$startTime" -to "$endTime" -vn -metadata title="$title" -acodec copy "$filename" </dev/null`