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2020-02-03 08:00:41 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# encoding: utf-8
imguralbum.py - Download a whole imgur album in one go.
Provides both a class and a command line utility in a single script
to download Imgur albums.
MIT License
Copyright Alex Gisby <alex@solution10.com>
import sys
import re
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import os
import math
from collections import Counter
help_message = """
Quickly and easily download an album from Imgur.
$ python imguralbum.py [album URL] [destination folder]
$ python imguralbum.py http://imgur.com/a/uOOju#6 /Users/alex/images
If you omit the dest folder name, the utility will create one with the same name
as the album
(for example for http://imgur.com/a/uOOju it'll create uOOju/ in the cwd)
class ImgurAlbumException(Exception):
def __init__(self, msg=False):
self.msg = msg
class ImgurAlbumDownloader:
def __init__(self, album_url):
Constructor. Pass in the album_url that you want to download.
self.album_url = album_url
# Callback members:
self.image_callbacks = []
self.complete_callbacks = []
# Check the URL is actually imgur:
match = re.match("(https?)\:\/\/(www\.)?(?:m\.)?imgur\.com/(a|gallery)/([a-zA-Z0-9]+)(#[0-9]+)?", album_url)
if not match:
raise ImgurAlbumException("URL must be a valid Imgur Album")
self.protocol = match.group(1)
self.album_key = match.group(4)
# Read the no-script version of the page for all the images:
fullListURL = "http://imgur.com/a/" + self.album_key + "/layout/blog"
self.response = urllib.request.urlopen(url=fullListURL)
response_code = self.response.getcode()
except Exception as e:
self.response = False
response_code = e.code
if not self.response or self.response.getcode() != 200:
raise ImgurAlbumException("Error reading Imgur: Error Code %d" % response_code)
# Read in the images now so we can get stats and stuff:
html = self.response.read().decode('utf-8')
self.imageIDs = re.findall('.*?{"hash":"([a-zA-Z0-9]+)".*?"ext":"(\.[a-zA-Z0-9]+)".*?', html)
self.cnt = Counter()
for i in self.imageIDs:
self.cnt[i[1]] += 1
def num_images(self):
Returns the number of images that are present in this album.
return len(self.imageIDs)
def list_extensions(self):
Returns list with occurrences of extensions in descending order.
return self.cnt.most_common()
def album_key(self):
Returns the key of this album. Helpful if you plan on generating your own
folder names.
return self.album_key
def on_image_download(self, callback):
Allows you to bind a function that will be called just before an image is
about to be downloaded. You'll be given the 1-indexed position of the image, it's URL
and it's destination file in the callback like so:
my_awesome_callback(1, "http://i.imgur.com/fGWX0.jpg", "~/Downloads/1-fGWX0.jpg")
def on_complete(self, callback):
Allows you to bind onto the end of the process, displaying any lovely messages
to your users, or carrying on with the rest of the program. Whichever.
def save_images(self, foldername=False):
Saves the images from the album into a folder given by foldername.
If no foldername is given, it'll use the cwd and the album key.
And if the folder doesn't exist, it'll try and create it.
# Try and create the album folder:
if foldername:
albumFolder = foldername
albumFolder = self.album_key
if not os.path.exists(albumFolder):
# And finally loop through and save the images:
for (counter, image) in enumerate(self.imageIDs, start=1):
image_url = "http://i.imgur.com/"+image[0]+image[1]
prefix = "%0*d-" % (
int(math.ceil(math.log(len(self.imageIDs) + 1, 10))),
path = os.path.join(albumFolder, prefix + image[0] + image[1])
# Run the callbacks:
for fn in self.image_callbacks:
fn(counter, image_url, path)
# Actually download the thing
if os.path.isfile(path):
print ("Skipping, already exists.")
urllib.request.urlretrieve(image_url, path)
print ("Download failed.")
# Run the complete callbacks:
for fn in self.complete_callbacks:
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = sys.argv
if len(args) == 1:
# Print out the help message and exit:
print (help_message)
# Fire up the class:
downloader = ImgurAlbumDownloader(args[1])
print(("Found {0} images in album".format(downloader.num_images())))
for i in downloader.list_extensions():
print(("Found {0} files with {1} extension".format(i[1],i[0])))
# Called when an image is about to download:
def print_image_progress(index, url, dest):
print(("Downloading Image %d" % index))
print((" %s >> %s" % (url, dest)))
# Called when the downloads are all done.
def all_done():
print ("")
print ("Done!")
# Work out if we have a foldername or not:
if len(args) == 3:
albumFolder = args[2]
albumFolder = False
# Enough talk, let's save!
except ImgurAlbumException as e:
print(("Error: " + e.msg))
print ("")
print ("How to use")
print ("=============")
print (help_message)