import os import markdown from .bookmark import Bookmark import html5lib from PyPDF3 import PdfFileWriter, PdfFileReader from PyPDF3.generic import FloatObject from pystitcher import __version__ import tempfile import logging _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) """ Main Stitcher class """ class Stitcher: def __init__(self, inputBuffer): self.files = [] self.currentPage = 1 self.title = None self.bookmarks = [] self.currentLevel = None self.oldBookmarks = [] self.dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath( # Fit complete page width by default DEFAULT_FIT = '/FitV' # TODO: This is a hack os.chdir(self.dir) text = md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=['attr_list', 'meta']) html = md.convert(text) self.attributes = md.Meta self.defaultFit = self._getAttribute('fit', DEFAULT_FIT) document = html5lib.parseFragment(html, namespaceHTMLElements=False) for e in document.iter(): self.iter(e) """ Get the number of pages in a PDF file """ def _get_pdf_number_of_pages(self, filename): assert os.path.isfile(filename) and os.access(filename, os.R_OK), \ "File {} doesn't exist or isn't readable".format(filename) pdf_reader = PdfFileReader(open(filename, "rb")) return pdf_reader.numPages """ Return an attribute with a default value of None """ def _getAttribute(self, key, default=None): return self.attributes.get(key, [default])[0] def _getMetadata(self): meta = {'/Producer': "pystitcher/%s" % __version__, '/Creator': "pystitcher/%s" % __version__} if (self._getAttribute('author')): meta["/Author"] = self._getAttribute('author') if (self._getAttribute('title')): meta["/Title"] = self._getAttribute('title') elif self.title: meta["/Title"] = self.title if (self._getAttribute('subject')): meta["/Subject"] = self._getAttribute('subject') if (self._getAttribute('keywords')): meta["/Keywords"] = self._getAttribute('keywords') return meta """ Iterate through the elements in the spine HTML and generate self.bookmarks + self.files """ def iter(self, element): tag = element.tag b = None if(tag=='h1'): if (self.title == None): self.title = element.text fit = element.attrib.get('fit', self.defaultFit) b = Bookmark(self.currentPage, element.text, 1, fit) self.currentLevel = 1 elif(tag=='h2'): fit = element.attrib.get('fit', self.defaultFit) b = Bookmark(self.currentPage, element.text, 2, fit) self.currentLevel = 2 elif(tag =='h3'): fit = element.attrib.get('fit', self.defaultFit) b = Bookmark(self.currentPage, element.text, 3, fit) self.currentLevel = 3 elif(tag =='a'): file = element.attrib.get('href') fit = element.attrib.get('fit', self.defaultFit) b = Bookmark(self.currentPage, element.text, self.currentLevel+1, fit) self.files.append((file, self.currentPage)) self.currentPage += self._get_pdf_number_of_pages(file) if b: self.bookmarks.append(b) def _existingBookmarkConfig(self): return self._getAttribute('existing_bookmarks') def _removeExistingBookmarks(self): return (self._existingBookmarkConfig() == 'remove') def _flattenBookmarks(self): return (self._existingBookmarkConfig() == 'flatten') """ Adds the existing bookmarks into the self.bookmarks list """ def _add_existing_bookmarks(self): self.bookmarks.sort() bookmarks = self.bookmarks.copy() if (self._removeExistingBookmarks() != True): for b in self.oldBookmarks: outer_level = self._get_level_from_page_number( if (self._flattenBookmarks()): increment = 2 else: increment = b.level level = outer_level + increment - 1 bookmarks.append(Bookmark(, b.title, level, bookmarks.sort() self.bookmarks = bookmarks """ Gets the last bookmkark level at a given page number on the combined PDF """ def _get_level_from_page_number(self, page): previousBookmarkLevel = self.bookmarks[0].level for b in self.bookmarks: #"testing: %s (P%s) [L%s]", b.title,, b.level) if ( > page): #"Returning L%s", previousBookmarkLevel) return previousBookmarkLevel previousBookmarkLevel = b.level return previousBookmarkLevel """ Recursive method to read the old bookmarks (which are nested) and push them to self.oldBookmarks """ def _iterate_old_bookmarks(self, pdf, startPage, bookmarks, level = 1): if (isinstance(bookmarks, list)): for inner_bookmark in bookmarks: self._iterate_old_bookmarks(pdf, startPage, inner_bookmark, level+1) else: localPageNumber = pdf.getDestinationPageNumber(bookmarks) globalPageNumber = startPage + localPageNumber - 1 b = Bookmark(globalPageNumber, bookmarks.title, level, self.defaultFit) self.oldBookmarks.append(b) """ Insert the bookmarks into the PDF file Ref: # TODO: Interleave this into the merge method somehow """ def _insert_bookmarks(self, old_filename, outputFilename): stack = [] pdfInput = PdfFileReader(open(old_filename, 'rb')) pdfOutput = PdfFileWriter() pdfOutput.cloneDocumentFromReader(pdfInput) for b in self.bookmarks: existingRef = None # Trim the stack till the top is useful (stack.level < b.level) while len(stack) > 0 and stack[len(stack)-1][0].level >= b.level: stack.pop() # If stack has something, use it if (len(stack) > 0): existingRef = stack[len(stack) - 1][1] bookmargArgs = [b.title,, existingRef, None, False, False,] + b.cords stack.append((b, pdfOutput.addBookmark(*bookmargArgs))) pdfOutput.addMetadata(self._getMetadata()) pdfOutput.write(open(outputFilename, 'wb')) """ Merge the PDF files together in order and iterate through the old bookmarks as we're reading them """ def _merge(self, output): writer = PdfFileWriter() for (inputFile,startPage) in self.files: assert os.path.isfile(inputFile), ERROR_PATH.format(inputFile) reader = PdfFileReader(open(inputFile, 'rb')) # Recursively iterate through the old bookmarks self._iterate_old_bookmarks(reader, startPage, reader.getOutlines()) for page in range(1, reader.getNumPages()+1): writer.addPage(reader.getPage(page - 1)) writer.write(output) output.close() """ Main entrypoint to generate the final PDF """ def generate(self, outputFilename, cleanup = False): tempPdf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".pdf", delete=False) self._merge(tempPdf) # Only read the additional bookmarks if we're not removing them if (not self._removeExistingBookmarks()): self._add_existing_bookmarks() self._insert_bookmarks(, outputFilename) if (cleanup):"Deleting temporary files") os.remove( else: # Why print? Because this is not logging, this is output print("Temporary PDF file saved as ",