import os import io import PyPDF3 from pystitcher.stitcher import Stitcher from pystitcher import __version__ import pytest from contextlib import redirect_stdout ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + "/../" """ Fixtures for the integration tests. Each test is a tuple consisting of 4 things: - input name (used as book-{name}.md) - total expected page count - A dictionary of expected metadata. Leave empty if nothing is set - A flattened list of expected bookmarks, with each bookmark as a tuple containing: - Title - Destination Page Number - Bookmark Level (default = 0) Each of the above 4 is passed to test_book as an argument """ TEST_DATA = [ ("clean",6, {'Author': 'Wiki, the Cat', 'Title': 'Super Jelly Book', 'Subject': 'A book about adventures of Wiki, the cat.', 'Keywords': 'wiki,potato,jelly'}, [('Super Potato Book', 0, 0), ('Volume 1', 0, 0), ('Part 1', 0, 1), ('Volume 2', 3, 0), ('Part 2', 3, 1)]), ("keep",6, {'Title': 'Super Potato Book'}, [('Super Potato Book', 0, 0), ('Volume 1', 0, 0), ('Part 1', 0, 1), ('Chapter 1', 0, 2), ('Chapter 2', 1, 2), ('Scene 1', 1, 3), ('Scene 2', 2, 3), ('Volume 2', 3, 0), ('Part 3', 3, 1), ('Chapter 3', 3, 2), ('Chapter 4', 4, 2), ('Scene 3', 4, 3), ('Scene 4', 5, 3)]), ("flatten", 6, {}, [('Super Potato Book', 0, 0), ('Volume 1', 0, 0), ('Part 1', 0, 1), ('Chapter 1', 0, 2), ('Chapter 2', 1, 2), ('Scene 1', 1, 2), ('Scene 2', 2, 2), ('Volume 2', 3, 0), ('Part 3', 3, 1), ('Chapter 3', 3, 2), ('Chapter 4', 4, 2), ('Scene 3', 4, 2), ('Scene 4', 5, 2)]), ("rotate", 9, {}, [('Super Potato Book', 0, 0), ('Volume 1', 0, 0), ('Part 1', 0, 1), ('Volume 2', 3, 0), ('Part 2', 3, 1), ('Volume 3', 6, 0), ('Part 3', 6, 1)]), ("min",3, {}, [('Part 1', 0, 0), ('Chapter 1', 0, 1), ('Chapter 2', 1, 1), ('Scene 1', 1, 2), ('Scene 2', 2, 2)]), ("page-select", 9, {}, [('Super Potato Book', 0, 0), ('Volume 1', 0, 0), ('Part 1', 0, 1), ('Chapter 1', 0, 2), ('Chapter 2', 1, 2), ('Scene 1', 1, 3), ('Volume 2', 2, 0), ('Part 2', 2, 1), ('Scene 2', 2, 2), ('Chapter 3', 2, 2), ('Chapter 4', 3, 2), ('Scene 3', 3, 3), ('Volume 3', 4, 0), ('Part 3', 4, 1), ('Scene 4', 4, 2), ('Chapter 1', 4, 2), ('Chapter 2', 5, 2), ('Scene 1', 5, 3), ('Volume 4', 6, 0), ('Part 4', 6, 1), ('Scene 2', 6, 2), ('Chapter 3', 6, 2), ('Chapter 4', 7, 2), ('Scene 3', 7, 3), ('Scene 4', 8, 3)]), ("headings", 9, {'Title': 'Heading 1'}, [('Heading 1', 0, 0), ('Part 1', 0, 1), ('Heading 2', 3, 1), ('Part 2', 3, 2), ('Heading 3', 6, 2), ('Part 3', 6, 3)]) ] def pdf_name(name): return "tests/%s.pdf" % name def render(name, cleanup=True): input_file = open("tests/" % name, 'r') output_file = "%s.pdf" % name stitcher = Stitcher(input_file) stitcher.generate(output_file, cleanup) # Switch back to main directory os.chdir(ROOT_DIR) return pdf_name(name) def flatten_bookmarks(bookmarks, level=0): """Given a list, possibly nested to any level, return it flattened.""" output = [] for destination in bookmarks: if type(destination) == type([]): output.extend(flatten_bookmarks(destination, level+1)) else: output.append((destination, level)) return output def get_all_bookmarks(pdf): """ Returns a list of all bookmarks with title, page number, and level in a PDF file""" bookmarks = flatten_bookmarks(pdf.getOutlines()) return [(d[0]['/Title'], pdf.getDestinationPageNumber(d[0]), d[1]) for d in bookmarks] @pytest.mark.parametrize("name,pages,metadata,bookmarks", TEST_DATA) def test_book(name, pages, metadata, bookmarks): output_file = render(name) pdf = PyPDF3.PdfFileReader(output_file) assert pages == pdf.getNumPages() assert bookmarks == get_all_bookmarks(pdf) info = pdf.getDocumentInfo() identity = "pystitcher/%s" % __version__ assert identity == info['/Producer'] assert identity == info['/Creator'] for key in metadata: assert info["/%s" % key] == metadata[key] def test_rotation(): """ Validates the book-rotate.pdf with pages rotated.""" output_file = render("rotate") pdf = PyPDF3.PdfFileReader(output_file) # Note that inputs to getPage are 0-indexed assert 90 == pdf.getPage(3)['/Rotate'] assert 90 == pdf.getPage(4)['/Rotate'] assert 90 == pdf.getPage(5)['/Rotate'] assert 180 == pdf.getPage(6)['/Rotate'] assert 180 == pdf.getPage(7)['/Rotate'] assert 180 == pdf.getPage(8)['/Rotate'] def test_cleanup_disabled(): f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): output_file = render("min", False) temp_filename = f.getvalue()[29:-1] assert os.path.exists(temp_filename) pdf = PyPDF3.PdfFileReader(temp_filename) assert 3 == pdf.getNumPages() assert [] == pdf.getOutlines() # Clean it up manually to avoid cluttering os.remove(temp_filename)