# pulse-in How many Indian government websites are using HTTPS? An attempt at tracking them using [18F/pulse](https://github.com/18F/pulse#setup). ## The data includes: 1. All sites listed at goidirectory.nic.in 2. All domains that have been issued a cert for a subdomain in the `*.gov.in` suffix 3. (TODO) All domains that have been issued a cert for a subdomain in the `*.nic.in` suffix ## Progress: 1. scraped goidirectory.nic.in 2. queried crt.sh naively 3. Ran `pshttt` on the list (scan is ongoing) ## TODO: - [ ] need to improve parser to use alternative names from certs - [ ] use censys.io, what pulse suggests ## License Licensed under the [MIT License](https://nemo.mit-license.org/).