const puppeteer = require('puppeteer-core'); const containerized = require('containerized'); const MY_PACKAGE_SELECTOR_ID = 'table[style="margin-top:-10px;"] tr:first-child+tr'; const DATA_SELECTOR = 'packagecol3'; const MY_ACCOUNT_URL = ''; const DATA_USAGE_REGEX = /\d+\.\d{0,2}/g; const KEYS = ['live', 'flexibytes']; var browser; async function getUsage() { const page = await browser.newPage(); let defaultMetric = { usedBytes: null, totalBytes: null, }; let metrics = { live: defaultMetric, flexibytes: defaultMetric, aggregate: defaultMetric, }; try { await page.goto(MY_ACCOUNT_URL); await; // Wait for the page to switch await page.waitForFunction( 'document.querySelector(".dtl-header-text").innerText === "My Package"' ); dataUsage = await page.evaluate(sel => { let elements = document.getElementsByClassName(sel); if (!elements || elements.length < 4) { return '0.00 0.00'; } let usage = { live: elements[3].innerText, aggregate: '0.00 GB (Quota 800.00 GB)', }; if (elements.length >= 6) { usage['flexibytes'] = elements[5].innerText; } return usage; }, DATA_SELECTOR); // ['0.00 GB (Quota 800.00 GB)', '102.58 GB(Quota 100.00 GB)'] => { dataUsage[key] = dataUsage[key] .match(DATA_USAGE_REGEX) .map(x => parseFloat(x) * Math.pow(10, 6)); }); dataUsage.aggregate = { usedBytes: 0, totalBytes: 0 }; => { dataUsage[key] = { usedBytes: dataUsage[key][0], totalBytes: dataUsage[key][1], }; dataUsage.aggregate.usedBytes += dataUsage[key].usedBytes; dataUsage.aggregate.totalBytes += dataUsage[key].totalBytes; }); metrics = dataUsage; } catch (e) { console.log("Couldn't scrape ACT page, faced an error"); console.log(e); return null; } finally { page.close(); return metrics; } } function chromeLaunchConfig() { let defaultArgs = []; if (containerized()) { defaultArgs = ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox']; } var options = { // These are set for Docker usage // args: defaultArgs.concat( process.env.hasOwnProperty('PROXY_SERVER') ? [`--proxy-server=${process.env['PROXY_SERVER']}`] : [] ), }; if (process.env.hasOwnProperty('DISABLE_HEADLESS')) { options.headless = false; } if (process.env.hasOwnProperty('CHROME_BIN')) { options.executablePath = process.env['CHROME_BIN']; } console.log('Launching Chrome with args:'); console.log(options); return options; } // Async IIFE FTW (async () => { browser = await puppeteer.launch(chromeLaunchConfig()); console.log('Browser Initialized'); })(); module.exports = { getUsage: getUsage, };