import pygit2 import os import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta import msgspec # Define the structure of the JSON data using msgspec class PowerbankData(msgspec.Struct): id: str totalAvailablePowerbanks: int # Function to check if a location has always had totalAvailablePowerbanks=0 def check_dead_location(commits, repo): all_locations = set() alive_locations = set() for commit in commits: try: tree = commit.tree if '_data/plugo.json' in tree: blob = repo[tree['_data/plugo.json'].id] file_content ='utf-8') data = msgspec.json.decode(file_content, type=list[PowerbankData]) for item in data: location_id = total_powerbanks = item.totalAvailablePowerbanks all_locations.add(location_id) if total_powerbanks != 0: alive_locations.add(location_id) except KeyError: pass return sorted(list(all_locations - alive_locations)) # Main function to iterate through commits and identify dead locations def main(): # Open the repository repo_path = '.' # Assuming the script is run from the root of the repository repo = pygit2.Repository(repo_path) # Determine the date range (last two weeks) today = two_weeks_ago = today - timedelta(weeks=2) # Collect commits within the date range commits = list(repo.walk(, pygit2.GIT_SORT_TOPOLOGICAL)) commits_within_range = [ commit for commit in commits if datetime.fromtimestamp(commit.commit_time) >= two_weeks_ago ] # Check for dead locations dead_locations = check_dead_location(commits_within_range, repo) # Write dead_locations to JSON file output_file = '_data/dead.json' with open(output_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(list(dead_locations), f, indent=2) print(f"Dead locations written to {output_file}") if __name__ == "__main__": main()