
359 lines
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2022-03-05 15:50:21 +00:00
layout: default
<table id="plugo-data">
<th>City, State</th>
<th>Location Type</th>
<th><span title="Number of Powerbanks">Count</span></th>
<th>Date Added</th>
{% assign locations =|sort:'state' %}
{% assign total = 0 %}
{% for row in locations %}
{% assign state_lower_case = row.state|downcase %}
<td>{{[city_lower_case] |}}, {{[state_lower_case] | default: row.state}}</td>
{% assign city_lower_case =|downcase %}
{% if row.floor!="NA"%}{{row.floor}}, {%endif %}
{% assign|strip %}
{% if w!="" %}<br><a href="{% if w contains 'http' %}{%else%}http://{%endif%}{{w}}" title="Website for {{|strip}}">🔗</a>{%endif%}
<a href="geo:{{}},{{row.lng}};z=19" title='Open in Maps Application'>🗺</a>
<td>{% if} <a href="tel:{{| strip}}" title="Link to call {{ | strip}}">{{| strip}}</a>{%endif%}</td>
<td>{{row.createdAt | date_to_string}}</td>
{% assign total = total|plus:row.totalAvailablePowerbanks %}
<!-- <td>{%if row.isVisible %}☑{%else%}❌{%endif%}</td> -->
{% endfor %}
<li>Total Available Powerbanks: {{total}}</li>
<li>Total Locations: {{locations|size}}</li>
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