# awesome-vcs [![Awesome](https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) ![version-control-everything](http://i.imgur.com/P0aDBIT.jpg) A curated list of awesome version control libraries. I like to keep everything under version control. This is a list of utilities that allow you to do that. Tools that help you keep data in plain-text (and version control yourselves) are permitted. **Note**: \* denotes that the linked item is not a library or tool, but an article or blog post. ## DNS - [clouddns](https://github.com/jhawthorn/clouddns) (Cloudfront) - [namesync](https://github.com/dnerdy/namesync) (Cloudflare) - [Terraform](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/) has providers for CloudFlare, UltraDNS, and PowerDNS ## Configuration - [etckeeper](https://github.com/joeyh/etckeeper) ## Terraform Terraform lets you manage a lot of things in version control, including: - Database Provisioning for [MySQL](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/mysql/index.html), [CouchDB](https://github.com/nicolai86/terraform-provider-couchdb), [InfluxDB](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/influxdb/index.html), and [PostgreSQL](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/postgresql/index.html). - DNS Setup for [PowerDNS](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/powerdns/index.html), [UltraDNS](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/ultradns/index.html), DNSimple, DNSMadeEasy, and DNS updates over RFC 2136. - Cloud Providers: + AliCloud + AWS + Azure + Google Cloud + Oracle Public Cloud + VMWare VSphere + DigitalOcean + Heroku + OpenStack + OVH + Scaleway + 1&1 + and many more... See https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/type/cloud-index.html - InfraStructure + Chef + Consul + Docker + Kubernetes + Nomad + RabbitMQ + Rancher + Vault + Version Control * BitBucket * GitHub * GitLab And a lot more. A full list of providers is at , and you can find community providers at ## Passwords - *[Question](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/559611/password-storage-in-source-control) on StackOverflow - *John Resig's [blog post](http://ejohn.org/blog/keeping-passwords-in-source-control/) - [pass](http://www.passwordstore.org/) - Standard unix password manager (encrypt, then commit). - [ansible-vault](https://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_vault.html) - Encrypted storage for ansible. - [sops](https://github.com/mozilla/sops) - Encrypts files for git. ## Dotfiles - *[dotfiles.github.io](https://dotfiles.github.io/) - List of various dotfile resources, curated by github - *[Arch Wiki Guide](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Dotfiles#Version_control) on using version control for dotfiles - [gnu stow](http://www.gnu.org/software/stow/) ## Editors - *[http://www.terminally-incoherent.com/blog/2012/03/12/putting-your-vim-files-under-version-control/](putting-your-vim-files-under-version-control) - [Editorconfig](http://editorconfig.org/) - Keep your coding styles in a .editorconfig file. ## Media - [Git Large File Storage](https://git-lfs.github.com/) - Replaces large fileswith text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server. Maintained by github ## Encrypted Storage - *[HN Thread](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8264496) for blackbox, with various alternatives suggested - [git-crypt](https://www.agwa.name/projects/git-crypt/) - git-crypt enables transparent encryption and decryption of files in a git repository - *[Blog post](http://dsernst.com/2015/06/09/git-crypt-is-git--encryption/) on git-crypt - [transcrypt](https://github.com/elasticdog/transcrypt) - transparently encrypt files within a git repository - [blackbox](https://github.com/StackExchange/blackbox) - use decryption keys per user, meaning that there is no single shared password ## Designers - [pixelapse](https://www.pixelapse.com/) - Visual version control and collaboration workflow - *[Adobe Version Cue](http://sixrevisions.com/project-management/the-ultimate-guide-to-version-control-for-designers/) - Blog post explaining version control to designers - [kactus.io](https://kactus.io/) - Version control for designers (Sketch+Git for now) ## Music - [lilypond](http://www.lilypond.org/features.html) - version control for sheet music. Think Latex for sheet music - [tunemachine](https://github.com/jez/tunemachine) - Version control for spotify playlists. ## Database - *Jeff Atwood's [blog post](http://blog.codinghorror.com/get-your-database-under-version-control/) ## Backups - [bup](https://github.com/bup/bup) - Very efficient backup system based on the git packfile format, providing fast incremental saves and global deduplication (among and within files, including virtual machine images) ## Writing - [Draft](https://draftin.com/) - Easy version control and collaboration for writers. - [Penflip](https://www.penflip.com/) - GitHub for *collaborative* writers. - [GitBook](https://www.gitbook.com/) - Book publishing platform based on git and markdown. ## Todo - [todo.txt](http://todotxt.com/) - Pretty well known text file format with applications on many platforms. - *[Todo list in version control](http://urasaru.org/post/19414431348/getting-my-todo-list-under-version-control) - Based on using notational velocity and tracking it in git. ## Food - [Fork the Cookbook](http://forkthecookbook.com/) - GitHub for recipes - [diy.soylent](https://diy.soylent.com/) - Soylent recipes can be tracked and include changelogs. They can also be forked. ## Diagrams & Flowcharts - [Web Sequence Diagrams](https://www.websequencediagrams.com/) - Generates imagess from your plain text descriptions. Has [an API](http://www.websequencediagrams.com/embedding.html) for plugin support, so you can embed easily. - [Kanga Modelling](https://kangamodeling.codeplex.com/) - UML diagram generator in plain text. Written in .NET - [yuml.me](http://yuml.me/) - Class UML diagrams, described in plain text, and easily embeddable. ## License [![CC0](http://i.creativecommons.org/p/zero/1.0/88x31.png)](http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)