// Note: Use ES5 only document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { // Get the list of hashes from local storage var storedHashes = localStorage.getItem('eventHashes'); var eventHashes = storedHashes ? JSON.parse(storedHashes) : []; // Get all
elements on the page var detailsElements = document.querySelectorAll('details'); // Add event listeners to track open/click events detailsElements.forEach(function (detailsElement) { detailsElement.addEventListener('toggle', function (e) { // Add viewed class to the target: // TODO: Fix if we use multiple classes. e.target.setAttribute('class', 'viewed'); // Get the data-hash attribute value var hash = detailsElement.getAttribute('data-hash'); // Check if the hash already exists in eventHashes array if (!eventHashes.includes(hash)) { // Add the hash to the eventHashes array eventHashes.push(hash); // Limit the eventHashes array to store only the last 100 events if (eventHashes.length > 100) { eventHashes.shift(); } // Store the updated eventHashes array in local storage localStorage.setItem('eventHashes', JSON.stringify(eventHashes)); } }); }); // Add "viewed" class to
elements with matching hashes detailsElements.forEach(function (detailsElement) { var hash = detailsElement.getAttribute('data-hash'); if (eventHashes.includes(hash)) { detailsElement.classList.add('viewed'); } }); // Set highlight words if(hw = document.getElementById('highlight-words')) { hw.value = (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("highlightWords"))||[]).join(","); // Dealing with Textarea Height function calcHeight(value) { let numberOfLineBreaks = (value.match(/\n/g) || []).length; let newHeight = Math.max(50,50+numberOfLineBreaks * 20); return newHeight; } hw.style.height = calcHeight(hw.value) + "px"; hw.addEventListener("keyup", () => { hw.style.height = calcHeight(hw.value) + "px"; }); } // Save settings if(document.getElementById('btn-settings-save')) { document.getElementById('btn-settings-save').addEventListener('click', function (e) { val = document.getElementById('highlight-words').value.split(",").map(function(x){return x.trim()}); localStorage.setItem('highlightWords', JSON.stringify(val)); // Flash save document.getElementById('btn-settings-save').value='Saved'; setTimeout(function(){document.getElementById('btn-settings-save').value='Save';}, 500); // Don't refresh page return false; }); } // Enable highlighting if(words = localStorage.getItem('highlightWords')) { var scriptTag = document.createElement('script'); scriptTag.setAttribute('src','/assets/mark.min.js'); scriptTag.async=scriptTag.defer = true; document.body.appendChild(scriptTag); scriptTag.onload = function() { var markInstance = new Mark(document.querySelector("main")); markInstance.mark(JSON.parse(words), {}); } } // Reset read articles if(reset = document.getElementById('btn-settings-reset')){ reset.addEventListener('click', function (e) { localStorage.setItem('eventHashes', JSON.stringify([])); // Flash reset e.target.value='All articles marked unread'; e.target.disabled=true; setTimeout(function(){e.target.value='Reset';e.target.disabled=false;}, 500); // Don't refresh page return false; }); } // Set checkboxes from local storage in settings.html let x = localStorage.getItem('hiddenTopics'); let hiddenTopics = x ? JSON.parse(x) : []; // Set hidden count in the button and show it. if (hiddenTopics && document.getElementById("hidden-notifier")) { document.getElementById("hidden-count").innerText = hiddenTopics.length; document.getElementById("hidden-notifier").style.display = "inline"; } for (let topic of hiddenTopics) { let topicCheckbox = document.querySelector(`#checkbox-hide-${topic}`); if (topicCheckbox) { topicCheckbox.checked = true; } } // Show hidden elements on clicking the button if (document.getElementById("hidden-notifier")) { document.getElementById("hidden-notifier").addEventListener('click', function (e) { document.getElementById('hidden-style').remove(); document.getElementById("hidden-notifier").style.display = "none"; }); } // On clicking checkbox, add it to localstorage let checkboxes = document.querySelectorAll('.checkbox-hide'); for (let checkbox of checkboxes) { checkbox.addEventListener('click', function (e) { let topic = e.target.value; let x = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('hiddenTopics')); hiddenTopics = new Set(x) if (e.target.checked) { hiddenTopics.add(topic); } else { hiddenTopics.delete(topic); } localStorage.setItem('hiddenTopics', JSON.stringify(Array.from(hiddenTopics))); }); } });