--- layout: article title: About This Site permalink: /about/ --- This site is a text-only minimal version of [Beatroot News](https://app.beatrootnews.com/) [[iOS](https://apps.apple.com/in/app/beatroot-news/id1618735924)], [[Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.beatrootnews.app)], a new news app by Freemedia Interactive Private Limited. It is maintained by [Nemo](https://github.com/captn3m0), and is meant as a minimal indian news website that you can check once a day, with a reading experience similar to reading your morning newspaper. This text-only version is unaffiliated with Beatroot News or Freemedia Interactive Private Limited. ## Curation Notes - Only articles from today and yesterday are shown. - Articles marked with ❖ are "syndicated" from an external media source[^1]. - The design is based on [NPR's](http://text.npr.org/) text-only website. - Trigger Warnings are shown in bold, prefixed to the article text. - The content is updated every 30 minutes. - There are no trackers or ads. ## Configuration - Read articles are marked in grey. You can reset read articles in Settings. - Highlight words can be configured in settings, and will be highlighted across all news articles and headlines. - You can hide specific topics under settings. ## Donate The project is open-source, and donations are welcome: - https://ko-fi.com/captn3m0 - https://liberapay.com/captn3m0 - https://github.com/sponsors/captn3m0 Alternatively, please donate to the Internet Freedom Foundation: https://internetfreedom.in/donate/ [^1]: List of sources considered as syndicated: PTI, Hindustan Times, Indian Express