require 'nokogiri' skip_classes = ['ebook-link-wrapper'] section_headers = [] section_headers[0] = "Section I: Introduction" section_headers[4] = "Section II: What’s A Story, and How Do You Find One?" section_headers[10] = "Section III: Your Feelings are Valid—and Powerful" section_headers[15] = "Section IV: What We Write About When We Write About Spaceships" section_headers[20] = "Section V: How to Use Writerly Tricks to Gain Unstoppable Powers" for i in Dir.glob('html/*.html') html = "" complete_html = Nokogiri::HTML(open(i)) page = complete_html.css('.entry-content') title = complete_html.css('.entry-title>a').inner_html[29..] started = ended = false page.children.each do |e| unless started if e.class != Nokogiri::XML::Text unless e.classes.include? 'frontmatter' started = true end end end if started # we don't need any empty tags trimmed = e.inner_text.gsub(/[[:space:]]/, '') if trimmed == "" next end if == "h3" if /Introduction/.match? e.inner_text = "h2" elsif /Section/.match? e.inner_text next elsif /Chapter/.match? e.inner_text = "h2" end end skip = (e.classes & skip_classes).size > 0 ended = true if e.matches?('.squib') if skip == false and ended == false html += e.to_s end end end fn = File.basename(i)"chapters/#{fn}", "w:UTF-8") do |f| f.write html end end html = """urls.txt").each_with_index do |url, index| title = url.strip.split('/')[-1] unless section_headers[index].nil? html += "


\n\n" end html +="chapters/#{title}.html", "r:UTF-8", &:read) end File.write("never-say-you-cant-survive.html", html) `pandoc --metadata title="Never Say You Can’t Survive" -o never-say-you-cant-survive.epub --epub-metadata=metadata.xml --epub-cover-image=cover.jpg never-say-you-cant-survive.html`