Nemo 7214355a89 [k8s] Adds kubelet, start stitching things together

1. etcd booting before bootkube meant I missed certs
2. etcd can run without certs, but managing docker network
   over static pod manifests might be tricky :fingers_crossed:
2019-01-27 02:49:55 +05:30

28 lines
542 B

variable "host_ip" {
description = "Host IP Address to bind etcd to"
type = "string"
default = ""
variable "data_dir" {
description = "Directory on host to mount to /etcd-data"
type = "string"
variable "bootkube_asset_dir" {
description = "bootkube render is run against this directory"
type = "string"
default = "/etc/kube-assets"
variable "node_name" {
description = "name of the etcd node"
default = "master"
variable "depends_on" {
default = []
type = "list"