resource docker_container "transmission" { name = "transmission" image = "${docker_image.transmission.latest}" labels = "${merge( local.traefik_common_labels, map( "traefik.frontend.auth.basic", "${var.basic_auth}", "traefik.port", 9091, ))}" ports { internal = 51413 external = 51413 ip = "${var.ips["eth0"]}" protocol = "udp" } volumes { host_path = "/mnt/xwing/config/transmission" container_path = "/config" } volumes { host_path = "/mnt/xwing/media/DL" container_path = "/downloads" } volumes { host_path = "/mnt/xwing/data/watch/transmission" container_path = "/watch" } upload { content = "${file("${path.module}/conf/transmission.json")}" file = "/config/settings.json" } env = [ "PGID=1003", "PUID=1000", "TZ=Asia/Kolkata", ] memory = 256 restart = "unless-stopped" destroy_grace_seconds = 10 must_run = true } resource "docker_container" "emby" { name = "emby" image = "${docker_image.emby.latest}" volumes { host_path = "/mnt/xwing/config/emby" container_path = "/config" } volumes { host_path = "/mnt/xwing/media" container_path = "/media" } labels = "${merge( local.traefik_common_labels, map( "traefik.frontend.rule", "${var.domain},emby.${var.domain}", "traefik.frontend.passHostHeader", "true", "traefik.frontend.auth.basic", "${var.basic_auth}", "traefik.port", 8096, ))}" memory = 2048 restart = "unless-stopped" destroy_grace_seconds = 10 must_run = true # 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