variable "image" { description = "docker image (with tag)" } variable "name" { description = "docker container name" } variable "ports" { description = "list of port mappings" type = "list" default = [] } variable "networks" { description = "list of networks" type = "list" default = [] } variable "restart" { description = "restart-policy" default = "unless-stopped" } variable "must_run" { description = "If true, then the Docker container will be kept running. " default = "true" type = "string" } variable "user" { description = "user" default = "" } variable "destroy_grace_seconds" { description = "Container will be destroyed after n seconds or on successful stop." default = 10 type = "string" } variable "command" { description = "command" default = [] } variable "entrypoint" { description = "entrypoint" default = [] } variable "env" { description = "environment variables" default = [] } variable "labels" { description = "labels" default = {} } variable "xpoweredby" { default = "X-Powered-By:Allomancy||X-Server:Blackbox" } variable "expose-web" { description = "Whether to expose the application on the web" default = "false" } variable "web-port" { description = "Port to expose using traefik" default = "80" type = "string" } variable "web-domain" { description = "Domain to use while exposing the application" default = "" type = "string" } variable "web-basicauth" { description = "Whether to add basic auth check on the application" default = "false" }