resource "docker_container" "airsonic" { name = "airsonic" image = "${docker_image.airsonic.latest}" restart = "unless-stopped" destroy_grace_seconds = 30 must_run = true # Unfortunately, the --device flag is not yet supported # in docker/terraform: # upload { content = "${data.template_file.airsonic-properties-file.rendered}" file = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk/jre/lib/" } # This lets the Jukebox use ALSA upload { content = "${file("${path.module}/conf/")}" file = "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk/jre/lib/" } volumes { host_path = "/mnt/xwing/config/airsonic2" container_path = "/config" } volumes { host_path = "/mnt/xwing/media/Music" container_path = "/music" } volumes { host_path = "/mnt/xwing/config/airsonic/playlists" container_path = "/playlists" } volumes { host_path = "/mnt/xwing/config/airsonic/podcasts" container_path = "/podcasts" } labels { "traefik.enable" = "true" "traefik.port" = "4040" "traefik.frontend.rule" = "${var.domain},airsonic.${var.domain}" "traefik.frontend.passHostHeader" = "true" } # lounge:tatooine env = [ "PUID=1004", "PGID=1003", "TZ=Asia/Kolkata", "JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx512m -Dserver.use-forward-headers=true -Dserver.context-path=/", ] } resource "docker_image" "airsonic" { name = "${}" pull_triggers = ["${data.docker_registry_image.airsonic.sha256_digest}"] } data "docker_registry_image" "airsonic" { name = "linuxserver/airsonic:latest" } data "template_file" "airsonic-properties-file" { template = "${file("${path.module}/conf/")}" vars { smtp-password = "${var.airsonic-smtp-password}" # db-password = "${var.airsonic-db-password}" } }