Drops headphones

This commit is contained in:
Nemo 2018-03-08 00:42:42 +05:30
parent 4b344fe764
commit 45f76a0602
6 changed files with 3 additions and 213 deletions

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@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ Issues I've faced/reported as a result of this project:
1. Airsonic HTTPS proxying is broken. Reported: https://github.com/airsonic/airsonic/issues/641. Turned out to be a known issue: https://github.com/airsonic/airsonic/issues/594.
2. Traefik docker backend security headers were broken with dashes. Reported at https://github.com/containous/traefik/issues/2493, and fixed by https://github.com/containous/traefik/pull/2496 :white_check_mark:
3. Headphones dies repeatedly with no error logs. Yet-to-report.
3. Headphones dies repeatedly with no error logs. Yet-to-report. (Already reported, fails due to classical artists)
4. Terraform doesn't parse mariadb version numbers. Report: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-mysql/issues/6. Got this fixed myself by filing a PR: https://github.com/hashicorp/go-version/pull/34. Another PR pending in the [provider](https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-mysql/pull/27) to bump the go-version dependency. :white_check_mark:
5. `elibsrv` didn't support ebook-convert, only mobigen. PR is at https://github.com/captn3m0/elibsrv/pull/1. I've to get this merged upstream for the next release.
6. `ubooquity` docker container doesn't let you set admin password: https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-ubooquity/issues/17. (Couldn't reproduce, closed) :white_check_mark:

View File

@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
nzb_downloader = 0
cue_split = 1
libraryscan = 1
music_encoder = 0
open_magnet_links = 0
preferred_quality = 0
customport = 5000
download_scan_interval = 5
preferred_bitrate = 320
destination_dir = /music
encodervbrcbr = cbr
xldprofile = ""
delete_lossless_files = 1
encoderquality = 2
autowant_all = 0
ignored_words = "WMA,FLAC"
freeze_db = 0
encoder_multicore_count = 0
keep_torrent_files = 0
http_root = /
download_dir = ""
http_proxy = 1
launch_browser = 0
http_username = ""
lossless_destination_dir = ""
mb_ignore_age = 365
file_underscores = 0
cue_split_flac_path = ""
lossless_bitrate_from = 0
do_not_override_git_branch = 0
include_extras = 0
samplingfrequency = 44100
http_host =
album_art_format = cover
encoder_path = ""
hpuser = ""
detect_bitrate = 0
enable_https = 0
check_github = 0
custompass = ""
mirror = musicbrainz.org
api_enabled = 0
correct_metadata = 1
customuser = ""
cue_split_shntool_path = /usr/bin/shntool
lastfm_username = captn3m0
autowant_upcoming = 1
config_version = 5
check_github_interval = 999999
customauth = 0
file_permissions = 0644
prefer_torrents = 1
encoderoutputformat = mp3
search_interval = 1440
preferred_bitrate_low_buffer = 0
ignore_clean_releases = 0
http_password = ""
usenet_retention = 1500
add_album_art = 1
headphones_indexer = 0
wait_until_release_date = 0
rename_files = 0
file_format = $Track - $Title
customhost = headphones.bb8.fun
interface = default
folder_format = $Artist/$Album
move_files = 1
cleanup_files = 1
replace_existing_folders = 0
preferred_bitrate_allow_lossless = 0
embed_album_art = 1
check_github_on_startup = 0
http_port = 8181
download_torrent_dir = /downloads
folder_permissions = 0755
official_releases_only = 0
magnet_links = 0
log_dir = /config/logs
update_db_interval = 24
git_path = ""
required_words = ""
advancedencoder = ""
numberofseeders = 5
torrentblackhole_dir = ""
cache_dir = /config/cache
blackhole = 0
libraryscan_interval = 300
keep_nfo = 0
preferred_bitrate_high_buffer = 0
https_cert = /config/server.crt
hppass = ""
customsleep = 1
api_key = ""
encoderlossless = 1
torrent_downloader = 0
torrent_removal_interval = 720
blackhole_dir = ""
keep_original_folder = 1
extras = ""
autowant_manually_added = 1
encoder_multicore = 0
encoderfolder = ""
preferred_words = ""
https_key = /config/server.key
encoder = ffmpeg
git_user = rembo10
bitrate = 192
music_dir = /music
auto_add_artists = 1
git_branch = master
embed_lyrics = 0
lossless_bitrate_to = 0
keep_torrent_files_dir = ""
file_permissions_enabled = 1
album_art_max_width = 512
album_art_min_width = 512
soft_chroot = ""
rename_unprocessed = 1
rename_frozen = 1
folder_permissions_enabled = 1
do_not_process_unmatched = 0
subsonic_host = ""
subsonic_password = ""
subsonic_enabled = 0
subsonic_username = ""
email_onsnatch = 0
email_smtp_password = ""
email_tls = 0
email_smtp_port = 25
email_smtp_server = ""
email_enabled = 0
email_smtp_user = ""
email_ssl = 0
email_to = ""
email_from = ""
verify_ssl_cert = 1
ignored_files = ,
journal_mode = wal
album_completion_pct = 80
ignored_folders = ,
cache_sizemb = 32
piratebay_ratio = 0.1
piratebay = 1
piratebay_proxy_url = https://duckingproxy.eu/
mpc_enabled = 0
xbmc_username = ""
xbmc_host = http://${var.ips["eth0"]}:8080
xbmc_enabled = 1
xbmc_update = 1
xbmc_password = ""
xbmc_notify = 1

View File

@ -101,9 +101,9 @@ sans = [
"falcon.bb8.fun", # Temporarily used for lidarr
"grafana.bb8.fun", # Unused

View File

@ -24,10 +24,6 @@ data "docker_registry_image" "wikijs" {
name = "requarks/wiki:latest"
data "docker_registry_image" "headphones" {
name = "linuxserver/headphones:latest"
data "docker_registry_image" "ubooquity" {
name = "linuxserver/ubooquity:latest"

View File

@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
resource "docker_container" "headphones" {
name = "headphones"
image = "${docker_image.headphones.latest}"
restart = "unless-stopped"
destroy_grace_seconds = 10
must_run = true
memory = 128
volumes {
host_path = "/mnt/xwing/config/headphones"
container_path = "/config"
volumes {
host_path = "/mnt/xwing/media/DL"
container_path = "/downloads"
volumes {
host_path = "/mnt/xwing/media/Music"
container_path = "/music"
upload {
content = "${file("${path.module}/conf/headphones.ini")}"
file = "/config/config.ini"
labels = "${merge(
"traefik.frontend.auth.basic", "${var.basic_auth}",
"traefik.port", 8181,
# lounge:tatooine
env = [

View File

@ -31,11 +31,6 @@ resource "docker_image" "mongorocks" {
pull_triggers = ["${data.docker_registry_image.mongorocks.sha256_digest}"]
resource "docker_image" "headphones" {
name = "${data.docker_registry_image.headphones.name}"
pull_triggers = ["${data.docker_registry_image.headphones.sha256_digest}"]
resource "docker_image" "ubooquity" {
name = "${data.docker_registry_image.ubooquity.name}"
pull_triggers = ["${data.docker_registry_image.ubooquity.sha256_digest}"]