2020-05-19 17:32:15 +05:30

35 lines
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// This file is part of
// and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems"
// by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press.
// File name: projects/12/Memory.jack
* This library provides two services: direct access to the computer's main
* memory (RAM), and allocation and recycling of memory blocks. The Hack RAM
* consists of 32,768 words, each holding a 16-bit binary number.
class Memory {
/** Initializes the class. */
function void init() {
/** Returns the RAM value at the given address. */
function int peek(int address) {
/** Sets the RAM value at the given address to the given value. */
function void poke(int address, int value) {
/** Finds an available RAM block of the given size and returns
* a reference to its base address. */
function int alloc(int size) {
/** De-allocates the given object (cast as an array) by making
* it available for future allocations. */
function void deAlloc(Array o) {