function 1 push constant 2 call Memory.alloc 1 pop pointer 0 push constant 0 pop local 0 push constant 0 pop this 1 push constant 9 call 1 pop this 0 label WHILE_EXP0 push local 0 push constant 9 lt not if-goto WHILE_END0 push local 0 push this 0 add push constant 0 pop temp 0 pop pointer 1 push temp 0 pop that 0 push local 0 push constant 1 add pop local 0 goto WHILE_EXP0 label WHILE_END0 push pointer 0 return function Board.isRowTaken 0 push argument 0 pop pointer 0 push argument 1 push constant 3 call Math.multiply 2 push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 push argument 2 eq push argument 1 push constant 3 call Math.multiply 2 push constant 1 add push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 and push argument 2 eq push argument 1 push constant 3 call Math.multiply 2 push constant 2 add push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 and push argument 2 eq if-goto IF_TRUE0 goto IF_FALSE0 label IF_TRUE0 push constant 0 not return label IF_FALSE0 push constant 0 return function Board.isColumnTaken 0 push argument 0 pop pointer 0 push argument 1 push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 push argument 2 eq push argument 1 push constant 3 add push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 and push argument 2 eq push argument 1 push constant 6 add push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 and push argument 2 eq if-goto IF_TRUE0 goto IF_FALSE0 label IF_TRUE0 push constant 0 not return label IF_FALSE0 push constant 0 return function Board.isWon 0 push argument 0 pop pointer 0 push pointer 0 push constant 0 push argument 1 call Board.isRowTaken 3 push pointer 0 push constant 1 push argument 1 call Board.isRowTaken 3 or push pointer 0 push constant 1 push argument 1 call Board.isRowTaken 3 or if-goto IF_TRUE0 goto IF_FALSE0 label IF_TRUE0 push constant 0 not return label IF_FALSE0 push pointer 0 push constant 0 push argument 1 call Board.isColumnTaken 3 push pointer 0 push constant 1 push argument 1 call Board.isColumnTaken 3 or push pointer 0 push constant 2 push argument 1 call Board.isColumnTaken 3 or if-goto IF_TRUE1 goto IF_FALSE1 label IF_TRUE1 push constant 0 not return label IF_FALSE1 push pointer 0 push argument 1 call Board.isDiagonalTaken 2 if-goto IF_TRUE2 goto IF_FALSE2 label IF_TRUE2 push constant 0 not return label IF_FALSE2 push constant 0 return function Board.isDiagonalTaken 0 push argument 0 pop pointer 0 push constant 4 push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 push argument 1 eq not if-goto IF_TRUE0 goto IF_FALSE0 label IF_TRUE0 push constant 0 return label IF_FALSE0 push constant 0 push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 push argument 1 eq push constant 8 push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 and push argument 1 eq if-goto IF_TRUE1 goto IF_FALSE1 label IF_TRUE1 push constant 0 not return label IF_FALSE1 push constant 2 push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 push argument 1 eq push constant 6 push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 and push argument 1 eq if-goto IF_TRUE2 goto IF_FALSE2 label IF_TRUE2 push constant 0 not return label IF_FALSE2 push constant 0 return function Board.winner 0 push argument 0 pop pointer 0 push pointer 0 push constant 1 call Board.isWon 2 if-goto IF_TRUE0 goto IF_FALSE0 label IF_TRUE0 push constant 1 return label IF_FALSE0 push pointer 0 push constant 2 call Board.isWon 2 if-goto IF_TRUE1 goto IF_FALSE1 label IF_TRUE1 push constant 2 return label IF_FALSE1 push constant 0 return function 2 push argument 0 pop pointer 0 push constant 0 pop local 0 push argument 1 push constant 3 call Math.multiply 2 push argument 2 add push this 0 add pop pointer 1 push that 0 push constant 0 eq not if-goto IF_TRUE0 goto IF_FALSE0 label IF_TRUE0 push constant 0 return label IF_FALSE0 push this 1 push constant 2 push this 1 push constant 2 call Math.divide 2 call Math.multiply 2 sub pop local 1 push local 1 push constant 0 eq if-goto IF_TRUE1 goto IF_FALSE1 label IF_TRUE1 push constant 1 pop local 0 goto IF_END1 label IF_FALSE1 push constant 2 pop local 0 label IF_END1 push argument 1 push constant 3 call Math.multiply 2 push argument 2 add push this 0 add push local 0 pop temp 0 pop pointer 1 push temp 0 pop that 0 push local 0 push constant 1 eq if-goto IF_TRUE2 goto IF_FALSE2 label IF_TRUE2 push argument 1 push argument 2 call Draw.DrawX 2 pop temp 0 goto IF_END2 label IF_FALSE2 push local 0 push constant 2 eq if-goto IF_TRUE3 goto IF_FALSE3 label IF_TRUE3 push argument 1 push argument 2 call Draw.DrawO 2 pop temp 0 label IF_FALSE3 label IF_END2 push pointer 0 push constant 1 call Board.isWon 2 if-goto IF_TRUE4 goto IF_FALSE4 label IF_TRUE4 push constant 0 not return label IF_FALSE4 push pointer 0 push constant 2 call Board.isWon 2 if-goto IF_TRUE5 goto IF_FALSE5 label IF_TRUE5 push constant 0 not return label IF_FALSE5 push this 1 push constant 8 eq if-goto IF_TRUE6 goto IF_FALSE6 label IF_TRUE6 push constant 0 not return label IF_FALSE6 push this 1 push constant 1 add pop this 1 push constant 0 return