// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/07/StackArithmetic/StackTest/StackTestVME.tst load StackTest.vm, output-file StackTest.out, compare-to StackTest.cmp, output-list RAM[0]%D2.6.2 RAM[256]%D2.6.2 RAM[257]%D2.6.2 RAM[258]%D2.6.2 RAM[259]%D2.6.2 RAM[260]%D2.6.2; set RAM[0] 256, // initializes the stack pointer repeat 38 { // StackTest.vm consists of 38 instructions vmstep; } // outputs the stack pointer (RAM[0]) and // the stack contents: RAM[256]-RAM[265] output; output-list RAM[261]%D2.6.2 RAM[262]%D2.6.2 RAM[263]%D2.6.2 RAM[264]%D2.6.2 RAM[265]%D2.6.2; output;