// This file is part of www.nand2tetris.org // and the book "The Elements of Computing Systems" // by Nisan and Schocken, MIT Press. // File name: projects/07/MemoryAccess/BasicTest/BasicTest.tst load BasicTest.asm, output-file BasicTest.out, compare-to BasicTest.cmp, output-list RAM[256]%D1.6.1 RAM[300]%D1.6.1 RAM[401]%D1.6.1 RAM[402]%D1.6.1 RAM[3006]%D1.6.1 RAM[3012]%D1.6.1 RAM[3015]%D1.6.1 RAM[11]%D1.6.1; set RAM[0] 256, // stack pointer set RAM[1] 300, // base address of the local segment set RAM[2] 400, // base address of the argument segment set RAM[3] 3000, // base address of the this segment set RAM[4] 3010, // base address of the that segment repeat 600 { // enough cycles to complete the execution ticktock; } // Outputs the stack base and some values // from the tested memory segments output;