from constants import Atom """ The grammar is defined by the following constructs: The top level object is called GRAMMAR, which is the grammar for a class. It is a instance of the Element class The element class contains a grammar element, which is always defined as a list for an element class. Inside this list, each element can be any of the following: - a token (denoted by a Keyword enum) - a bitwise mask of the Keyword enum to denote multiple possibilities - Another list, to denote zero-or-more of a inner-sequence - A tuple, to denote zero-or-one of a inner-sequence - A lambda denotes a non-terminal part of the grammar This is basically an attempt to translate Figure 10.5 from the book into a Python structure. """ class Sequence(list): def first(self): return self[0] class Element: # Usually I avoid inverted boolean variable names, but this is much cleaner def __init__(self, name, grammar): # Since Any derives from list, this ought to work assert(isinstance(grammar, list) or isinstance(grammar, dict)) = name self.grammar = grammar self.empty = False def first(self): if isinstance(self.grammar, list): return self.grammar[0] elif isinstance(self.grammar, dict): return list(self.grammar.keys())[0] def __repr__(self): return CLASSVARDEC = Element('classVarDec', Sequence([ # static|field type (, name)* ; Atom.STATIC | Atom.FIELD, Atom.INT | Atom.CHAR | Atom.BOOLEAN | Atom.IDENTIFIER, Atom.IDENTIFIER, # Zero or one of these [Atom.COMMA, Atom.IDENTIFIER], Atom.SEMICOLON ])) VARDEC = Element('varDec', Sequence([ Atom.VAR, Atom.INT | Atom.CHAR | Atom.BOOLEAN | Atom.IDENTIFIER, Atom.IDENTIFIER, # Zero or one of these [Atom.COMMA, Atom.IDENTIFIER], Atom.SEMICOLON ])) # Since these are not a non-terminal, we can just write it as a constant OP = Atom.PLUS | Atom.MINUS | Atom.MUL | Atom.DIV | Atom.AND | Atom.OR | Atom.GT | Atom.LT | Atom.EQ UNARY_OP = Atom.NOT | Atom.MINUS CONSTANT = Atom.TRUE | Atom.FALSE | Atom.NULL | Atom.THIS """ Pseudo-element to help define subroutine declarations """ RETURN_TYPES= Atom.INT | Atom.CHAR | Atom.BOOLEAN | Atom.IDENTIFIER | Atom.VOID # This is a flattened version of the Term structure TERM = Element('term', { (Atom.INTEGERCONSTANT,): None, (Atom.STRINGCONSTANT,): None, (Atom.TRUE,): None, (Atom.FALSE,): None, (Atom.NULL,): None, (Atom.THIS,): None, # unaryOp TERM (Atom.NOT,): Sequence([lambda: TERM]), (Atom.MINUS,): Sequence([lambda: TERM]), # (expression) (Atom.PAREN_OPEN,): Sequence([lambda: EXPRESSION, Atom.PAREN_CLOSE]), (Atom.IDENTIFIER,): { # array lookup (Atom.SQUARE_OPEN,): Sequence([lambda: EXPRESSION, Atom.SQUARE_CLOSE]), # Subroutine call, but with class name (Atom.DOT,): Sequence([ Atom.IDENTIFIER, Atom.PAREN_OPEN, lambda: EXPRESSIONLIST, Atom.PAREN_CLOSE ]), # Subroutine call, but to same class (Atom.PAREN_OPEN,): Sequence([ lambda: EXPRESSIONLIST, Atom.PAREN_CLOSE ]) } }) EXPRESSION = Element('expression', Sequence([TERM, [OP, TERM]])) EXPRESSIONLIST = Element('expressionList', Sequence([ (EXPRESSION, [Atom.COMMA, EXPRESSION]) ])) SUBROUTINE_CALL = [ (Atom.IDENTIFIER, Atom.DOT), Atom.IDENTIFIER, Atom.PAREN_OPEN, EXPRESSIONLIST, Atom.PAREN_CLOSE ] DO_STATEMENT = Element('doStatement', Sequence([SUBROUTINE_CALL,Atom.SEMICOLON])) LET_STATEMENT = Element('letStatement', Sequence([ Atom.IDENTIFIER, (Atom.SQUARE_OPEN, EXPRESSION, Atom.SQUARE_CLOSE), Atom.EQ, EXPRESSION, Atom.SEMICOLON ])) IF_STATEMENT = Element('ifStatement', Sequence([ Atom.PAREN_OPEN, EXPRESSION, Atom.PAREN_CLOSE, Atom.BRACE_OPEN, lambda: STATEMENTS, Atom.BRACE_CLOSE, # This is the tricky one ( Atom.ELSE, Atom.BRACE_OPEN, lambda:STATEMENTS, Atom.BRACE_CLOSE) ])) WHILE_STATEMENT = Element('whileStatement', Sequence([ Atom.PAREN_OPEN, EXPRESSION, Atom.PAREN_CLOSE, Atom.BRACE_OPEN, lambda: STATEMENTS, Atom.BRACE_CLOSE, ])) RETURN_STATEMENT = Element('returnStatement', Sequence([ (EXPRESSION), Atom.SEMICOLON ])) # Just a constant, since this isn't a non-terminal STATEMENT = { (Atom.LET,): LET_STATEMENT, (Atom.IF,): IF_STATEMENT, (Atom.WHILE,): WHILE_STATEMENT, (Atom.DO,): DO_STATEMENT, (Atom.RETURN,): RETURN_STATEMENT } STATEMENTS = Element('statements', Sequence([[STATEMENT]])) SUBROUTINE_BODY = Element('subroutineBody', Sequence([ # One or more variable declarations # `var type varName (, varName)* ;` Atom.BRACE_OPEN, [VARDEC], STATEMENTS, Atom.BRACE_CLOSE ])) # Parameter List = # ( # (type varName) (, type varName)* # )? # we use tuples for zero OR one of a sequence PARAMETER_LIST = Element('parameterList', Sequence([( Atom.INT | Atom.CHAR | Atom.BOOLEAN | Atom.IDENTIFIER, Atom.IDENTIFIER, # Zero or one of the following: [Atom.COMMA, Atom.INT | Atom.CHAR|Atom.BOOLEAN|Atom.IDENTIFIER, Atom.IDENTIFIER] )])) EXPRESSIONLIST.empty = PARAMETER_LIST.empty = True SUBROUTINEDEC = Element('subroutineDec', Sequence([ # (constructor | function | method) (void | type) subRoutineName '(' parameterList ')' # subroutineBody Atom.CONSTRUCTOR | Atom.FUNCTION | Atom.METHOD, RETURN_TYPES, Atom.IDENTIFIER, Atom.PAREN_OPEN, PARAMETER_LIST, Atom.PAREN_CLOSE, SUBROUTINE_BODY, ])) CLASS = Element('class', Sequence([ Atom.CLASS, Atom.IDENTIFIER, Atom.BRACE_OPEN, [CLASSVARDEC], [SUBROUTINEDEC], Atom.BRACE_CLOSE ]))