
603 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

namespace captn3m0\NandToTetris;
class CodeWriter {
function __construct($outputFile) {
$this->ic = 0;
$this->sourceLine = 0;
$this->file = fopen($outputFile, "w");
// We aren't inside a function by default
$this->fn = null;
// Write the preamble for the assembler
public function writeReturn() {
'D=M',// Popped value to D
// And then write it to *ARG = pop()
// SP=ARG+1
'M=D // @SP = ARG+1',
'M=D // Save LCL to R13',
// now we go restoring THAT, THIS, ARG, LCL
'A=D-1 // A=*LCL-1',
'D=M // D=*(*LCL-1)',
'@THAT // A=THAT',
'M=D // *that = *(*lcl-1)',
// now we restore THIS
'A=A-1 // A=*LCL-2',
'D=M // D=*(*LCL-2)',
'@THIS // A=THIS',
'M=D // *THIS = *(*lcl-2)',
// now we restore ARG
'A=A-1 // A=*LCL-3',
'D=M // D=*(*LCL-3)',
'@ARG // A=ARG',
'M=D // *ARG = *(*lcl-3)',
// now we restore LCL
'A=A-1 // A=*LCL-4',
'D=M // D=*(*LCL-4)',
'@LCL // A=LCL',
'M=D // *LCL = *(*lcl-4)',
// Now we hyperjump
'A=A-1 // A=*LCL-5',
'A=M // A=*(*LCL-5)',
'0;JMP // Jump to *(LCL-5)',
* Translates the "function" start.
* function $name $args
public function writeFunction($name, $numArgs) {
// This is used for labels within the current function
$this->fn = $name;
"($name) // function $name $numArgs",
// We write this once at the top
// And for subsequent loops, we can re-use
// the @SP call at the end where we bump the stack by 1
if ($numArgs > 0) {
// This is only required for the first argument
// For every argument in the function
// push a zero to the stack
for($i=0;$i<$numArgs;$i++) {
* Function call executed, save state and JUMP
public function writeCall(String $functionName, $numArgs) {
$label = bin2hex(random_bytes(16));
// push the label to top of the stack
"@$label // call $functionName $numArgs start",
$pushes = [
// TODO: optimize this by saving LCL, ARG
// then doing the SP-n-5 calculation (since that will be much faster)
// and then updating ARG
foreach ($pushes as $lookupRegister) {
"$lookupRegister // Read $lookupRegister to A",
"D=M // Put $lookupRegister to D",
"M=D // Save $lookupRegister to SP",
"M=M+1 // end $lookupRegister pushed to SP",
// Load current stackpointer to D
// and write it to LCL
'M=D // Update LCL=SP',
// Reduce D height times = numArgs+5
$height = $numArgs + 5;
for ($i=0; $i < $height; $i++) {
"D=D-1 // should repeat $height times",
// now D = SP-n-5
// now we need to write D to ARG
'@ARG // write D to ARG',
"@$functionName // Jump to $functionName",
"($label) // return back from function here (CALL ENDS)",
* Writes the preable to initialize the VM
private function writeInit() {
'@256 // init starts',
'M=D // initialized SP to 256',
'M=D // initialized @LCL to 3000',
'M=D // initialized @ARG to 4000, init ends',
$this->writeCall('Sys.init', 0);
function setInputFileName($inputFileName) {
$this->vm = basename($inputFileName, ".vm");
function nextSourceLine() {
$this->sourceLine += 1;
function __destruct() {
* Puts the closing non-terminating
* loop
function close() {
$endJump = $this->ic+1;
* Writes label X as (fnlabel)
function writeLabel(String $label) {
$globalLabel = $this->resolveLabel($label);
"($globalLabel) // end label $label",
* Generates a unique global label
* by using the current function name
private function resolveLabel(String $label) {
if($this->fn === null)
return "__GLOBAL__.$label";
return $this->fn . $label;
* Writes a unconditional jump statement
public function writeGoto(String $label) {
$globalLabel = $this->resolveLabel($label);
"0;JMP // end goto $label",
* Writes corresponding code for if-goto
* if value == true, goto X
* else keep executing
function writeIf(String $label) {
$globalLabel = $this->resolveLabel($label);
// Read top of the stack to D
"D;JNE // end if-goto $label",
2020-06-03 12:19:21 +00:00
function writeArithmetic(String $command) {
// Read top of stack to D
"@SP // ==== $command ====",
switch ($command) {
// TODO: Combine all the binary math commands into one
// And the unary math commands into one
case 'sub':
case 'add':
// But add it to previous D this time
case 'neg':
"M=-M // end $command",
$stackDecrease = false;
case 'not':
"M=!M // end $command",
$stackDecrease = false;
case 'and':
case 'or':
// TODO: Combine all the boolean commands
case 'lt':
$jumpPointer = $this->ic+11;
case 'gt':
$jumpPointer = $this->ic+11;
case 'eq':
$jumpPointer = $this->ic+11;
throw new \Exception("$command not Implemented", 1);
if ($stackDecrease) {
"M=M-1 // end $command"
private function write(Array $lines) {
foreach ($lines as $line) {
fwrite($this->file, "$line // (L{$this->sourceLine}:{$this->ic})\n");
if (substr($line, 0, 2) !== "//" and substr($line, 0, 1) !== "(") {
$this->ic += 1;
private function resolveTemp(Int $index) {
// Temp section starts from R5;
$tempBase = 5;
$ramAddress = $tempBase + $index;
return "@R$ramAddress";
function writePush(String $segment, Int $index) {
switch ($segment) {
case 'constant':
// Take the constant
"@$index // push $segment $index",
// Write it to D
case 'argument':
case 'local':
case 'this':
case 'that':
$register = $this->resolveSegmentToRegister($segment);
if ($index !== 0) {
$this->resolveSegmentToR13($segment, $index);
$register = "@R13";
case 'static':
$symbol = $this->resolveStatic($index);
case 'pointer':
$register = $this->resolvePointer($index);
"$register // pointer $index",
case 'temp':
$register = $this->resolveTemp($index);
"$register // temp $index",
throw new \Exception("Not Implemented $segment", 1);
// A=SP
// Write D to SP
// Bump Stack Pointer
"M=M+1 // end push $segment $index",
* Resolves a given segment to a register
private function resolveSegmentToRegister(String $segment) {
return [
'local' => '@LCL',
'argument' => '@ARG',
'this' => '@THIS',
'that' => '@THAT',
* For cases where we need calculations on both LHS and RHS, we temporarily
* store the resolved address of the memory segment to R13. This is the code
* that does that
private function resolveSegmentToR13(string $segment, Int $index) {
$register = $this->resolveSegmentToRegister($segment);
"$register // $segment $index" ,
"@$index // write $index to A",
"D=D+A // D = segment+index",
"@R13 // save it to R13",
"M=D // write $register+$index to R13",
* Static variables are just the same labels repeated again
* They are unique across a file
private function resolveStatic(Int $index) {
return "@{$this->vm}.$index";
private function writePop(String $segment, Int $index) {
switch ($segment) {
// The address is given by LCL+INDEX
case 'local':
case 'argument':
case 'this':
case 'that':
if($index !== 0) {
$this->resolveSegmentToR13($segment, $index);
$lookupRegister = '@R13';
} else{
$lookupRegister = $this->resolveSegmentToRegister($segment);
"@SP // pop",
"A=M // Read $lookupRegister to A (for $segment $index)",
"M=D // end pop $segment $index",
case 'static':
$symbol = $this->resolveStatic($index);
"@SP //pop $segment $index",
"M=D // end pop $segment $index"
case 'pointer':
// pointer points to a 2 register segment holding [this, that]
$register = $this->resolvePointer($index);
"@SP // pop",
"M=D //"
case 'temp':
$tempRegister = $this->resolveTemp($index);
"M=D // end pop temp $index"
throw new \Exception("Not implemented pop $segment");
* Resolves pointer [0|1] to the this|that register
private function resolvePointer(Int $index) {
return $index == 0 ? '@THIS' : '@THAT';
// Keeping this because book asked me to
function writePushPop(Int $command, String $segment , Int $index) {
switch ($command) {
case CommandType::PUSH:
$this->writePush($segment, $index);
case CommandType::POP:
$this->writePop($segment, $index);
throw new Exception("Invalid Command Type", 1);