require "crest" require "./errors/*" require "myhtml" module Muse::Dl class Fetch USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36" HEADERS = { "User-Agent" => USER_AGENT, "Accept" => "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8", "Accept-Language" => "en-US,en;q=0.5", "Connection" => "keep-alive", } def self.chapter_file_name(id : String, tmp_path : String) "#{tmp_path}/chapter-#{id}.pdf" end def self.cleanup(tmp_path : String, id : String) fns = chapter_file_name(id, tmp_path) File.delete(fns) if File.exists?(fns) end def self.save_chapter(tmp_path : String, chapter_id : String, chapter_title : String, cookie : String | Nil = nil, add_bookmark = true) final_pdf_file = chapter_file_name chapter_id, tmp_path tmp_pdf_file = "#{final_pdf_file}.tmp" if File.exists? final_pdf_file puts "#{chapter_id} already downloaded" return end # TODO: Remove this hardcoding, and make this more generic by generating it within the Book class url = "{chapter_id}/pdf" headers = HEADERS.merge({ "Referer" => "{chapter_id}%2Fpdf", }) if cookie headers["Cookie"] = cookie end # TODO: Add validation for the downloaded file (should be PDF) Crest.get(url, max_redirects: 0, handle_errors: false, headers: headers) do |response| # puts response.headers["Content-Type"] content_type = response.headers["Content-Type"] if content_type.is_a? String if /html/.match content_type puts response response.body_io.each_line do |line| # # # Errors are Unable to determine page runs / Unable to construct chapter PDF if /Unable to/.match line raise end end end end, "w") do |file| IO.copy(response.body_io, file) end end pdftk = tmp_path pdftk.strip_first_page tmp_pdf_file if add_bookmark # Run pdftk and add the bookmark to the file pdftk.add_bookmark tmp_pdf_file, chapter_title.strip end # Now we can move the file to the proper PDF filename File.rename tmp_pdf_file, final_pdf_file puts "Downloaded #{chapter_id}" end def self.get_info(url : String) : Muse::Dl::Thing | Nil match = /https:\/\/\/(book|journal)\/(\d+)/.match url if match begin response = Crest.get(url).to_s case match[1] when "book" return response when "journal" return response end rescue ex : Crest::NotFound raise end else raise end end end end