require "option_parser" require "dir" module Muse::Dl class Parser @bookmarks = true @tmp : String @cleanup = true @output = DEFAULT_FILE_NAME @url : String | Nil @input_pdf : String | Nil @clobber = false @input_list : String | Nil @cookie : String | Nil @h : Bool | Nil DEFAULT_FILE_NAME = "tempfilename.pdf" getter :bookmarks, :tmp, :cleanup, :output, :url, :input_pdf, :clobber, :input_list, :cookie setter :url # Update the output filename unless we have a custom one passed def output=(output_file : String) @output = output_file unless @output != DEFAULT_FILE_NAME end def reset_output_file @output = DEFAULT_FILE_NAME end def find_next(arg : Array(String), flag : String, default) search = arg.index flag if search return arg[search + 1] end return default end def initialize(arg : Array(String) = [] of String) @tmp = Dir.tempdir @input_pdf = nil parser = parser.banner = <<-EOT Usage: muse-dl [--flags] [URL|INPUT_FILE] URL: A link to a book on the Project MUSE website, eg INPUT_FILE: Path to a file containing a list of links EOT parser.on(long_flag = "--no-cleanup", description = "Don't cleanup temporary files") { @cleanup = false } parser.on(long_flag = "--tmp-dir PATH", description = "Temporary Directory to use") { |path| @tmp = path } parser.on(long_flag = "--output FILE", description = "Output Filename") { |file| @output = file } parser.on(long_flag = "--no-bookmarks", description = "Don't add bookmarks in the PDF") { @bookmarks = false } parser.on(long_flag = "--input-pdf INPUT", description = "Input Stitched PDF. Will not download anything") { |input| @input_pdf = input } parser.on(long_flag = "--clobber", description = "Overwrite the output file, if it already exists. Not compatible with input-pdf") { @clobber = true } parser.on(long_flag = "--cookie COOKIE", description = "Cookie-header") { |cookie| @cookie = cookie } parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help") { @h = true; puts parser } parser.unknown_args do |args| if args.size != 1 # Prevent showing helptext twice puts parser unless @h exit 1 end if File.exists? args[0] @input_list = args[0] @input_pdf = nil else @url = args[0] end end parser.invalid_option do |flag| STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{flag} is not a valid option." STDERR.puts parser exit(1) end parser.parse(arg) end end end