require "./" require "./" require "./" module Muse::Dl class Issue @id : String @title : String | Nil @articles : Array(Muse::Dl::Article) @url : String @info : Hash(String, String) @summary : String | Nil @publisher : String | Nil @volume : String | Nil @number : String | Nil @date : String | Nil @issues : Array(Muse::Dl::Issue) getter :id, :title, :articles, :url, :summary, :publisher, :info, :volume, :number, :date def initialize(id : String) @id = id @url = "{id}" @info = Hash(String, String).new @articles = [] of Muse::Dl::Article @issues = [] of Muse::Dl::Issue end def parse html = Crest.get(url).to_s h = html @info = InfoParser.infobox(h) @title = InfoParser.issue_title(h) @summary = InfoParser.summary(h) @publisher = InfoParser.journal_publisher(h) parse_title parse_contents(h) end def parse_title t = @title unless t.nil? @volume = /Volume (\d+)/.match(t).try &.[1] @number = /Number (\d+)/.match(t).try &.[1] @date = /((January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December) (\d+))/.match(t).try &.[1] end end def parse_contents(myhtml : Myhtml::Parser) myhtml.css("#available_issues_list_text a").each do |a| link = a.attribute_by("href").to_s matches = /\/issue\/(\d+)/.match link if matches @issues.push matches[1] end end end end end